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Welcome. to Pandamation!. Arrival. School opens at 7:30 AM- go to cafeteria. 8:05 AM tardy. 9:30 AM marked absent. Dismissal. New this year—Parents can no longer sign students out in the commons area after school. Students are either: walkers bike riders

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Pandamation!

  2. Arrival • School opens at 7:30 AM- go to cafeteria • 8:05 AM tardy • 9:30 AM marked absent

  3. Dismissal New this year—Parents can no longer sign students out in the commons area after school. Students are either: walkers bike riders bus/day care true car riders. If you wish to park and retrieve your child, they will be considered a walker and as such, walk out the back door like all other walkers. Parents must wait outside the back doors for their child to exit and retrieve them at that point. Thanks!!

  4. Checking Out • You may not check out your student out after 2:45

  5. Car Rider Traffic Plan • Please visithttp://wpe.humble.k12.tx.usfor the traffic plan and map

  6. Traffic Map • Route to school- red WPE • Route from school- green No Woodland Hills traffic!

  7. Daily Schedule 7:40-8:10 DEAR, Morning Business 8:10-8:15 Panda Proud Morning News 8:15-9:40 Math/Spelling (Hughes) 9:45-10:00 Math/Spelling (Medina) 10:00-10:30 Recess 10:30-11:00 Lunch 11:00-12:15 Math/Spelling (Medina) 12:15-2:00 Math/Spelling (Oliver) 2:10-3:00 Specials Monday: P.E. Tuesday: Computer Wednesday: Music Thursday: Library Friday: P.E. 3:00-3:10 Dismissal

  8. Lunch/ Recess Oliver/Hughes Recess 10:00-10:30 Lunch 10:30-11:00 Hill/Perkins Recess 10:05-10:35 Lunch 10:30-11:05 Krause/Medina Recess10:10-10:40 Lunch 10:40-11:10

  9. Communication E-mail or call me anytime! Wendy.hughes@humble.k12.tx.us 281-641-2574

  10. Contactinfo. Wendy Oliver 281-641-2573 Wendy Hughes 281-641-2574 Crystal Medina 281-641-2575 Keri Hill 281-641-2570 Pam Perkins 281-641-2571 Kurtis Krause 281-641-2572

  11. Conference Time ***Most calls and e-mails will be answered at this time if possible. 2:10-3:00 PM each day

  12. Long Range Goals Develop written expression (narrative and expository) Master and apply all math facts in problem solving situations Work cooperatively in groups (sometimes taking leadership roles)

  13. Goals Continued… Plan and complete long-range projects (2 major reports, 2 major projects) Speak to peers with confidence and style Be organized and focused

  14. Guidelines for Success • Be Responsible • Always Try – NEVER give up!! • Do your BEST • Cooperate with Others • Treat EVERYONE with Respect (including and especially YOURSELF)

  15. C.H.A.M.P.A Proactive Approach to Classroom Behavior Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation

  16. Rules and Consequences • Rules • Please… • No interfering with the teaching and learning of others. • Respect personal space, rights and property of others. • Follow directions of all your teachers. • Come to class prepared with all supplies and homework complete. • Follow school rules consistently. • Thanks!! • Continued…

  17. Consequences • Consequences • Green = Doing great!! Keep it up! • Yellow = Lose 15 minutes of recess AND parent signs planner • Red = Lunch detention AND loss of all recess AND parent signs planner AND call parent • Blue = office referral • Color Code • Green = 0-2 • Yellow = 3-4 • Red = 5 • Blue = 6

  18. Tuesday folders (these are green) • Graded and non-graded papers • Important information from school and the community

  19. Planners • Homework is copied from the board • Planners are checked by teacher or responsible student • Parent signature required as needed • Behavior chart will be kept in planner

  20. Homework • Some daily, some weekly. • About one hour: 30 min. reading silently or aloud 30 min.. (or less) other subjects • Some long-term projects 2-4 weeks

  21. Late Work District Policy for 2010-2011 • Assignments and tests must be completed and turned in on the assigned date in order to receive full credit. In an effort for the student’s work to reflect mastery of the content presented in the assignment, no more than 10 points total will be deducted for late work.

  22. Grading Policy 90-100 A 80-89 B 75-79 C 70-74 D 0-69 F

  23. E-School Check students grades on-line Update personal information on-line – phone numbers, addresses, etc. (PLEASE)

  24. Absences refer to student handbook • Call school281-641-2519 • Return with note • Nurse: 281-641 2505 • Student is responsible for missed assignments Make-up days = # days absent

  25. Snacks • Water only to drink • Fruit, crackers, pretzels, yogurt, nuts, cheese • No chips, cake, “honeybuns,”, cookies, Funyuns, Cheetos, or candy

  26. Birthday Celebrations Birthdays are special and deserve to be recognized! Please help support WPE by buying ice cream from the cafeteria for the class instead of bringing outside treats. Thank you for the support!!

  27. Cafeteria • Breakfast $1.20 Lunch $1.85 • You may prepay meals with check or Visa/MC/debit card– AUTOPAY!!! • http://www.humble.k12.tx.us/nutrition/index.htm • Students may “charge” once

  28. Toys • Please leave toys AT HOME • All electronics will be taken to the office • Cell phones must remain off and out-of-sight (in backpack) • Absolutely NO balls from home, please

  29. Dress Code • Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length • Girls’ straps- credit card width • Boys must wear sleeves refer to student handbook • No flip-flops or heels • NO belly-buttons!

  30. Activity Fee • All 5th graders are asked to bring in a $20.00 activity fee • (CASH ONLY) • This will cover: Supplies, subscriptions, possible extra field trips, etc.

  31. Don’t Forget to sign up for… & Sign up today in Lab 606 or in your child’s homeroom.

  32. Don’t forget to sign-in!

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