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From Scratchy to Natural! Adding VTML Magic to Text-to-Speech Narration. Dr. Pooja Jaisingh Maanasa Srinivasulu Adobe systems. Agenda . Add slide notes Convert slide notes to Text to Speech Manage/modify text to speech for the entire project Add text to speech audio as object audio
From Scratchy to Natural! Adding VTML Magic to Text-to-Speech Narration Dr. Pooja Jaisingh Maanasa Srinivasulu Adobe systems
Agenda • Add slide notes • Convert slide notes to Text to Speech • Manage/modify text to speech for the entire project • Add text to speech audio as object audio • Reuse text to speech in a different project • Use VTML tags to make the voice sound natural
VTML Tags • <vtml_break> • <vtml_partofsp> • <vtml_pause> • <vtml_pitch> • <vtml_sayas> • <vtml_speed> • <vtml_sub>
<vtml_break> • Description: Sets the Break Indices between words. • Syntax: <vtml_breaklevel="0" | "1" | "2" | "3"/> • Attribute: • Level: It sets Break Indices. Required (0= read continuously, 1= read with minor break, 2= read with major break, 3=sentence separation) • Example: Picture this! <vtml_break level="1"/>Lisa is a new joinee in the Adobe Captivate support team. She has just finished learning how to use Adobe Captivate <vtml_break level="2"/>and has also cleared the ACE Exam for Adobe Captivate. She is all set <vtml_break level="1"/>to support the customers.
<vtml_partofsp> • Description: Designates a word class of the word surrounded with tags. • Syntax: <vtml_partofsp part="unknown" | "noun" | "verb" | "modifier" | "function" | "interjection"> text </vtml_partofsp> • Attribute: • part: Part of speech. • Example: Did you <vtml_partofsp part="verb">record</vtml_partofsp> that <vtml_partofsp part="noun">record</vtml_partofsp>?
<vtml_pause> • Description: Sets a pause to be inserted in the synthesized voice. • Syntax: <vtml_pausetime="msec"/> • Attribute: • time: Pause length. The unit is millisecond and it has the value between 0 to 65535. • Example: Lisa is really excited <vtml_pause time="500"/>but a bit anxious to answer the first call. She has requested you, <vtml_pause time="1000"/>as an experienced customer support representative, to help her while she takes her first call.
<vtml_pitch> • Description: It sets the pitch of the text surrounded by this tag. • Syntax: <vtml_pitchvalue="pitch"> child elements </vtml_pitch> • Attribute: • value: The level of pitch ranging between 50~200%. • Example: <vtml_pitch value="150">Not a big problem? What do you mean? </vtml_pitch> <vtml_pitch value="200">My course delivery is stalled because of quality issues. And if you keep getting such complaints from the customers, why don’t you think of resolving it?</vtml_pitch>
<vtml_sayas> • Description: It sets the format of text surrounded with this tag. • Syntax: <vtml_sayasinterpret-as=“construct_type” format=“string” detail=“string”> text </vtml_sayas> • Attribute: • Interpret-as (Required): It tells what the text should be interpreted as – date, time and the like • Format (optional): The format in accordance with the type of the text • Detail(optional): Additional information on reading in accordance with the format of the text
<vtml_sayas> examples • I am busy and cannot make it for lunch at <vtml_sayas interpret-as="ssml:time" format="hm12"> 1:30 </vtml_sayas> <vtml_break level="0"/> today. Why don't we meet on <vtml_sayas interpret-as="ssml:date" format="md"> 10/25 </vtml_sayas> • You still owe me <vtml_sayas interpret-as="vxml:currency">USD30.10 </vtml_sayas> • I will give you <vtml_sayas interpret-as=“sapi:number” format=“fraction”> 3/4 </vtml_sayas> of my share.
<vtml_speed> • Description: It sets the speed of text surrounded with this tag. • Syntax: <vtml_speedvalue="speed"> child elements </vtml_speed> • Attribute: • speed: It sets the utterance speed with 50~400(%) value. • Example: <vtml_speed value="250">Not a big problem? </vtml_speed><vtml_speed value="200">What do you mean? </vtml_speed>My course delivery is stalled because of quality issues. And if you keep getting such complaints from the customers, why don’t you think of resolving it?
<vtml_sub> • Description:Reads text by replacing text surrounded with tags with the alias value • Syntax: <vtml_subalias="string"> text </vtml_sub> • Attribute: • alias: It replaces the value surrounded with tags • Example: You can create cool interactive eBooks using Adobe <vtml_sub alias=“Digital Publishing Suite"> DPS </vtml_sub>
Remember • VTML tags are for NeoSpeech voices only • Do not copy paste the tags from the web • Adobe Captivate only recognizes voices with the speech API and picks them up • More about VTML tags - https://ondemand.neospeech.com/vt_eng-Engine-VTML-v3.9.0-3.pdf
Contact Details Dr. Pooja Jaisingh Adobe eLearning Evangelist • pjaising@adobe.com • @poojajaisingh Maanasa Srinivasulu Computer Scientist • msriniva@adobe.com