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St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School Wednesday, February 20, 2008 7 P.M. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE (ARC) PUBLIC MEETING # 4. Prayer Welcome / Introductions Background Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee – Findings and Recommendations
Prayer Welcome / Introductions Background Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee – Findings and Recommendations Feedback/questions pertaining to recommendations Adjournment - 9:00 p.m. AGENDA HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Chair – Patricia Amos Superintendent of Education Trustee – Linda DiBartolomeo Ward 5 Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee Members HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
St. Christopher Principal – Loretta Ferro Catholic School Council – John Zimmerman St. John the Baptist Parish – Terri Persaud Community Rep. – Bill MacIntosh Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee Members HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
St. David Principal – Sandra Scime Catholic School Council – Ralph Urciuoli St. Eugene Parish – Maxine Whitehead Incarnation Parish – Kerry Dwyer-Mitchell Community Rep. – Luisa Butera Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee Members HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
St. Luke Principal – Marcelo DeAngelis Catholic School Council – Anita Thompson St. Luke Parish – Lucienne Rowan Community Rep. – Marco Fortino Hamilton East Accommodation Review Committee Members HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board shall review its pupil accommodation requirements annually. In keeping with the following: Education Act s. 8(1)Ministry of Education Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines – October 31, 2006Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board Policy S. 09 HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School board is responsible for providing schools and facilities for its students and for operating and maintaining its schools as effectively and efficiently as possible to support student achievement. Pupil Accommodation Review Policy(S.09) HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The annual facilities review examines the on-going viability and operation of the schools taking into account declining enrolment, overcrowding, programming needs, facility needs, aging buildings and the need for new facilities. Pupil Accommodation Review Policy(S.09) HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Since 2000, the Board has opened 6 new elementary schools: Guardian Angels Holy Name of Mary Mother Teresa Pope John Paul St. Mark St. Thérèse of Lisieux A new Immaculate Heart of Mary school was built to replace the former school. The new school opened in January 2007. Addressing Growth Areas HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The Board has submitted the following requests to the Ministry of Education for consideration for capital funds to construct new/replacement schools in the following areas: Ancaster Heritage Green Flamborough Binbrook H.W.C.D.S.B. Capital Plan 2007 Funding Requests to Ministry of Education HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The Board has received confirmation from the Ministry of Education that capital funds have been made available to construct a replacement school for St. Thomas Waterdown due to the fact that the school was also deemed “prohibitive to repair”. The Ministry has not allocated capital funds for the other projects at this time. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
St. Emeric St. Charles Garnier St. Thomas Aquinas Holy Rosary H.W.C.D.S.B.Past School Closures – Due to Decline in Enrolment HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Christ the King / Canadian Martyrs St. Bernard / St. David St. Cecilia / Mother Teresa St. Anthony / St. Luke St. Joan of Arc / St. Agnes H.W.C.D.S.B.School Closure/Consolidation HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
According to Ministry and Board Policy, the Accommodation Review Process must include a group of schools within the review area and not a single school. The process is intended to include broader consultation and review of data from multiple schools in order to help facilitate the development of viable and practical solutions for student accommodation. Pupil Accommodation Review Policy(S.09) HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Enrolment and demographics determine the need for permanent facilities. Enrolment is the key determinant of staffing levels in schools. Grade structures are determined by enrolment. Small enrolment can result in triple grades in a school. Enrolment is the major component in the Ministry of Education funding model. Challenges of Declining Enrolment HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Comparison of Elementary Enrolment 2000-2007 HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Enrolment Projections 2005 – 2015(From March 2, 2007 Board Report) HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Key indicators critical to the school accommodation review process are: A school may no longer be viable based on low enrolment which presents difficulty in meeting the educational needs of the students. Per pupil operating costs may be above Ministry funding allocations. