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The History of Honey Marketing in New Zealand. Prepared and presented by Nick Wallingford. What can we learn from history?. Maybe not a lot, but who knows? … Recognise some of the trends, the repeating charteristics Appreciate the features that seem to ‘act’ upon the industry
The History of Honey Marketing in New Zealand Prepared and presented by Nick Wallingford
What can we learn from history? • Maybe not a lot, but who knows? … • Recognise some of the trends, the repeating charteristics • Appreciate the features that seem to ‘act’ upon the industry • Don’t expect much - but maybe you’ll at least enjoy yourselves!
‘Better Beekeeping, Better Marketing’ • A ‘mission statement’ for the National Beekeepers’ Association for many, many years • Close relationship between the industry association and marketing efforts • Recognition that producing is not enough - the return for the producer has other influences...
Overview... • Strong-willed individuals, high/low crops, attempts to control internal/external sales of honey • Early years, Honey Producers Co-operative (HPA), The NZ Honey Co Ltd, NZ Honey Control Board, Internal Marketing Division, Honey Marketing Authority • History of marketing, but also of the NBA
The early years... • Honey sold into England in 1880s, but irregularity of supply and speculation • NZ’s best clover honeys were the equal in quality • Hopkins and Mulvaney sent 5 tons, but it granulated - adulterated with flour! • While honey in England was retailed at 1/6 to 2/- per pound in glass, NZ producers were only getting 3d or 4d per pound
Instruction and Regulation • Isaac Hopkins, apiarist to the Department of Agriculture, established apiary at Ruakura Farm of Instruction • First honey house in 1906 costing £45 • First Apiaries Act in 1906
Prior to the NBA • Not just a bunch of hobbyists, even then - crop of 32 tons in 1907 • Slowing working toward the elimination of box hives • Fletcher Branthwaite (Tai Tapu), took 10 tons to England in 1907 - later had remainder sent back to NZ
The marketplace... • Most Auckland honey from Great Barrier Island, 2 pound tins, varying from pohutukawa to manuka • Well packed lines from the few commercial beekeepers in the Waikato - medium amber, strongly flavoured with pennyroyal and manuka • Southern North Island had J Walworth (Palmerston North) and William Lenz (Masterston) each with crops to 30 tons
Early apiary inspectors • WB Bray, Robert Gibb, Isaac Hopkins the original three, appointed in 1907
Big crops, substantial exporting... • 1909/1910 Canterbury had record season, with average crop 200 pounds per hive - Price cutting saw returns drop to 3d per pound and lower… • Total exports for 1912/1913 586 hundredweight (value £1,182) - by end of 1913 nine month sales were 1,690 hundredweight (value £3,293)
The moves toward organisation... • Mr Hull, President of Canterbury Assn, suggested conference in Wellington in 1913 - proposing name of Federated Beekeepers’ Association of NZ • 1913 Canterbury formed a co-operative association to export honey • Department of Agriculture drew up voluntary grading regulations (based only on colour)
Co-operation started in Taranaki... • In 1913 Mr W Lenz decided to sell his Taranaki holdings • Small co-operative bought bees and sold to members in lots, and acted as marketing operation • HW Gilling, HR Penny, AR Bates among the 8 members • Based around packing operation of HW Gilling in Hawera • No initial capital - deductions from payments for honey supplied
The National Beekeepers’ Association • Value of honey production £50,000 when Hon R Heaton Rhodes opened the 1914 conference in Wellington • James Allan (Wyndham) elected President • Membership of 256, expecting to double in the coming year
Major A E M Norton... • Managing director of the Bristol and Dominion Producers’ Association Ltd • Formerly Trade Commissioner in England for South Australia • Promoted branding by country and regularity of supply for continued sales • Offered to contract for 100 tons minimum, 500 tons maximum for three years, at 4d FOB minimum, 5d possible...
The beginning of organised exports • NZ Co-op Honey Producers’ Association took up the contract • Increased authorised capital, accepted other shareholders • Grading regulations became compulsory, leading to increased exports, ‘respectability’ of the product, increased local prices
Failure to supply... • By end of 1916 the HPA had several hundred shareholders • Exports fell 30 tons short of the required 100 tons • Major Norton and the B & D expressed concern, but didn’t try to recover damages • B & D substituted cardboard containers for glass in innovative packaging move
The honey to England • Light and dark honeys accepted by B & D for sale into England • Lighter honeys sold in southern cities, darker sold in the north • Darker sold as ‘New Zealand heather honey’ until Agricultural Dept pointed out there was no heather! • “What harm could it do anyone to call it that” the Editor argued...
Calls for co-operation • Late 1916 WB Bray called for co-operation • If the small crop had all been exported, local prices would have soared • Windfall for the non-HPA members • Urged HPA members to turn high local offers over to the HPA rather than filling them individually • “We want to ride in a motor car too some day”
High prices, but problems with the B & D contract • Sugar under control in England, honey prices soared • HPA paid out 8 1/3 pence per pound late in 1917! • Crop estimated at 1,250 tons, with HPA advancing 4 3/4 per pound on the two grades • By early 1917 some problems with shipping space to England
The end of the War... • In 1917 stocks on hand were shipped to England • Cheaper Australian and Californian honey, along with cheap corn syrup, had created consumer resistance • Reduced buying power for English consumers • Some NZ honey in store had fermentation problems...
