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KEY CONCEPT How do the organ systems communicate? By the Nervous System and Endocrine System

QQ 4/14/08 Draw and label a nerve cell include: cell body, dendrite, axon, schwann cell, terminal, synapse. KEY CONCEPT How do the organ systems communicate? By the Nervous System and Endocrine System. Communication systems = maintain homeostasis. A stimulus causes a response.

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KEY CONCEPT How do the organ systems communicate? By the Nervous System and Endocrine System

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  1. QQ 4/14/08 Draw and label a nerve cell include: cell body, dendrite, axon, schwann cell, terminal, synapse.

  2. KEY CONCEPT How do the organ systems communicate? By the Nervous System and Endocrine System

  3. Communication systems = maintain homeostasis. • A stimulus causes a response. • Responses can be chemical, cellular, or behavioral. • The nervous and endocrine systems respond to stimuli.

  4. The nervous system controls thoughts, movement, and motion. • This happens quickly • The endocrine system controls growth, development, and digestion. • This happens more slowly

  5. spinal chord nerves The nervous and endocrine systems have different methods and rates of communication. • The nervous system works quickly, using chemical and electrical signals. • interconnected network of cells • signals move through cells • divided into central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS)

  6. receptor target cell hormone bloodstream not a target cell • The endocrine system works more slowly. • only chemical signals • signals move through bloodstream • physically unconnected organs

  7. KEY CONCEPT Nervous System - made of highly specialized cells.

  8. 1 Cell body Neurons are highly specialized cells. • A neuron has three parts. • cell body has nucleus and organelles

  9. 2 dendrites Neurons are highly specialized cells. • A neuron has three parts. • cell body has nucleus and organelles • dendrites receive impulses

  10. 3 axon Neurons are highly specialized cells. • A neuron has three parts. • cell body has nucleus and organelles • dendrites receive impulses • axon carries impulses

  11. Neurons have other structures to transmit signals. • Schwann cell

  12. synapse • Neurons have other structures to transmit signals. • Schwann cell • synapse

  13. axon terminal • Neurons have other structures to transmit signals. • Schwann cell • synapse • terminal

  14. Neurons receive and transmit signals. • Resting potential means no signal is being transmitted. • more Na+ outside of cell • more K+ inside of cell

  15. area of detail • An action potential is a moving electrical impulse. • It is generated by a stimulus. • Na+ enters, and cell becomes positively charged. • K+ leaves, and area of positive charge moves.

  16. A chemical signal passes between neurons. • Impulse reaches terminal. impulse

  17. A chemical signal passes between neurons. • Impulse reaches terminal. impulse

  18. synapse receptor neurotransmitter vesicles • A chemical signal passes between neurons. • Impulse reaches terminal. • Neurotransmitters released into synapse. impulse

  19. synapse receptor neurotransmitter vesicles • A chemical signal passes between neurons. • Impulse reaches terminal. • Neurotransmitters released into synapse. • Neurotransmitters stimulate next cell. impulse

  20. KEY CONCEPT The senses detect the internal and external environments.

  21. The senses help to maintain homeostasis. • Senses gather stimuli, and send it to the nervous system. • Nervous system responds to stimuli. • Pupils shrink when too much light enters the eyes. • Goose bumps when cold air touches skin.

  22. The senses detect physical and chemical stimuli. • The eye is for vision. • Special cells collect light information (rod and cone cells) • Send information to brain in the optic nerve (a bunch of neurons)

  23. The ear is for to hearing. • Special hair cells in inner ear. • Bend with sound, each hair cell is attached to a neuron that sends the information to the brain

  24. Taste and smell use chemoreceptors. • Special cells in nose and mouth that are sensitive to chemicals • Attached to neurons that send the information to the brain

  25. pain receptor light pressure receptor hair follicle heavy pressure receptor • Special cells to detect three things • Pressure / touch • Pain • Temperature • The skin senses touch.

  26. interneuron motor neurons sensory neuron • sensory neuron sends information to spinal cord • spinal cord directs information to motor neuron • does not involve the brain • The spinal cord controls reflexes.

  27. The PNS links the CNS to muscles and other organs. • The somatic nervous system regulates voluntary movements. • The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary, functions • sympathetic nervous system: “fight vs. flight” • parasympathetic nervous system: calms the body, conserves energy

  28. KEY CONCEPT The endocrine system produces hormones that affect growth, development, and homeostasis.

  29. Hormones influence a cell’s activities by entering the cell or binding to its membrane. • Glands are organs of the endocrine system.

  30. target cell hormone bloodstream not a target cell receptor • Hormones are chemical signals that influence cell’s activities. • produced by glands • travel through the circulatory system • affects cells with matching receptors

  31. HYPOTHALAMUS PITUITARY THYROID THYMUS ADRENAL GLANDS PANCREAS FEMALE GONADS :OVARIES MALE GONADS : TESTES Endocrine glands secrete hormones that act throughout the body. • There are many glands located throughout the body. • Hormones travel through the bloodstream to cells with matching receptors.

  32. The hypothalamus interacts with the nervous and endocrine systems. • a structure of both the nervous andendocrine systems • produces releasing hormones,sent to pituitary gland • The pituitary gland is found below the hypothalamus in the brain. • controls growth and waterlevels in blood • produces releasing hormones sent throughout the body • The hypothalamus is a gland found in the brain.

  33. Releasing hormones stimulate other glands to produce hormones. • allow glands to communicate with one another • are used in temperature regulation

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