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The School Valuation Framework helps to measure the key indicators by examining school data related to each of the following categories: Value of the school to the Student Value of the school to the Board Value of the school to the Community Value of the school to the Local Economy HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Committee Meeting June 21, 2007 Committee Meeting September 17, 2007 Committee Meeting October 23, 2007 Public Meeting #1 October 30, 2007 Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Public Meeting #2 November 29, 2007 Committee Meeting January 15, 2008 Public Meeting #3 January 24, 2008 Committee Meeting February 7, 2008 Committee Meeting February 13, 2008 Public Meeting #4 February 20, 2008 Committee Meeting February 26, 2008 Hamilton-East Accommodation Review Committee Meetings and Public Meetings HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Public Meeting #1 October 30, 2007 Outlined the mandate of the Accommodation Review Committee – Ministry and Board Policies and Guidelines, the Terms of Reference and the process to be followed. Reviewed of March and April 2007 Board Accommodation Reports. Public Meeting #2 November 29, 2007 Presentation of draft School Valuation Framework documents for St. Christopher, St. David, St. Luke Public Meeting #3 January 24, 2008 Presentation of accommodation options Public Meeting #4 February 20, 2008 Draft School Valuation Report – Recommendations for the Director of Education Hamilton-East Accommodation Review Committee Meetings and Public Meetings HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Based on the review of data from the School Valuation Frameworks for St. David and St. Luke Catholic Elementary School, as well as from input from the Public meetings, the Hamilton-East Accommodation Review Committee will recommend to the Director of Education that St. David Catholic Elementary School and St. Luke Catholic Elementary School are viable and should not be considered for closure or consolidation. Hamilton-East ARC – Recommendations School Valuation Frameworks HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
At Public Meeting #3 the Hamilton-East ARC indicated to the community that St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School was being considered for possible closure/consolidation based on a review of the data from the School Valuation Frameworks. Review of Options for St. Christopher HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The main reason for this option to be considered was based on “Value of the School to the Student”. Declining enrolment would have a significant impact on the grade structures which would result in triple grades in 2008-2009 and four grades in a class in 2009 – 2010. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
JK 6 K 6 Grade 1 8 Grade 2 5 Grade 3 8 Grade 4 9 Total Enrolment Grade 5 12 95 Grade 6 13 89FTE Grade 7 19 Grade 8 9 2008-2009 St. Christopher Enrolment Including 17 Out of Boundary Students HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School 2008-2009 - Including Out of Boundary Students Class Structure JK/K Grade 1 14 students – triple grades ( 6 JK in a.m. with 8 Grade 1, 6 K in p.m. with 8 Grade 1 ) Grade 2, 3, 4 22 students – triple grades Grade 5/6 25 students - 2 grades Grade 7/8 28 students – 2 grades HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
2009-2010St. Christopher – Including Out of Boundary Students JK 6 K 6 Grade 1 6 Grade 2 8 Grade 3 5 Grade 4 8 Grade 5 9 Grade 6 12 Grade 7 13 Grade 8 19 Enrolment 92 or 86 FTE HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
2009-2010St. Christopher – Including Out of Boundary Students JK / K / Grade 1 / Grade 2 = 20 (four grades) Grade 3 / 4 / 5 = 22 (triple grades) Grade 6/7 = 25 (cross division combined grades) Grade 8 = 19 (below contract/funding allocation) HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Combined grades Triple grades Four grades in a class Cross divisional classes Different learning environments required for JK/K and Grade 1 and 2 Wide range of ages within each class Very large number of curriculum expectations Wide range of abilities – students working above and below grade level – students on an Individual Education Plan, Students with Special Needs, English Language Learners Challenges HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Fewer teachers providing instruction Less opportunities for teacher collaboration Fewer teachers for Supervision Fewer teachers for co-curricular activities Very difficult to plan, teach and assess multiple curriculum expectations Less opportunity for teacher mentoring Sacramental preparation EQAO Outdoor education/field trips – range of ages Challenges HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The second reason that the option for consolidation/closure of St. Christopher was based on Value to the Board. The per pupil operating costs for the schools under review in Hamilton East are: St. Christopher $11, 150 per student St. David $6, 375.43 per student St. Luke $5, 920.94 per student From the school year 2008-2009 onward, the cost to operate St. Christopher would increase based on the lower number of full time equivalent students and the increasing long term renewal costs. Estimated cost of renewal projects for St. Christopher over next 10 years = $1,243,332.00 Operating Costs HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The Hamilton-East Accommodation Review Committee discussed the question: Could an alternative boundary organization offer better long-term opportunities to provide quality educational programs / services and accommodations for students within current fiscal realities? Possible Boundary Changes HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The committee discussed the possible expansion of the St. Christopher boundary from its current boundary to include a larger catchment area – from Kenilworth Avenue to the Red Hill Valley and from King Street to the rail tracks. The committee accepted the fact that students who were currently residing in the expanded boundary would not want to change schools and attend St. Christopher school. The committee investigated the possible number of students that may move into the area of the expanded boundary within the next 3-5 years. Approximately 25 students may move into the expanded boundary area over the next 3-5 years Possible Boundary Changes HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
