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Inch by inch

Inch by inch. By leo lionni. Inch by inch Retelling . McClay J. First Retelling.

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Inch by inch

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Inch by inch By leo lionni

  2. Inch by inch Retelling McClay J.

  3. First Retelling • One morning the nightingale asked the inchworm to measure his song . I’ll try he said, go ahead and sing .Inch by inch the inchworm measured the nighingale’s song .The inchworm measured all the birds from the zoo. One afternoon a hungry robin spotted a tiny inchworm , green as grass , sittimg on a tree branch . The robin bird was about to eat him. Please don’t eat me .I am a inchworm , I measure things. Best

  4. Second Retelling • One day a hungry blue bird saw an inchworm on a twig .he was about to eat him up .But the inchworm said please don’t eat me .The blue bird took the inchworm to the zoo. And the inchworm measured all the birds in the zoo. Best

  5. Third Retelling • One afternoon a hungry robin saw a tiny slug sitting on a tree branch. Then the robin was about to eat him up. The slug said don’t eat me. I am useful I measure things. He measured all the birds. Then he measured the nightgale’s song . Best

  6. Fourth Retelling One afternoon a hungry robin spotted an tiny inchworm ,and the robin was about to eat him up. Please don’t eat me. I am very useful. I measure things. One morning the Nightingale asked the inchworm to measure his song. I’ll try he said, go ahead and sing. Best

  7. Good Job! You have selected the best retelling!!!

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