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Purchasing Card Reconciliation

Purchasing Card Reconciliation. We will cover . Where to find card data How to add a description How to change chartfield information How to indicate approval Where to get help. DELEGATED PROCUREMENT. The Purchasing Card Cardholder must sign Cardholder Agreement

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Purchasing Card Reconciliation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Purchasing Card Reconciliation

  2. We will cover ... • Where to find card data • How to add a description • How to change chartfield information • How to indicate approval • Where to get help

  3. DELEGATED PROCUREMENT • The Purchasing Card • Cardholder must sign Cardholder Agreement • Purchases limited to $5,000 or less per transaction • Certain items are restricted.

  4. Purchasing Card • Simple to Use, Saves Paperwork • Place order immediately - no waiting • No Cost for Card • Vendors Paid within 3 Days • Major Cost Avoidance for the University

  5. Purchasing Card • Not for Travel or Restaurants • Cards Must NOT be shared • Issued in Individual’s Name • More information available at http://www.ubalt.edu/template.cfm?page=418

  6. Where is my P-Card data? • The purchasing card reconciliation process is done on a monthly cycle. The cycle ends on the 25th of each month. • Procurement downloads the transaction data from the bank, and uploads that data into PeopleSoft each month. The data is generally loaded into PeopleSoft by the 29th of each month. • Procurement will send an e-mail note to all cardholders when the data is in PeopleSoft and ready for you to access. Cardholders generally have until the 9th or 10th of the following month to reconcile their statements. • All of your transactions will be posted to the default Account 609110, and your default Department. • The navigation to the statement data in PeopleSoft is: Purchasing > procurement cards > reconcile cardholder info > reconcile statement > click search >select your card from the list

  7. Where is my card data? • Purchasing > procurement cards > reconcile cardholder info > reconcile statement > click search >select your card from the list

  8. Select “staged” in the field labeled “status”

  9. Click the icon to expand the columns.

  10. Add a description for each line.

  11. Check the amount of each charge,

  12. View or change chartfield information. • The “chartfield” is the PeopleSoft Account, Department, Fund, Program (and sometimes Project) information. • The “chartfiled” information tells PeopleSoft where to get the funds for the payment..

  13. Click the “Select” box to the left of the line to select one line at a time. Then click the hyperlink labeled “Distribution”.

  14. Default Account and Dept • All of your transaction will be posted to the default Account and Department numbers. • The default account is 609110 – Purchasing Card Transaction. • The Default Department was assigned when you completed the Cardholder Information form. If you want to change the Default Department, send an e-mail note to the Director of Procurement with the cardholder’s name, the last four digits of the card number, the old Department number and the new Default Department number.

  15. Helpful Hint: You can look up the Account number on Procurement’s PeopleSoft web page.

  16. Make the necessary changes to Account, Department, Fund and Program. • Then click the yellow OK button.

  17. Click the Save button. Very Important to save after you change each line.

  18. To change the chartfield info on the next line, click the “Select” box to the left of the next line. Then click the hyperlink labeled “Distribution”.

  19. Repeat as necessary until all the lines that need to be changed have been changed. Remember to Save after each change.

  20. Change the status code for each line from “Staged” to “Verified”. Your Reviewer will change the status to “Department Approved”.

  21. Click the yellow “Save” button again, and you are done!

  22. To download the data to an Excel spreadsheet, click the Download icon.

  23. Remember to complete your hard copy log, attach or enclose receipts have it signed by your reviewer, and send the signed log to Procurement each month.

  24. Where to Find Purchasing Information Procurement & Materials Management Home Page • Listed under “Administrative Offices” • http://www.ubalt.edu/template.cfm?page=412

  25. Questions • Blair Blankinship, • Director of Procurement and Material Management • bblankinship@ubalt.edu 410-837-5714

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