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Strategic Gameplay in Prisoner’s Dilemma: Analysis and Solutions

Explore the Prisoner’s Dilemma game variants, collaborative strategies, solutions, and outcomes. Investigate alliances, teamwork, and survival techniques in this strategic game theory scenario. Consider changing payoffs, property rights, state intervention, and self-regulation as potential solutions. Dive into rounds 2, 3, 4, and beyond!

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Strategic Gameplay in Prisoner’s Dilemma: Analysis and Solutions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Prisoner’s Dilemma Game Kevin Hinde

  2. A General Form of thePrisoner’s Dilemma Game YOU C D C (3,3) (0, 5) ME (1, 1) D (5, 0)

  3. Examples ……

  4. The Original Prisoner’s Dilemma

  5. Collusive Behaviour.

  6. Collusive Behaviour. http://www.opec.org

  7. Alliances

  8. Meetings and Teams

  9. Survival of the Species

  10. A few solutions…….

  11. A few solutions…… • Change the payoffs. • The existence of property rights. • The State. • Self-regulation.

  12. Prisoner’s Dilemma Game: Round 2,3,4…..n YOU C D C (3,3) (0, 5) ME (1, 1) D (5, 0)

  13. Tit for Tat • Nice • Retaliatory • Forgiving • Clear

  14. Summary

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