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Visiting Upper Silesia. Dictionary for foreigners. P o l I s h. E n g li s h.
Visiting Upper Silesia Dictionary for foreigners PolIsh English „Visiting Upper Silesia: Dictionary For Foreigners” was created in order to help foreigners with communication in Silesian region. I added here some photos, because I wanted to show more than just vocabulary. I hope that those words placed here will be useful for you and that your spend in Upper Silesia will be enjoyful. Let's start... „Vistiting Upper Silesia: Dictionary for Foreigners” został stworzony dla obcokrajowców, by pomóc im w porozumiewaniu się na Górnym Śląsku. Dodałam kilka zdjęć, aby pokazać więcej niż samo słownictwo. Mam nadzieję, że umieszczone tu słowa będą przydatne, a pobyt na Śląsku przyjemny. Maja Łukawska
A B C D E F G H I J K L Ł M N O P R S T U W Z Ż B A D Y K O S T I U m ajntopf Bajtel Al Bajs Alać sie Bratkartofle Ancug Bożo Krówka Apulzyna badnóńć (sie), luknóńć –to have a look at sth badykostium –cloth. swimming costume bajs –mouthful, bite; bajsnóńć –verb.to bite. Moga się tego bajsnóńć? - Can I have a bite of it? bajtel –little boy bajtlik – wallet bajzel – mess, untidiness banka –transp. tram, tramacar bożo krówka – ladybird bratkartofle – eat.fried potatos, popular in Upper Silesia bryle - glasses, spectacles. Kaj som moje bryle? - Where are my spectacles? ajntop, ajntopf, ańtop – eat.vegetable soup.Usually when you eat ajntopf, you have only one meal for dinner. al – eat. eel alać sie – relax. to sunbathe, to get a tan. Idymy na plaża sie alać - We’re going sunbathing on the beach. alować – relax. to rest, to have a rest, to relax, to be on holiday ancug, gangol – cloth. suit antryj – home. hall (usually at home, non-oficial) ajnlauf – cook. special kind of dough, that is put into a soup instead of pasta, popular in Upper Silesia apluzyna, apluzina, apfelzina – an orange
A B C D E F G H I J K L Ł M N O P R S T U W Z Ż Familijo Fana Dorta Cera Drach Ef D Z I Y W K A Chrobok Elefant Ef – Germany; Oni som z Efu – Thay came from Germany. egzorta – a preach, when somebody preaches you, you say that you received ‘egzorta’ elefant – an elephant elwer – an unemplyed person, somebody who looks for a job fach – a profession familijo – a family fana – a flag farorz – a priest fater – father, daddy, dad flek – a stain fligier – a plane, aeroplane cera – doughter cetnar – 50 kilos; Kupili wczorej centar kartofli. They bought 50 kilos of potatoes yestarday. chichrać sie – to lough chrobok – a worm cyganić – to lie dorta, torta – a cake dostać na gowa – to go mad drach – a kite, something a child plays with dufać se – to ponder dych – a breath dzieć – a child dziywka – a young woman
A B C D E F G H I J K L Ł M N O P R S T U W Z Ż Galoty Hajer Hamster Glacok Gardiny Heksa Geszynk Heft haja – a row,a quarrel, an argument hajer – a miner hamster – a hamster hanys – (synonym of Ślązok) – a person which lives on silesia heft - a notebook heksa, hyrpa – witch, loud and problematic person – female only, especially older ladies galoty –trousers, pants gardina – a net curtain geszynk – a gift glaca –a pate, a chromedome gorol, gorok, górol – someone not from Upper Silesia, highlander gro i buczy-pharase„everything is ok.”, fine and dandy gybis – a jaw
A B C D E F G H I J K L Ł M N O P R S T U W Z Ż Kamela IZBA Keta Jedla Jegła Klapsznita Koło idzie- it is possible, it can be done; No idzie ino trzeba chcieć! – It’s possibile if you want to do it. ino- only ipi- "miec ipi" –phrase. To loose one’s mind; When you say that someone is stupid, you use the phrase ‘mieć ipi’; Ón mo ipi – He’s crazy. izba - a room Ja- yes; Tyś jest Ana, ja?- You’re Anne, yeah?; Mosz bómbona?-Ja mom. – Do you have a candy? Yes, I do. Jedla – a fir Jegła – a needle kajś, kajsik- somewhere kamela– a camel karlus- bachelor Kasper Ololo–name. 1.a fantastic firgure, a puppet 2. used while talking about someone strange in strange clothes, someone who’s funny; Ón jest taki Kasper Ololo – He’s funny and strangekelnia- a ladleketa– a bransolette kibel -a bucket klachać- to gossip,jabberklapsznita- two slices of bread, between them you put some ham or cheese koło- a bikekusik -a kiss
The Post Office Stadion Śląski (The stadium) Wolności Street- the most popular street in CHorzów Spodek The city centre hotels Upper Silesia is situated in the southern Poland. The capital of that region is Katowice. Here, I would like to show you some photos: Chorzów…
