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Well- known representatives of minorities who contributed to the German culture. List of contents. Food Music Art Literature. Food. German C uisine. Italian I nfluence. Polish Influence. Turkish Influence. French Influence. Spanish Influence. Music influenced by immigrants.
Well-knownrepresentativesofminoritieswhocontributedtothe German culture
List ofcontents • Food • Music • Art • Literature
Historyof Hip Hop music in Germany • Hip-Hop and Rap foundtheirwayto Germany in the 1980s. • Hip Hop becamepopularbecauseofthestationedAmerican soldiers in Germany, moviesand CDs. • Movies like Wild Style and Beat Street animatedyoungpeopletobreakdance, to spray ortorap. • So there was an English speaking Hip-Hop wave.
The beginningofGerman rap • The firstGerman rappersstartedtorap in English. Theythoughtthattorap in German was a tabooandvintage. • Torch, a German rapperwith an immigrantbackground, triedtorap in German first. The crowdlikeditbecausetheyunderstoodwhat he was rappingabout.
Torch (Frederik Hahn) • Born on September 29, 1971 in Heidelberg, Germany. • His mothercomesfrom Haiti but hisfatherisGerman. • He begantorap in the 1980s and was oneofthefirst German rappers in theyoungGerman hip-hopgeneration.
RAF Camora(Raphael Ragucci) • Born on June 04, 1984 in Vevey, Swiss. • His motherisItalianandhisfather Austrian. • He lives in Berlin, Germany. • As a 14-year-old boy he begantorap in French andproducedhisownbeats. Later he startedtorap in German. • He usually raps abouthischildhoodwhichischaracterizedbyhisimmigrantbackground.
Akbar Behkalam German –Iranianpainterandsculptor
Profile • Name: Akbar Behkalam • Born in: Tabriz, Iran (1944) • Residence: Berlin • Family: marriedwithtwochildren
His life • He studiedarts at a universitiy in Istanbul. • He lived in different European cities (Paris, Rome, Frankfurt). • After that he moved back to Iran. • Since 1976 he hasbeenliving in Berlin andhas an ownatelier in Brandenburg.
Anne heard about the idea of a Netherlandish politician: He wanted to document the destiny of their inhabitants during the second world war in public, so she worked on her diary to send it to him.
Wladimir Kaminer • He was born in 1967 in Russia and is a German short story writer. His most popular book „Russendisko“ (Russian Disco) is about 3 guys who come to Germany in 1990. One of them isn’t a Jew, that’s why he doesn’t get a visa for longer than 3 months. The story is about how they earn their money and how they want to make the guy a Jew.
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