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Cell Phones

Cell Phones. Chris Johnson Lucas Lovett. Evolution of Cell Phones. http:// www.youtube.com/ watchv =fgBcGDO9WFk&feature=related. Key Events in Cellphone History. 1830 Joseph Henry transmitted the first practical electrical signal

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Cell Phones

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  1. Cell Phones Chris Johnson Lucas Lovett

  2. Evolution of Cell Phones http://www.youtube.com/watchv=fgBcGDO9WFk&feature=related

  3. Key Events in Cellphone History • 1830 Joseph Henry transmitted the first practical electrical signal • 1837 Samuel F.B. Morse developed his fully functional telegraph • 1842 Joseph Henry discovered that an electrical spark between two conductors is able to induce magnetism in needles, this effect is detected at a distance of 30 meters • March 1876 Alexander Graham Bell made his first successful telephone experiment. Bell filed for a patent February 14, 1876 beating Elisha Gray by only two hours. • 1879 David E. Hughes discovered radio waves. He possibly did make the first mobile telephone call. • 1910 Magnus Ericsson and his wife Hilda used the first "car telephone" hooking two long sticks over a pair of telephone wires and connect to an operator in the telephone exchange. • Early 1920s First police car radios and walkie-talkies in metropolitan New York area. • 1979 The first commercial mobile phone network was opened for business in Tokyo. (MCS-L1 introduced by NTT, AMPS based, 25 kHz channels) • July 1 1991 First GSM network, Radiolinja in Finland was officially opened

  4. Smartphones • Becoming much more feature-rich • Easy to use • Small computers

  5. Risks/Issues • Cancer? • Brain tumor? • Hand related injuries • Dangers of driving and using cell phone

  6. Fashion • Not only more functional but fashionable • Headsets as well

  7. Forensic Use • Today, cell phones can be used to save lives • They can tell forensic teams about recent history that can lead to finding a missing person • They have become an integral tool when in an investigation • All evidence is helpful

  8. In Classrooms • Educational use now becoming widely more accepted • Programs have been set in place to develop software for smart phones • This advanced learning is only possible when each student has his/her own device • Studies are seeing the before and after effects on a student’s technological savvy

  9. Future Thinking • Nokia is streamlining its designs for the future • It is the priority of the company to integrate cell phones into both fashion and lifestyle • It is a product that capitalizes on nanotechnology and the imagination of an individual

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