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Human Regulation

Human Regulation. Regulation:. The life process by which the human body responds to its changing (inside and outside) environment. Constant adjustments made as a result of the changing environment help maintain … HOMEOSTASIS!. Regulation:. Nervous System Endocrine System.

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Human Regulation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Human Regulation

  2. Regulation: • The life process by which the human body respondsto its changing (inside and outside) environment. • Constant adjustments made as a result of the changing environment help maintain… HOMEOSTASIS!

  3. Regulation: Nervous System Endocrine System

  4. The Nervous System Main Function: Responds to internal and external stimuli by controlling and coordinating functions throughout the body Our nervous system allows us to feel pain and react to it!

  5. The Nervous System Consists of: brain, spinal cord, nerves and sense organs Sense Organs: Eyes, Skin, Ears, Nose & Tongue

  6. 2 Divisions of the Nervous System Central Nervous System (CNS) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) nerves extending throughout body Gathers & delivers info to and from the CNS • brain & spinal cord • Main control center of body

  7. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) All of the Organs the PNS  controls!!!

  8. The Neuron (Nerve Cell) Neurons carrymessages calledimpulsesback and forth between the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system.

  9. Impulse in a Neuron signal direction ONE WAY dendrites nucleus terminal branches signal direction ONE WAY cell body synapse (space) axon

  10. Impulse in a Neuron synapse (space) axon

  11. Axon is coated with insulation made of myelin cells (Lipids) signal direction • With myelin…signal hops from node to node at 330mph! (vs. only 11mph) • Multiple Sclerosis • immune system attacks myelin coating • loss of signal myelincoating

  12. Because neurons never touch, chemical signalers called neurotransmitters must travel through thespace called synapse between two neurons. synapse

  13. The message is transferred when RECEPTORS receive neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters Synapse (gap)

  14. Receptors: • Protein • Shape Specific! Drugs/Poisons • Stimulants - Speed up production and release of neurotransmitters (Caffeine) • Depressants – block formation of neurotransmitters. (Pain Killers)

  15. Which cell (X or Y) shows the receptor molecules? What would a drug that interferes with communication between these two cells look like?

  16. Types of Neurons Sensory Neuron Interneuron Synapse Synapse Motor Neuron Interneuron Synapse Muscle Contracts Motor Neuron Sensory Neuron

  17. 3 Types of neurons sensory neuron (from senses) receive stimulus interneuron CNS motor neuron (to effector – muscle/gland) produces response

  18. Motor Neurons Axons branching out to muscle fibers

  19. Fun facts about neurons • Most specialized cell in animals • Longest cell • blue whale neuron • 10-30 meters • giraffe axon • 5 meters • human neuron • 1-2 meters Nervous system allows for 1 millisecond response time

  20. Simplest Nerve Circuit – Reflex Arc 2 3 1.Receptor 2.Sensory Neuron 3.Interneuron 4.Motor Neuron 5.Effector 1 4 5

  21. A reflexis an involuntary response that is processed in thespinal cordnot the brain. Reflexes protect the body before the brain knows what is going on. *faster because they don’t have to travel to brain! Reflex Arc

  22. Watch Again!!! 2 3 1.Receptor 2.Sensory Neuron 3.Interneuron 4.Motor Neuron 5.Effector 1 4 5

  23. Cerebrum brain Cerebellum Medulla Oblongata Spinal Cord The Brain: Where do the impulses go???

  24. Brain - Receives 20% of blood pumped by heart - Is the major user of glucose in the body What does the brain use glucose for? Consists of 3 Parts: Cerebrum Cerebellum Medulla (Brain Stem)

  25. Higher Brain: Cerebrum • 2 hemispheres: • left controls the right side of body • right controls the left side of body

  26. Cerebrum Functions • Regions specialized for different functions 4 Lobes 1. frontal • speech, control of emotions 2. temporal • smell, hearing 3. occipital • vision 4. parietal • speech, tastereading parietal frontal temporal occipital

  27. Cerebellum • Found in back part of head under the cerebrum • coordination of smooth, steady and efficient MOVEMENT • BALANCE, equilibrium and posture • If damaged can result in jerky movement, loss of coordination and balance

  28. Brain Stem (Medulla) • Medulla Oblongata • basic body functions • breathing • heartbeat • digestion • swallowing • vomiting • coughing • blinking • HOMEOSTASIS

  29. CNS Protection • Bone: Skull, Vertebrae • Cartilage disks found between vertebrate absorb shock • Meninges (protective membrane) cover the brain and spinal cord • Cerebral Spinal Fluid surrounds Brain and Spinal Cord. Acts like a watery cushion!

  30. When homeostasis is distrupted!

  31. Cerebral Palsy: A group of birth disorders characterized by disturbances of motor functions.

  32. Polio: A viral disease of the CNS that can cause paralysis. Prevented by immunization!

  33. Meningitis – an inflammation, caused by bacteria, of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. Can be fatal. Symptoms: severe headache, stiff neck

  34. Concussion: • The Brain is a soft organ • protected by your hard skull • surrounded by spinal fluid (cushion that keeps your brain from banging into your skull) • Hard hit/fall=Brain crashes into your skull=Damaged Brain

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