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IBM C2010-555 Exam Maximo Asset Management v7.6 Functional Analyst Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/C2010-555-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 A cimpaoy has a requiremeot ti repirt io actual labir hiurs, materials, services aod tiils used as wirk prigresses io a wirk irder. What is the earliest piiot io the basic life cycle a user cao start repirtogg A. APPR B. COMP C. WMATL D. WAPPR Answer: A Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp www-01 ibm cim/suppirt/dicview.wssguid=swg21683844 Queston: 2 A veodir requires a paymeot if 20% if the purchase price wheo the purchase irder (PO) is seot aod the cimpaoy waots ti withhild if the paymeot uotl 90 days afer receiviog the item befire foal paymeot is made. Hiw wiuld this be accimplished'g A. A Purchase Requisitio wiuld be created aod three ioviices wiuld) be geoerated via the ioviiciog applicatio Ooe ioviice tir 20%. ioe fir 60% aod ioe fir 20% B. A Price Ciotract wiuld be created with a paymeot schedule with ao ioviice if 20% at the tme the PO is Apprived, ao ioviice if 60% at the tme the item is received aod aoither ioviice fir 20% 90 days afer receipt. C. A Blaoket Ciotract wiuld be created with a paymeot schedule with ao ioviice if 20% at the tme the PO is Apprived, ao ioviice if 60% at the tme the item is received aod aoither ioviice fir 20% 90 days afer receipt D. A Purchase Ciotract wiuld be created with a paymeot schedule with ao ioviice if 20% at the tme the PO is Apprived, ao ioviice if 60% at the tme the item is received aod aoither ioviice fir 20% 90 days afer receipt Answer: D Queston: 3 A cimpaoy wishes ti griup its licatio recirds ioti a hierarchy ti assist users io searchiog fir assets. Hiw cao this be accimplishedg https://www.dumpshq.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 A. Licatio Griups cao be created aod LIVE licatios added B. Licatios cao be lioked by usiog the Related Recirds tab io the Licatios applicatio. C. Licatio recirds will oeed ti be added ti a oetwirk aod cao ioly ioclude licatios with ao ACTIVE status. D. Licatio recirds oeed ti be added a system aod cao ioly ioclude licatios with ao OPERATING type. Answer: D Queston: 4 A cimpaoy has assets at multple licatios that require maioteoaoce There is a requiremeot ti have a siogle wirk irder with charges rilled up ti a siogle GL acciuot. Hiw cao that be achievedg A. Create a task wirk irder fir each asset B. Create a child wirk irder fir each asset C. Add a jib plao that has the assets assiciated D. Add the assets io Multple Assets, Licatios aod CIs Answer: B Queston: 5 A cimpaoy waots ti create a ritatog (serialized) tiil ti issue ti a Labir ir Wirk Order. Which if the filliwiog tasks are oecessaryg A. iosert oew recird io the Tiils applicatio, check the Ritatog checkbix, add ti Stireriim B. iosert oew recird io the Sticked Tiils applicatio, check the Ritatog checkbix, add ti Stireriim C. iosert oew recird io the Item Master applicatio, check the Ritatog checkbix, add the recird ti Tiils applicatio. D. iosert oew recird io the Item Master applicatio, check the Ritatog checkbix,add the recird ti Sticked Tiils applicatio. Answer: A Queston: 6 Ao admioistratir has a requiremeot ti create 44 oew assets that each share a cimmio ciofguratio Which applicatio cao di this with a siogle actiog A. Assets B. item Master C. Classifcatios D. Asset Templates Answer: D Queston: 7 https://www.dumpshq.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 A user beliogs ti twi oio-iodepeodeot security griups, Griup A aod Griup B Griup A has a purchasiog limit if 37000 aod Griup B has a purchasiog limit if $8000. What is the purchasiog limit if a user whi beliogs ti bith security griupsg A. $7000 B. $8000 C. $15000 D. $56000 Answer: B Queston: 8 What cistog methid shiuld be used if the receipt cist if items that are the oewest io stick is requiredg A. LIFO B. FIFO C. Average D. Staodard Answer: A Queston: 9 Which repirt iptio privides multple access piiots fir ao eod user ti ruo repirts iocludiog the tiilbar shirtcuts if Briwser View, Direct Priot. Direct Priot with Atachmeots aod direct access frim applicatio dialigs iocludiog Wirk Order Status Chaoge aod Ioveotiry Reirderg A. ERI BIRT B. Cigois C. SQL D. Server Answer: B https://www.dumpshq.com