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Children's Vision Defects

It will discuss children's eye exams and how to identify vision problems, such as amblyopia, strabismus, and refractive errors.<br>

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Children's Vision Defects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2/8/22, 7:30 PM Children's Vision Defects: How do you identify them and fix them? Children’s Vision Defects: How do you identify them and fix them? federalhealth.net/childrens-vision-defects-how-do-you-identify-them-and-fix-them Have you noticed that your child is narrowing his eyes more and more while reading? Or maybe he is constantly rubbing them, complaining of headaches and eye strain? Could you not take it lightly? These may be the first signs of an eye problem. Find out the most common visual impairments in children and what you can do to ensure a safe and clear vision for your children. 1. When may the first vision problems appear in children? The visual impairment in children should not be underestimated, even if the child does not complain about vision problems. Be always remembered because the youngest’s first vision problems can appear very early, even right after birth. Congenital vision defects include astigmatism, cataracts, and glaucoma, among others. The presence of these genetically determined eye diseases in a family should be a signal for parents to consult an ophthalmologist in infancy to check the child’s eyesight. Unfortunately, visual defects in school-age children can be difficult to spot, as the youngest often ignore that they see worse and do not complain – they don’t know that they can see better. Visual impairment in a child with disadvantages means short-sightedness – then it does not see objects that are further away. However, in a situation where there is a problem with seeing things close by, we deal with hyperopia in children. Please note that sight defects in school-age children cause learning problems and should not be delayed in their diagnosis and possible treatment. Moreover, in adolescence, the so-called pseudo- https://federalhealth.net/childrens-vision-defects-how-do-you-identify-them-and-fix-them/ 1/3

  2. 2/8/22, 7:30 PM Children's Vision Defects: How do you identify them and fix them? short-sightedness results from the constant tension of accommodation after too long visual work up close. Remember that many environmental factors can accelerate the development of visual impairment in children. These include many hours of work in front of a computer and telephone monitor, too long close-up reading, stress, insufficient physical activity, too short sleep or – at least – an unhealthy diet, which results from the constant tension of accommodation after too long visual work up close. Remember that many environmental factors can accelerate the development of visual impairment in children. These include many hours of work in front of a computer and telephone monitor, too long reading up close, stress, insufficient physical activity, too short sleep or – at least – an unhealthy diet, which results from the constant tension of accommodation after too long visual work up close. Remember that many environmental factors can accelerate the development of visual impairment in children. These include many hours of work in front of a computer and telephone monitor, too long close-up reading, stress, insufficient physical activity, too short sleep or – at least – an unhealthy diet. 2. Vision defects in children – what should get your attention? Usually, visual impairments in children are noticeable at school age – this is when problems with learning, reading or seeing clearly from the blackboard may begin. The child may still not complain about it, which is why regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist, optician or optometrist are so important. Symptoms that may appear with visual impairment in school-age children and which should worry parents include: squinting and rubbing eyes, headaches, problems with concentration, burning and watery eyes, difficulty incorrectly judging distances, confusing letters, and also quick fatigue when reading. According to a study by SW Research, the most common symptom is squinting (44%), followed by complaints of headaches and eye aches(26%) and rubbing (25%). 3. The most common vision problems in children One of the most common eye diseases in children is strabismus (divergent or convergent vision), i.e. non-parallel positioning of the eyes. It is usually caused by a malfunction in the eye muscles and can also be caused by a visual defect. Then the eyes point in different directions, making it difficult for both eyes to focus on the same thing. About 5% of children will have some degree of strabismus, but treatment is usually successful. The very setting of the eye in strabismus can lead to amblyopia in this eye, otherwise known as lazy eye (amblyopia), when visual acuity is lowered for no organic reason. They are diagnosed when one eye has poor vision due to a lack of interaction between the eye and the brain. About 1 in 50 babies have a lazy eye. https://federalhealth.net/childrens-vision-defects-how-do-you-identify-them-and-fix-them/ 2/3

  3. 2/8/22, 7:30 PM Children's Vision Defects: How do you identify them and fix them? Astigmatism in children, or atrophy of the eye, is associated with an abnormal curvature of the cornea. The optical system of the eye is unable to reproduce a point object as a point image. But in practice, it simply means that the image you see may be unnaturally stretched vertically or horizontally and also blurry. Astigmatism in children is corrected to the maximum level that allows the best visual acuity. Farsightedness in children is a defect in which light rays falling into the eyeball are focused behind the retina, on which blurred images of objects are formed. This means that the baby cannot see objects that are close to him. Farsightedness can be a congenital eye defect, and it isn’t easy to detect as it is usually asymptomatic. 4. How to prevent the development of visual impairment in children? The eyesight of the younger ones should be taken care of from birth. The electronic world, the current lifestyle, and the new technologies surrounding us make eye examinations at least once a year necessary. Unfortunately, as many as every 5th parent does not control their child’s eyesight at all – according to a study conducted by SW Research as part of the “Time to see” campaign, these are disturbing data, but – which is optimistic – the remaining 80% do so regularly. How can parents care for the eyesight of their youngest? First of all, apart from regular examinations, you should make sure that the child does not do homework and reads in poor lighting. It is also worth limiting the time spent by the computer, telephone or TV, taking care of proper hygiene, learning and playing with these devices, and watching a balanced diet. Remember – regular eye examinations are essential. If a child has a vision defect, a specialist will help you choose the right glasses and lenses with protective coatings. It is important to consider the prescription first, then adjust the spectacle lenses and finally – the frame. If properly controlled and corrected, even a large vision defect in a child may not be discomfort in everyday life. So give your baby the best protection with Transitions lenses. They are scratch-resistant, easy to clean and provide protection against harmful light, both indoors and outdoors. Thanks to them, your child will have both a clear vision at school and safety while playing! https://federalhealth.net/childrens-vision-defects-how-do-you-identify-them-and-fix-them/ 3/3

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