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Optimising Vaccine Uptake

Optimising Vaccine Uptake. However, this year has a few changes to the standard programme…. Uptake Targets. The uptake targets for the Seasonal Flu Programme 2010 – 2011 are:- Under 65s “At Risk” : the uptake target is 60% (as per last year)

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Optimising Vaccine Uptake

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  1. Optimising Vaccine Uptake

  2. However, this year has a few changes to the standard programme…..

  3. Uptake Targets The uptake targets for the Seasonal Flu Programme 2010 – 2011 are:- • Under 65s “At Risk”: the uptake target is 60% (as per last year) • Over 65s: the uptake target has been increased from 70 to 75%. Last year, NHS GGC achieved: • Under 65s “At Risk”: 55.6% however, ranged from 29 - 100% • 136 practices out of 270 (50.4%) below the average. • Over 65s: 75% however, ranged from 55 - 94% • 124 practices out of 266 (46.6%) below the average.

  4. Optimising Vaccine Uptake • The following recommendations have therefore been developed following: • Pilot studies in NHS Borders and NHS Lanarkshire. • Interviews with lowest and highest uptake practices in GGC. • Best practice suggestions from Primary Care colleagues in GGC. • Public Health experience of running national immunisation programmes. • And finally, a wee peek at the latest CMO letter (1st September, Annex E).

  5. 1. Clinic Approach • Dedicated seasonal flu vaccination clinics within the practice as the main method of vaccine roll-out, with “opportunistic immunisation” only as a “mop up” approach. Ensures a focussed effort and achieving “mass immunisation” in one go. • Separate clinics for those with complex vaccine schedules e.g. children Under 5 “At Risk” and immunocompromised patients. Avoids confusion. • Implement an appointment structure. Appointments tend to encourage patients to attend rather than “open clinics”.

  6. 2. Inviting Patients to Clinics • Invite by Letter • A recent pilot project in NHS Lanarkshire and NHS Borders has demonstrated that uptake can be significantly improved by an invitation letter from the practice to those who are eligible. • Letters should be generated from or based on GPASS/EMIS/Vision cohort lists as per previous presentation on organising & delivering immunisation clinics. • Recall • The above-mentioned pilot and experience from other national immunisation programmes has shown that uptake is further improved by a recall letter to those who did not attend for immunisation on 1st call.

  7. 2. Inviting Patients to Clinics • Some Suggestions on Invite Letter Content • Instruct patients to phone at a specified day/time to request a seasonal flu vaccine appointment to focus programme. • Invite letter to include details as to dates/times the seasonal flu vaccine clinics will run. Makes call times faster/more efficient. • Patients advised that seasonal flu vaccine clinics are only for vaccination and if required, any other procedure/check e.g. blood pressure check, should be arranged by a separate appointment at reception or by phone. Ensures focussed clinics.

  8. 3. At the Practice • Posters in waiting rooms advising patients to take off coats etc. before being vaccinated. • Posters in waiting rooms displaying Seasonal Flu Vaccine clinic dates/times and instructions on how to make appointment.

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