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Meshes of Trees in Integer Arithmetic: Applications & Properties

Explore the Mesh of Trees (MoT) structure and its applications in integer arithmetic, including multiplication, division, and more. Learn about the construction, properties, and advantages of MoT in parallel algorithms. Discover the benefits of MoT's small diameter and large bisection width, making it an efficient structure for parallel computation. Dive into the concept of an "Ideal" Parallel Computer and its advantages and drawbacks. Uncover the importance of recursive decomposition in MoT and its relevance in parallel computation algorithms.

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Meshes of Trees in Integer Arithmetic: Applications & Properties

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Meshes of Trees (MoT) and Applications in Integer Arithmetic Panagiotis Voulgaris Petros Mol Course: Parallel Algorithms

  2. Outline of the talk • The two-Dimensional Mesh of Trees • Definitions • Properties • Variations • Integer Arithmetic Applications • Multiplication • Division • Powering • Root Finding

  3. Definition Construction: grid Mesh of Trees Nodes

  4. u u v v Properties 1)Diameter (maximum distance between any pair of processors): 4logN Proof Case 1: u belongs to a row tree and v to a column tree Dist<=2logN +2logN

  5. u v u v u Properties (cont.) Case 2:u,v belong only to row trees (or only to column trees) Dist=logN –r +2logN + logN + s<=4logN since r>=s

  6. Properties (cont) • 2)Bisection Width(the minimum number of wires that have to be removed in order to disconnect the network into two halves with “almost” identical number of processors) :N (Proof omitted) Thus meshes of trees enjoy both small diameter and large bisection width. This fact makes them a more efficient structure than arrays and simple trees

  7. Recursive Decomposition Mesh of trees Four disjoint copies of Mesh of trees Importance: This property makes mesh of trees appropriate for recursive algorithms for parallel computation

  8. “Ideal” Parallel Computer P+M P+M P: Processor M: Memory P+M P+M Every processor is linked to every other processor. Advantage: Speed !! Drawback: Cost P+M P+M P+M P+M

  9. P M P M P M … … P M “Ideal” Parallel Computer Process/Memory separation Every Processor has direct access to a memory register Again here the degree of each node becomes large as the number of processor increases Idea: Why not “simulate” the complete bipartite graph?

  10. “Ideal” Parallel Computer

  11. “Ideal” Parallel Computer

  12. “Ideal” Parallel Computer

  13. Benefits and Drawbacks +Simulation of any step of in 2logN steps +Bounded degree graph with essentially the computational power as +We have actually constructed the NxN mesh of Trees - The mesh of Trees has nearly nodes whereas the initial complete bipartite graph had only 2N Solution: Later

  14. Transformation to mesh of Trees Back

  15. Variations 1)

  16. Variations (cont)

  17. Variations (cont) 2)

  18. Variations (cont.) 3)

  19. Variations (cont.) 4)

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