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Interface design. Multimedia and Web. Today’s Objectives. User Research Read: Chapters 1 & 2, Designing interfaces in Tidwell (2011). Blackboard. Chapter 4, About Face, Cooper (2007). Blackboard. CSS CSS Introduction-type-color (2012) Blackboard User-Center Design - review
Interface design Multimedia and Web
Today’s Objectives • User Research • Read: Chapters 1 & 2, Designing interfaces in Tidwell (2011). Blackboard. • Chapter 4, About Face, Cooper (2007). Blackboard. • CSS • CSS Introduction-type-color (2012) Blackboard • User-Center Design - review • Project portfolio page • Design Activity
Today’s Objectives • September 20 Step 1 IDD • October 9 Step 1 IDD • September 20 Team design activity • September 27 Jim Homme - Accessibility • AE responsive design project - Create a Tablet optimized site Experience for AE.COM • Blackboard banner graphics -students providing artwork for the Blackboard Header
User Research – Trying to find out: • Users’ goals in using the site • Tasks they undertake to achieve goals • Language and words they use • Skill using software similar to what you’re designing • Attitudes toward the kind of thing you’re designing
What is User-Centered Design? • Places the person (as opposed to the 'thing') at the center. • Focuses on cognitive factors (such as perception, memory, learning, problem-solving, etc.) as they impact interactions. • Looks at user actions/activity. Source: http://www.stcsig.org/usability/topics/articles/ucd%20_web_devel.html
Iterative design process Design • Involve users throughout the process • Process is highly iterative User Testing Prototyping
What is involved in the process • Identifying needs, establishing requirements for the user experience (understand the problem and your users) • Developing alternative designsto meet needs • Building interactive prototypesthat can be communicated and assessed • Evaluatingwhat is being built throughout the process and the user experience it offers
User-Centered Design • Major Steps of UCD • Requirements-definition - client gives developers information about functionality and requirements. • Establish design for the project. • Develop prototypes that reflect the emerging design, using the programming language or development environment.
User-Centered Design • Major Steps of UCD • Submit prototypes to client for feedback and modifications. • Revise prototypes to reflect the client’s changes. • Repeat steps 3 and 5 for additional part of the system.
Embedded Style Sheets <head> <style type="text/css"> h1 { color : #C0C0C0; } font-family: Arial; font-size: 1.5em; } p { font-size: small; font-family: sans-serif; } </style> </head>
External Style Sheets | Linked with HTML | 1 or more sheets <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=“myStylesA.css“ /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=“myStylesB.css“ /> </head> • rel="stylesheet" | identifies the type of link, link to a style sheet. • type="text/css" tells browser what type of data, a text file with CSS.
Rules CSS
The Rule h1 { color : #C0C0C0; } Rule
The Rule Rule h1 {color : #c0c0c0;} Selector Declaration (What to format)
The Declaration Declaration has two parts separated by a colon: Property - part before the colon Value - part after the colon h1 { color : #C0C0C0; } Property Value
The Rule Rule h1 { color : #c0c0c0; font-family : Arial; font-size : 2em; } Selector Declaration block
Types of selectors • Tag or HTML Selectors: Page-Wide Styling • Class Selectors: Pinpoint Control • ID Selectors: Specific Page Elements • Group Selectors
Types of selectors | HTML | Tag h1 {color : #c0c0c0;} body {background-color : #FFFFFF;} p {padding : 10px;}
Types of selectors | Classes • Classes (apply to more than one type of element) .mytext {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 14px;} <p class=“mytext”>Hello World</p> <span class=“mytext”>Learning CSS</span>
Types of selectors | ID • ID selectors identify: • Major sections • Unique content | a rule to ONE element on a page. • Configured with #idname #banner { background-color : #FF00FF;} <div id=“banner”> </div>
Types of selectors | ID • Creates a rule for an id titled “banner”. • Applies to ID “banner” <style type="text/css"> #banner { color : #000000; font-size:2em; font-style: italic; } </style> • <div id=“banner”> • Hello world! • </div>
Combining Rules | Group Selectors h1 { color : #F1CD33; } h2 { color : #F1CD33; } h3 { color : #F1CD33; } h4 { color : #F1CD33; } h5 { color : #F1CD33; } h6 { color : #F1CD33; } OR • Styling Groups of Tags h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color : #F1CD33; }
HTML Tree <html> <head> <title>My Web Page</title> </head> <body> <h1>Main Topic</h1> <p> A web page about the days of the week, specifically<strong>Tuesday.</strong> </p> </body> </html>
