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BUILD-UP Skills Estonia - BUILDEST I and II Development of the continuing education and training scheme s of the Building Sector to 2020 Contract N°: SI2.604349 , D uration 18 months. Liina Henning, Tallinn University of Technology.
BUILD-UP Skills Estonia - BUILDESTI and IIDevelopment of thecontinuingeducation and trainingschemesofthe Building Sector to 2020Contract N°: SI2.604349, Duration 18 months Liina Henning, Tallinn UniversityofTechnology
BuildEstRoadmap andAction Plan for Training Workforce Topicscovered: • Strategies and action planstowards EU 2020 targets • Buildings’ energy consumption and development of renewable energy • The labour market in the construction sector • Awarding occupational qualifications in the field of construction • Construction education and training at the vocational education level • Divergence between the current professional skills of the workforce and the levels necessary forachievingthe 2020 objectives
IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES • Continuing support programmes for energy conservation activity in apartment buildings– CO2 allowances and EU structuralfunds • Implementation of the public sector building renovation programme - up to 2013 is 146.5 million euros and it will allow close to 480 public buildings • Energy conservation in publictransportand electriccarsproject • Increasing the competitiveness of industry – energy auditing • Energyconservationinprivate housing (1/3 ofhouseholds)
Primaryfindingsofstatusquo • The number ofemployedbyconstructioncompaniescouldriseto 45,000-50,000 peopleormore: Forecast as to the number of employed in the construction sector and by construction companies in 2012-2020 on the basis of the total number (thousands of people)
Primaryfindingsofstatusquo • Takingintoconsiderationthatadmissionsin VET schoolsweredownin 2010-2011, the number ofgraduatesin 2013 maybeaslowas 800.
Workforcerelatedfindingsofstatusquo • Theconstructionsectorwould need at least900-1,200 newskilledworkersperyear • Around 800 graduatingperyear, 36 percentnotintegratedintothesector,newhirestoaslowas 600, whichismuchlowerthaneventhemostconservativeforecastforworkforceneedsinthesector • The workforce study* data signaled an urgent shortage of workforce in the sector • Theconstruction workers who lack professional training account for close to 50 percent of workers at construction companies *Estonian Institute of Economic Research ”Workforce-related situation of Estonian construction companies and prospective need for workforce” (May 2012).
Eight-level national qualifications framework (EstQF)15 • In the development of competences aimed at energy efficiency, the complementing of occupational standards in the construction field is of key importance MEASURE : Energyefficiencyskillsmoduleofthecompetence standard developedforeveryprofession and competencelevel (constructionworkers 1-4 levels and 5 level – masterforeman) • Occupationalstandards are the basis for updating the content of national curricula in vocational education as well as designing in-service trainings
BuildEst II activities • 1 non-qualified workforce training scheme – focusing on describing the principles of integration of the non-qualified workers into existing vocational education and training, widely using also accreditation of prior learning and work. • 5 qualified workforce training schemesEstQF III and IV level -Construction works – stone, concrete, steel -Carpenter -Construction finisher -Heating, plumbing, ventilation, installers of RES systems -Master-foreman training EstQF V level • 1 trainers’ training scheme for qualified workforce trainers (joint and specialized modules) 90 trainers • 1 on-site learning mentor (practical internship) training programme • 1 training programme for occupational qualification and evaluation committee members • corresponding modern training / study materials. • pilot trainings– 12 people in each piloted course in the methodological part of trainers’ training = 12 people x 28 groups = 336 people (workers; ca. 0.8% out of 41 000) • The training schemes will be built into the Estonian qualification requirements
SuggestionsforBuildupSkills I projects • KeyOpinionLeaders • qualitymanagersofconstructioncompanies, • qualificationassessmentcommitteemembers, • vocationalteachers • Involvementofministrylevel • Identifynumbersofpeopletobetrained – notonlybyprofessionalsobyrequiredlevel • Addressunskilledworkers
Thankyouforattention Project homepage: • http://estonia.buildupskills.eu/ • Contact: • liina.henning@ttu.ee