St. Christopher population over the next 3-5 years, based on the CN Watson report C.N. Watson report excludes out of boundary students. In September 2008 there would be 17 additional out of boundary students if St. Christopher were to remain open. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
If the school remained open for 3-5 years, the expanded boundary would still not boost enrolment at St. Christopher. • All schools in the area surrounding St. Christopher are also facing significant decline in enrolment over the next 3-5 years. • Changing boundaries to help one school will only have a negative impact on another school. Since all the schools in lower east Hamilton are under review due to declining enrolment, changing boundaries was not accepted as a viable solution. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Based on the data from the School Valuation Framework, there are 2884 empty pupil spaces within an 8 km radius of St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School. This is the equivalent of 28 schools the size of St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School. Demographics HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The committee was asked to outline a potential boundary re-organization that would meet the range of mandatory and optional programs and ensure long-term program quality for the students. The committee investigated a boundary change that would see the boundary of St. John the Baptist Catholic Elementary School expanded to include the current St. Christopher student population. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Consolidation St. John the Baptist / St. Christopher’s Possible Class Structures – Scenario 1 JK 20 JK/K 20 K 20 Grade 1 20 Grade 1/2 20 (14 + 6) Grade 2 19 Grade 3 19 Grade 3 19 Grade 4 30 Grade 4/5 29 (15 + 14) Grade 5 32 Grade 6 27 Grade 7 29 Grade 7 30 Grade 8 25 Grade 8 25 HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Consolidation St. John the Baptist / St. Christopher Possible Class Structure – Scenario 2 JK 20 JK/K 20 K 20 Grade 1 20 Grade 1/2 20 (14 + 6) Grade 2 19 Grade 3 19 Grade 3 19 Grade 4 22 Grade 4 23 Grade 5 23 Grade 5 23 Grade 6 27 Grade 7 29 Grade 7 30 Grade 8 25 Grade 8 25 Total = 384 or 369 FTE HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Less combined classes No triple grade classes No classes with 4 grades in one class No cross divisional classes Learning environment can be better organized to meet needs of students Age range of students within classes more appropriate More teachers More opportunities for teacher collaboration, mentoring Curriculum much more manageable Benefits of Consolidation HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Larger, newer gymnasium Newer computer lab Large closed classrooms More students – greater flexibility for placement of students Students can experience a variety of teaching styles Next to church Benefits of Consolidation HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Additional Costs Transportation –approx. $35,000.00 Upgrades to receiving school Potential cost savings: 1.2 million dollars in renewal costs Approximately $600,000.00 in annual salary costs Approximately $35,000.00 in annual maintenance costs HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
Based on the findings of the School Accommodation Review process, the Hamilton-East Accommodation Review Committee is recommending that St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School be closed effective June 30, 2008 and be consolidated with St. John the Baptist effective September, 2008. Hamilton-East Accommodation Review Committee Recommendations HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The committee recommends that the current bussing distances – 1.2 km for JK and K students and 1.6 km for Grade 1-8 students be applied to the new boundary subject to the Transportation Policy. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The committee recommends that all out of boundary students currently attending St. Christopher Elementary School be allowed to attend St. John the Baptist Catholic Elementary School effective September 2008. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The committee recommends that current out of boundary students from St. Christopher be allowed to take the bus to St. John the Baptist if they can be picked up at designated stops provided for St. Christopher students. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The committee recommends that the Board establish the new boundary for St. John the Baptist that will include all or part of the current St. Christopher boundary. The committee recommends that any current St. Christopher students and their siblings who live outside of the new catchment boundary for St. John the Baptist area be “grandfathered” to complete their elementary education at St. John the Baptist if they so choose. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE
The committee recommends that when new boundaries are established by the board, students living within the St. Eugene boundary be provided bus transportation based on the Board Transportation policy – 1.2 km for JK and K students, and 1.6 km for Grade 1-8 students if they elect to attend St. Eugene school. HAMILTON EAST ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE