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BlaiseIS at Statistics Netherlands

BlaiseIS at Statistics Netherlands. Gerrit de Bolster, IBUC, June 2009, Riga. Topics. Infrastructure Process steps Creating a CAWI questionnaire Implementing the questionnaire Adding respondents and data Exploitation Cleaning up Design documents for the generator Future.

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BlaiseIS at Statistics Netherlands

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BlaiseIS at Statistics Netherlands Gerrit de Bolster, IBUC, June 2009, Riga

  2. Topics • Infrastructure • Process steps • Creating a CAWI questionnaire • Implementing the questionnaire • Adding respondents and data • Exploitation • Cleaning up • Design documents for the generator • Future

  3. Infrastructure for Internet Questionnaires Internet Proxy server Firewalls BlaiseISserverpark BlaiseISserverpark Questionnaires Content management system DevelopmentEnvironment Respondents & data Statements

  4. Process stepsCreating a CAWI questionnaire (1) • Task of questionnaire design department • Create the 2 design documents • Input from surveygroup: oral, written, paper examples • Create a Visio document with the flow • Create a Word document with the questions, calculations, checks etc.

  5. Process stepsCreating a CAWI questionnaire (2) • Run the development environment (“BISmenu”) • Select a template • Generate Blaise source and other info using the Word- and the Visio-document • Update the Internet specification file (.bis) • Criticalquestions • Grouping • Install the questionnaire on the local Webserver • Updating the Blaise menu file (.bmf) • Updating the dataproperties (.bdp) • Test it and improve the 2 design documents • Export the finished questionnaire

  6. Process stepsImplementimg the questionnaire • Task of the production department • Run the content management system (“MesDesk”) • Create the meta (code, result folder, file type) • Add the questionnaire to the serverpark

  7. Process stepsAdding respondents and data • Task of the production department • Run the content management system (“QuestManager”) • Create the meta (code, reporting period, action dates, letter content) • Import the sample file (respondents) • Collect and store pre-populated files • Add the sample and the data to the installed questionnaire in the serverpark • Create the letter content with url and login info for the respondents

  8. Process stepsExploitation • Task of the production department • Run the content management system (“MesDesk”) • The completed statements are collected on scheduled moments, archived and copied to the folders of the survey departments

  9. Process stepsCleaning up • Task of the production department • Run the content management system (“QuestManager”) • The reporting period is closed according to the registered action dates • Run the content management system (“MesDesk”) • The last completed statements are collected, archived and copied to the folders of the survey departments • Run the content management system (“QuestManager”) • The reporting period is removed according to the registered action dates

  10. Generator: design documents • Visio 2003 • Routing (conditional at all levels) • Behaviour (show/ask/critical) • Word 2003 • Questionnaire attributes • Libraries • Standard block references • Fields (Text/Type/Layout) • Conditional text imputations • Answer imputations • (Conditional) calculations • (Conditional) checks

  11. Design documentsVisio 2003 • Graphical interface • Easy drawing andediting • Embedded information • Fixed set of shapes • Accessable throughobject model

  12. Design documentsWord 2003 Blok: VerhWensRed $1: #1.VerhWens = [Missch] | [WilGV] | [Ja] $2: #1. VerhWens = [AnWnGV] $3: #1.MoetVerh = [Ja] $4: #2.ToekKern = [PartKind] | [PKindAnd] | [PartnAnd] $5: #2.ToekKern = [EOudKind] | [EOKndAnd] $6: (#2.ToekVpHH = [Nee]) en (#2.ToekKern = [PKindAnd]) $7: (#2.ToekVpHH = [Nee]) en(#2.ToekKern = [PartnAnd]) $8: (#2.ToekVpHH = [Nee]) en (#2.ToekKern = [EOKndAnd]) $9: [Gezo] in #4.Redn $10: [Studie] in #4.Redn $11: [Werk] in #4.Redn $12: [HuidWon] in #4.Redn $13: [HuidBurt] in #4.Redn $14: [Fam] in #4.Redn $15: [AndrRed] in #4.Redn Scherm: 1 InVerhui <4>De volgende vragen gaan over verhuizen.<4> {P} >>ENQ: toets <1> om verder te gaan.<< {} [ ] VerhWens (25.1) Wilt u binnen 2 jaar verhuizen? 1. Beslist niet [Nee] 2. Eventueel wel, misschien [Missch] 3. Zou wel willen, kan niets vinden [WilGV] 4. Beslist wel [Ja] 5. Ik heb reeds andere huisvesting/woning gevonden [AnWnGv] • Familiar • Easy text manipulation & decoration • Standard set of elements • Accessablethroughobject model

  13. The future • More table/question types • Upload facility • Using a database for questions • SQL-server on the data server • CAPI, CATI

  14. Questions?

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