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6 Ways to Motivate Yourself That Actually Worku200b

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 6 Ways to Motivate Yourself That Actually Work By Kim Anderson

  2. Figure out your ‘why’ This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND. • To keep that clear-eyed outlook, write down a few reasons you want to get fit (or whatever your goal is). • While that may sound obvious, naming concrete things you want — like getting to the third floor without panting, sleeping better, or turning down junk food — will make it easier to track your progress and stay motivated, rather than aiming for an abstract goal like “get healthy.” • “We want people to anchor physical activity to something that’s actually going to motivate long-term behavior,” Segar says. “It’s important for people to figure out whether the reasons they’ve been trying to do it in the past actually set them up for failure or success.”

  3. Keep a running list of what makes you smile • Believe it or not, one of the best ways to keep yourself motivated comes auto-installed on your smartphone. No, not Apple Health or the hundreds of Instagram fitness influencers out there — we’re talking about the Notes app. • Say you don’t know exactly what you want. If you just know you want to start living better, keep a running list of the moments that make you smile. • “For a while, I would just write down moments in my day that really brought me joy — what I was excited about — and that led me to where I am now.” If you’re not entirely sure what your endgame is, try tracking what makes you happy. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

  4. Look your excuses in the eye • The trick is to look at your excuses straight on. For example, are you really too tired to work out, or do you just want to watch the new season of Queer Eye? Get super honest with yourself and go from there. • “If you see you’re using an excuse, just correct yourself. Next time it comes up, you’ll probably do it again — but after a few times, you’ll stop,” Roth says. • “If you believe your own baloney reasons, you’ll never change your behavior. It’s really a matter of telling yourself the truth.”

  5. Develop a gratitude practice • The moment we open our eyes, we’re aware of everything we have to do that day. To stay motivated, tick off a few things you’re grateful for while still in bed, says Duesenberg. • “When we wake up, we’re often overwhelmed with what we have to do and what we have to fix, and our focus becomes that,” Duesenberg says. “So, shifting that focus right away, just acknowledging what is good, puts you in a better mind frame to tackle the day.”

  6. Don’t let fear stop you • In taking rejection’s power away, Comely was able to beat it, and Duesenberg says the same technique can apply to anything that intimidates you. Aim for — or at least expect — failure, and eventually it’ll happen less and less. • “Just jump in and be okay with failing and totally losing face. We get paralyzed by fear. We feel like we have to be good at everything before we start it, which is counterintuitive, but we live in such an instant gratification kind of world,” Duesenberg says. • So, if you aim for the bottom rung, you’re still a step above not trying at all — and a step closer toward your eventual goal. This Photo by Unknon author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

  7. Take 20 seconds • You just need 20 seconds of insane courage to do something. Just be bold and do it, and whatever happens, happens. The outcome might not be perfect, but at least you took that step and that’s one step closer. • It’s all about baby steps, even if you need to close your eyes and take a deep breath to do them — like the one you’d take as a little kid before jumping in a pool. • In the same way, work up the 20 seconds of courage it takes to press send on an email to a new business contact or jog for 10 minutes today — your “20 seconds” doesn’t have to be literal. After pressing send or kicking off a run, it’s likely you’ll want to do it again and again.

  8. For more information go to  https://www.facebook.com/Motivational-piece-by-kim-Anderson-from-Sault-Ste-Marie-115693037225458

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