Problems for the Bristol and Dominion Producers’ Assn • B & D had considerable stocks of HPA honey • HPA had two seasons’ honey in stock, overseas market with low consumption depressed by poor quality honey still held by retailers • High prices for 1918 crop locally and for export…
Shareholders vs their Association • Many HPA shareholders selling for short-term profit outside of the organisation • HPA paying 9d for honey in June, but only getting 5 1/2d advanced, with the rest to come when the honey was shipped • HPA had 300 tons accumulated in shipping stores • By 1919 HPA calling up subscribed but unpaid capital
The slide in prices... • By 1919 price in England down to £100 per ton - half of what it was the previous year • Returns to beekeepers revised down from £150 to only £75 per ton over a period of two months… • HPA advertised “Civil War in NZ” and “Outbreak of Hostilities - a Warning to the NZ Beekeeper”
Troubles for the B & D... • 1921 the Bristol and Dominion Producers’ Assn Ltd went into voluntary liquidation • Considerable volumes of honey held both in NZ and England • 1920 crop marketed mostly to NZ, the US and Canada (because of bad crops there) • Americans and Canadians enforced a 3 cents per pound import duty!
Re-establishing an export presence... • AJ Mills and Co suggested as agent to handle NZ honey in England • Unsettled claims and counterclaims from B & D’s liquidation ultimately cost £10,000 • Editor described beekeeper who did not support the HPA or competed with it as “a drone, a cheat, a traitor or a dead-beat!”
The ‘bad years’... • By 1923 honey was down to 4 1/2d per pound • Prices for Californian honey in London continued to fall with the failure of their co-operative association • HPA members told to quit as much locally as possible to try to let Mills and Co catch up on the backlog of honey • Call for board of NBA, HPA and Govt to supervise exports to England
Good crops, even worse years... • 1927 had local market fully stocked, price cutting widespread • 1927/1928 crop one of largest ever, with 1,029 tons exported • Local market prices low, beekeepers just trying to get quit of it • NBA wanting to stabilise the local market before it was completely ruined
The end of the HPA... • HPA only being used to dispose of honey, even by previously loyal shareholders • AJ Mills and Co worrying over the outlay to pay advances, having troubles with sales • Government agreed to £9,000 assistance for advertising in England • Schemes to control local marketing considered essential
‘Better Beekeeping, Better Marketing’ • PA Hillary began to publish “The Alighting Board” • WB Bray began publishing “The New Zealand Honey Producer” July 1929
The ‘Contract Scheme’ • Attempt to get 75% of the 1,200 HPA shareholders to either sell through the HPA or at uniform price, uniform package • Hope that this could stabilise the local market, with 1/2 penny per pound of honey on advertising to increase consumption • Payout for 1929 only half of the previous season...
And a bad season... • 1929/1930 honey season the worst for 15 years, probably only one third of the previous season’s record big crop - two record seasons, one disastrous season and a world depression… • C and E Morton take over as agents for the HPA
The start of the 1930s, the end of the HPA... • PA Hillary elected President of the NBA in 1931 • Proposal to extend the powers of the Honey Control Board to local market • Proposal to create ‘equalisation fund’ to encourage exports • In July 1932, HPA finally placed itself into voluntary liquidation
And out of the ashes... • New Zealand Honey, Ltd picked up where the HPA left off, at a time when honey had dropped to as low as 2 1/2d per pound • Shareholders could be compelled to supply 50% of their crop to the company • NZ Honey came into being after failure of the honey crop and the failure of competitive open marketing
And that Seals Levy... • Wallace Nelson of Otorohanga first proposed the use of a ‘seal’ to be fixed to containers of honey sold as part of a marketing association • ‘Sealed honey’ would assure the public of superior quality and stability to the marketing organisation
Trying to fix the bad spots... • NZ Honey required definite proportions of crops • Shareholders had to agree not to sell at less than the Association’s listed prices • Members fixed seal to indicate 1/2d paid levy on honey sold directly • While NZ Honey was selling the honey, it was still under the control of the Honey Control Board
Imperial Bee brand... • Branding of honey as ‘NZ’ had resulted in consumer acceptance/confidence in the Imperial Bee label • Owned by the HPA up to time of liquidation • Government advanced money to NZ Honey to secure the goodwill and trademark
Reasonable stability... • 1930s had local market price cutting, but a slow increase in export returns • Many producers saddled with paying back the over advances from the HPA • Payout up to 4 1/2d per pound
Creamed honey... • Dr EJ Dyce had patent right to the processing of honey to create ‘creamed honey’ • Rights were revoked in 1935 after the NZ Honey Control Board took an action • NZ Honey Control Board got two guineas for costs...
Another knock... • C and E Morton (HPA’s agents in England) claimed £17,000 for overpayment of advances • Governement agree to loan the industry £10,000 to reduce the debt
The issue of ‘control’... • Commission of Agriculture held enquiry, concluding that there should be a single authority to supervise the whole of marketing (local and export), and a ‘pooling’ with payments by grade • 1936/1937 again one of those ‘worst crop years’… • Honey Control Board and NZ Honey Co wanted to maintain existing markets...
The Australian honey... • Importers claimed the honey was never to be sold in New Zealand or blended with Imperial Bee pack • Intended only to supply as ‘manufacturing grade’ • NZ Honey Ltd ceased trading after 4 1/2 years, having increased returns from 4 1/2d per pound to 6d
The Internal Marketing Division • Labour Government... • In 1938 the IMD took over NZ Honey Ltd’s business and plant at valuation • NZ Honey Ltd wound up, paying back all shares and capital and 6d per pound pro rata on the last year’s honey • All producers selling outside of the IMD to affix a stamp for 1/2d per pound...
The basic problem... • By the late 1930s, beekeepers knew that high prices in a season of shortage were of no real use when prices fell to unprofitable level when crop was above average • IMD attempted to stabilise the returns to beekeepers • War brought more problems...