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Introduction. Actinide contamination of the environment results from nuclear fuel processing, reactor fuel storage, and defense related activities.The presence of naturally-occurring (e.g. citric acid, catechol, oxalate) and synthetic organic ligands (e.g. EDTA, NTA) with the actinide may result i
1. Interactions of Radionuclides With Organic Ligands: Implications For Their Mobility In Nuclear Waste Cleveland J. Dodge
Environmental Sciences Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
NCSS Symposium
Nuclear Science in the Environment
July 18, 2006
2. Introduction Actinide contamination of the environment results from nuclear fuel processing, reactor fuel storage, and defense related activities.
The presence of naturally-occurring (e.g. citric acid, catechol, oxalate) and synthetic organic ligands (e.g. EDTA, NTA) with the actinide may result in its complexation and solubilization with subsequent migration from the site.
Elucidation of the coordination chemistry of these complexes under various environmental conditions (e.g. pH, [ligand], ionic strength) will result in a better understanding of the fundamental processes affecting actinide mobility.
This knowledge can then be used for the design and development of viable treatment strategies.