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Middle School Mathematics in Georgia. Fall GASSP Conference November 4, 2013 Sandi Woodall swoodall@doe.k12.ga.us. Middle School Mathematics in Georgia. What are the facts surrounding CCGPS? OR
Middle School Mathematics in Georgia Fall GASSP Conference November 4, 2013 Sandi Woodall swoodall@doe.k12.ga.us
Middle School Mathematics in Georgia What are the facts surrounding CCGPS? OR …more simply said, why did we have to change mathematics in the first place in 2005 and AGAIN in 2012?
We hear so many reasons why we should not have made changes …and we are expected to respond.
So why did we change our middle school expectations in mathematics?
So why did we change our middle school expectations in mathematics?
BEN FRANKLIN said“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’
Middle School Mathematics in Georgia Which middle school decisions will directly impact high school graduation? • Middle school acceleration in mathematics • Mathematics Graduation Requirements for students receiving special education services
Middle School Mathematics in Georgia What do I need to know about middle school acceleration?
Local boards of education may award units of credit for high school courses offered in the middle grades if the state-adopted high school (grades 9-12) curriculum is used for instruction and taught by a secondary certified (high school) teacher. For example, if provided for by local policy, a student may receive high school credit for CCGPS Coordinate Algebra taught in the eighth grade by a certified high school mathematics teacher. (page 5)
Middle School Mathematics in Georgia Which middle school decisions will directly impact high school graduation? • Middle school acceleration in mathematics • Mathematics Graduation Requirements for students receiving special education services
Prior to the student entering the ninth grade, the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team must document that the student has a disability which affects mathematics achievement.
Middle School Mathematics in Georgia What is available to support my mathematics teachers?
https://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/freeplucourses#math • Coordinate Algebra • Middle School Algebra • Middle School Statistics • Integrating Technology in Mathematics
GaDOE/GCTM Summer Academies • Six sites • Focus on building content knowledge base • Districts will be provided funding for participation costs
http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/CRCT.aspxhttp://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/CRCT.aspx • Online Assessment System • CRCT Content Descriptions • CRCT Student Guides
Sandi Woodall K-12 Mathematics Coordinator Georgia Department of Education swoodall@doe.k12.ga.us