HTML Tree <html> Ancestor to all tags Ancestor to h1, p, span <head> <body> Descendent of <html> <title> <h1> <p> Descendent of <html> and <head> Siblings <span> Child of <p>
HTML Tree • Ancestor: tag that wraps around another tag. <html> ancestor of all other tags • Descendent: A tag inside one or more tags. • Parent: tag’s closest ancestor <p><a>HOME</a></p> • Child: tag directly enclosed by another tag. <p><cite><a>HOME…</a></cite></p>
Inheritance • Typically, properties related to the styling of text font size, color, style, etc. are inherited. • Properties related to box area of elements (borders, margins, backgrounds, etc.) are not passed down. p {font-family:verdana;} <p> Hello <span>world!</span> </p> Passed to SPAN element
Styling in context • Style in context based on HTML, classes, or ID of parent elements. • Nested elements inside one another
Styling in context • Citation text is blue • cite { color : blue; } • h1 cite {color : blue; } • If a citation is in a level 1 header, its text is blue • <h1><cite>Hello world</cite></h1>
Styling in context -1 • #brand p.intro cite {color : blue; } • If a citation is in a <p> with intro class that is within brand ID, the text is blue <div id="brand"> <p class="intro">. ..above allows <cite>Firefox, Chrome, and Safari</cite> to resize ...</p> </div>
Child selectors -2 • p > cite {color : blue; } • If the cite tag is in a paragraph and does not have any other parent tags, it color is red • <p><cite>…Firefox, Chrome…</cite></p>
Siblings -3 • p + cite {color : blue; } • If a citation is next to a <p> tag, its color is blue. • <p>hello world…</p><cite>Joe Doe</cite>
Selectors | Context | Descendent Descendent selector context • p strong { color: red; } -4 Any <strong> tag inside a paragraph (p) is red, but other instances of the <strong> tag on the page are not affected. • li a{ font-family: Arial; background-color: blue; } • Any <a> tag inside a line item is Arial font, but other instances of the <a> tag on the page aren’t affected. -5
Specificity | Descendent selectors • Specific descendent selectors override less specific selectors li a {color : green;} All anchors in line items are green ol li a {color : green;} Only anchors in line item in ordered lists are green
Selectors | Descendent selectors p.introduction { color : red;} <p class=“introduction”>Hello World</p> Any paragraph with .introduction class will be Red. p . introduction{color : red;} <p>Hello <span class=“introduction "> World</span</p> Any tag with .introduction class that is in a <p> tag will be Red.
Child selectors • div > h1 {color : blue; } • All heading 1 that are children of div will be blue. <div> <h1>Hello world</h1> <h1>Hello everyone</h1> </div>
Adjacent Siblings • A tag that appears immediately after another tag in HTML h1+p {color : green;} Paragraphs that are adjacent to heading 1 will be green.
Pseudo-classes Browser keeps track: • of Link states – e.g., clicked, visited, hover, active • whether an element is first of its type, • whether an element first or last child of its parent, • whether form elements checkedor disabled • Etc.
Pseudo-classes • Elements in a certain state belong to the same class. • Not in HTML markup— browsers track these states. • Can apply styles to elements in these states using a pseudo-class selector.
Pseudo-classes • Pseudo-class selectors indicated by the colon (:) • Generally, go immediately after an element name, for example, li:first-child
Pseudo-Classes • a:link | a:link { color : #EFEFEF; } • a:visited | a:visited { color : #CCCCCC; } • a:hover | a:hover { color : # F33333; } • a:active | a:active {color : #B2F511;} • Hover: (these will also work) • h1:hover { color : #FFFFFF; } • .hiLite:hover { color : #FFFFFF; }
Pseudo-Classes • Proper way to order four link pseudo-classes: • a:link { color: #F60; } • a:visited { color: #900; } • a:hover { color: #F33; } • a:active {color: #B2F511; } • If order is changed, the hover and active don’t work.
Pseudo-Classes • :focus Applies when the element is selected and ready for input • input:focus { background-color: yellow; }
Structural pseudo-classes • Allow selection based on where element is in the structure of the document (the document tree). :first-child :last-child :nth-child() :nth-last-child() :nth-of-type() :nth-last-of-type()
Structural pseudo-classes • :first-child • the first of all children an OL may have. ol li:first-child { font-size:1.2em; } <ol> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2 </li> <li>Item 3 </li> </ol>
Structural pseudo-classes • div h1:first-child {color : blue;} <div> <h1>hello world 1</h1> <h1>hello world 2</h1> <h1>hello world 3</h1> </div>