A B C D E F G H I J K L Ł M N O P R S T U W Z Ż Leluja 8 Mantel Łosim Maszkety Modro Kapusta larmo- noiselegnóńć sie - to hit the sackleluja- lily, water lilyluft - air lynić sie- to get bold, moult łosim – eight, 8łosprawiać- to tell, tonarratełónaczyć - to do sth makówki– a meal consists of poppy, served during CHristmas Evemalyrz- decoratormantel- coatmaszkety- sweets,candiesmiec recht – to be rightmodro kapusta – red cabbage, very popular in Upper Silesia muter- mum, mother
A B C D E F G H I J K L Ł M N O P R S T U W Z Ż Ober Naszporować Niymoc Oma Ojla Nynać Nudle Opa na – often in use while talking to somebody you know well. take it, here you are; Na, weź se bómbóna – Here you are, take a sweet! na wiyrchu – phrase. upstairs, something you have on the second floor nafilować – to fill something with naszporować – to save money nasztalować – to set something (a clock etc.) nazod – to come back; Wróć nazod gibko – Come back quickly. nerwować sie – to get nervous niymoc – a disease, an illness nudle – pasta, something you eat a soup with inside nynać – to sleep obalić sie – to fall; Obalił sie wczorej i go noga boli – He fell yesterday and his leg is aching. ober – a waiter oberiba – a kohlrabi obkidany – dirty, when you have a stain you can say you are ‘obkidany’ oblykać sie – to dress ojla – 1.an owl, 2. a bump oma – grandmother opa – grandfather organki – a harmonica
A B C D E F G H I J K L Ł M N O P R S T U W Z Ż Radiska Papagaj Policyjo Ring Pierón Ptok Robota Rzykać padać- to say something (ón pado, że niy momy w doma sztromu – He says that we don’t have current at home) pana – a puncture papagaj – a parrot parfin – a perfume pierón – a thunder pojeść sie – to eat one’s fill; Ale żech sie pojodł – I have eaten my fill. poklupać – to knock policyjo – the police ptok – a bird puding – a pudding pukel – a hump pyrtek – a little boy (used while joking) radiska – a radish raja – a queue, crowd of people rajfeszlus – a zip rajzyfiber – when you are excited befora a journey, you say that you have ‘rajzyfiber’; excitement before a journey recht – rightness; Mosz recht – You’re right. ring – a circle robota – a job, a profession, a place where you work; Ida do roboty. – I’m going to work. ryma – a cold, little illness rzykać – to pray
Mickiewicz Street Mickiewicz Street The City Center The City Center The City Center The City Center The City Center Here I want to present some more photos, which were taken in Upper Silesia. Gliwice Bytom…
A B C D E F G H I J K L Ł M N O P R S T U W Z Ż Tasia Siyrotka Tej Syr Smażónka Szekulada Tómata Tyta Szlajfa tasia – a bag, a handbag tej – tea tómata – a tomato tukej – here tulpa – a tulip tyrać – to runtyta – a paper bag uciecha – joy ustrzic – to cut uwarzić – to cook something uwijać sie – to hurry uż – now, already siyń – a hall at home siyrotka – a pansy smażónka - scrambled eggs smyntorz – a graveyard stracić sie – to get lost syr – cheese szac – fiancé szekulada – chocolate szalajer – a veil szlajfa – a ribbon szynk – a pub
A B C D E F G H I J K L Ł M N O P R S T U W Z Ż Zbónek Wóngiel Westa Zol Wuszt Zopaska Żyniaty Wieprzki wdóma – at home westa – a vest wieprzki – gooseberry Wilijo – a Chrismas Eve wóngiel – coal wodziónka – eat. a soup consists of water, garlic and some bread wurszt – a sausagge wypucowany – clean wysznupać – to find something, to find out wywóniać – to smell zabulić – to pay zbónek – a coffe pot, a vase zofa – a sofa zol – a floor zołza – unpleasent woman zopaska – a kitchen apron żadny – awful żodyn – noone żyniaty – a married man
Marek Tomek …aproblem appeared… Imagine this situation: two boys met on holidays. Marek and Tomek. Marek is from Katowice (Upper Silesia) while Tomek is from Warsaw.They liked each other, but suddenly… And… That problem was called ‘a bucket’ …
Marek Tomek z pomocą "Małego Słownika Gwary Górnego Śląska" TOM I Bożena Cząstka-Szymon Jerzy Ludwig Helena Synowiec Wiaderko The problem is that: Tomek didn’t understand the silesian word ‘kibelek’, while, on the other hand, marek didn’t know what’s ‘wiaderko’. It’s good to know Silesian… Oddawej mi ten kibelek! O czym ty mówisz, to przecież wiaderko. Wiaderko autor: Maja Łukawska uczennica klasy III - Gimnazjum im. Jana Kochanowiskiego w Chorzowie Oddaj mi to wiaderko! Nie fandzol mi sam. Oddawej ten kibelek! Kibelek KONIEC THE END Wiaderko Kibelek Kibelek