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Trikes ‘R Us

Trikes ‘R Us. Ryan, Roshan , Casey. How we got it. We won it through a vicious game of Russian Roulette last week, Ryan’s beloved brother John was lost in the event We decided to keep the business because we wanted to provide quality goods and services

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Trikes ‘R Us

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trikes ‘R Us Ryan, Roshan, Casey

  2. How we got it We won it through a vicious game of Russian Roulette last week, Ryan’s beloved brother John was lost in the event We decided to keep the business because we wanted to provide quality goods and services We are continuing the growth of the company.

  3. Roles CEO – Ryan Davis CFO – RoshanBogati CTO – Casey Nelson Guy in funny clown outfit – We don’t know yet

  4. Goods We sell specialty made Dirt Bike Tricycles. Each trike is custom made by a team of craftsmen specifically to the customers order. We focus on innovating each tricycle to have an increase in quality and safety.

  5. Services Tricycle lessons: Ages 2-7 Weekend Competitions: Age 8-12 Stunt shows: Age 18+ Tricycle wash: All ages

  6. Online services • Online ordering • Parts • Custom designs • Gift Cards • “Common Mistakes and how to avoid them” blog • For the clumsy or uneducated trike-lover

  7. Subscription Model • Taking Subscription fees for the trike competitions. • Comes with the free drinks in all games of trikes. • More goods and Services provided to the members. • Member reward program. • Certain per cent off for each year • discount for other services.

  8. Sales Revenue Model • Selling goods and services targeting more customers. • Setting Price discrimination for some products and services. • Higher prices for the valuable goods. • Targeting more customers keeping the profit margin low to so that more customers will purchase the products.

  9. Web 2.0 Technologies • QuoteBase– • www.futuresimple.com/quotes • Compversions – • www.compversions.com • Clickriver™Ads – • www.clickriver.com • PopFeedback – • http://www.popfeedback.com/

  10. QuoteBase Create effective and beautiful price quotes • Fast and professional way to create personalized quotes for customers • Creates professional PDFs for you • Able to add company logo to every PDF for promotion purposes • Tracks your work so you will not forget to prepare a quote • Provides organization that customers will appreciate. • Archives quotes

  11. Compversions • Allows your clients to easily view multiple versions/revisions of each design/mockup/comp/photo • Customers can give feedback on photos of merchandise • Thumbs up/down • Leave comments • Decreases e-mails in inbox • Increases customer service and trust

  12. Overview: • Easy to use ad programs for small local businesses • Pay per click (PPC) program • Implementation: • Use keywords to direct ads • “engine,” “motorcycles,” etc. • Sit back and watch web traffic increase

  13. PopFeedback • Overview: • Web application, quick way to learn about customers. • Creates a short- question to get the response from customers. • Wants customers input to their decision making to enhance the quality of product and websites.

  14. Implementation of PopFeedback Creating short questions to get response about the products. Get feedback on pricing and schedule of the trike games. Register for the trike competitions. Follow up customers feedback.

  15. Storefront operation Front desk; two receptionists. Shop; 10 highly trained mechanics. Office; CEO, CFO, CTO, and their assistants. Guy in clown suit; out front somewhere tying balloon animals for the local kids.

  16. Demographics • Bike enthusiasts looking for a safer ride. • Balance issues, old age, etc. • Bike enthusiasts looking for something new. • Bike designers. • Suburban dads going through mid-life crisis.

  17. CRM • Microsoft Dynamics: • Unique Clientele. • More Customizable. • Microsoft makes reliable products • Putting it to use: • Mapping which parts are purchased and when • Which features customers purchase most often • Average attendance to shows/washes in previous years

  18. Microsoft Dynamics • Pros: • Managers and executives can be more “in-touch.” • Automates many of the routine processes • Many options for support services • Cons: • Not compatible with other makes of software • Pricy and expensive ($16,513 total) • $5,238 for the software • $6,000 for training and implementation • $1,055 per user (5 - $5,275) • May need predefined processes before instalation

  19. Microsoft Dynamics (cont.) • Features: • Account level security • Business analyzer • Electronic Bank Management • Inventory Control • Sales Order Processing with Advanced Invoicing

  20. Microsoft Dynamics (cont.) • Other users of note: • Ice Breaker – retail company • BioMedix – Produces life saving innovations to medical technology. • Larry’s The Prime Rib Singapore – Fine dinning restaurant in Singapore.

  21. Marketing (Storefront) • Local Radio: commercials. • TV: commercials. • Advertising new bikes and upcoming competitions. • Product placement in next Die Hard movie: self explanatory. • Fliers and handouts • Sponsor local sporting event • Get our name in a stadium or arena

  22. Marketing (Online) • Pop-ups: • Make sure they’re not cheesy/annoying • Facebook ads: • Same idea as pop-ups • Advertise on facebook.com, reddit.com, and youtube.com in side-bar ads

  23. References David Dakka (2012) Pros and Cons of Microsoft Dynamics. Retrieved fromdavidakka.com Laudon, K. and Laudon, J. (2012). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. New Jersey: Pearson Education Microsoft CRM (2011) Benefits of Microsoft. Retrieved from microsoft.com/dynamics Microsoft CRM (2011) Organizations Transform Their Businesses With Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Retrieved from microsoft.com/dynamics Ms. Casey Nelson Mr. RoshanBogati Mr. Ryan Davis http://cashtactics.net/11/23/a-clickriver-ppc-review.html

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