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Computer Skills Curriculum for K-5 Students

Kindergarteners to 5th graders learn fundamental computer skills: mouse use, text editing, graphic design, multimedia, and web exploration. Each grade level advances in skills as they complete various projects. Emphasis on creative tasks.

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Computer Skills Curriculum for K-5 Students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. St. Mary’s K-5 Computer Class

  2. Kindergarteners learn the basics of computer operations by mastering the use of the mouse and how to select tools to complete tasks as they explore Kid Pix. Basic word processing skills such as text editing are introduced. Graphic design skills are learned as they resize, move, select and delete graphics. Multimedia skills are introduced as they record and select sounds and select animation to create a slide show. Throughout the school year, they explore carefully selected Web sites. Grade K

  3. Grade 1 students build on the basic computer skills learned in Kindergarten. They explore advanced options available in Kids Pix. Word processing skills include inserting text and WordArt, and editing and modifying text. Graphic design skills are used as they resize, move, select and delete graphics. In Grade 1, they will learn to insert graphics. Multimedia skills are expanded as they record and select sounds and select animation as they create a slide show. Throughout the school year, they explore carefully selected Web sites. Grade 1

  4. Grade 2 students begin becoming independent as they complete their projects. This year, they learn to navigate the computer’s file system as they save files on the student network drive. Word processing skills are expanded on and spreadsheets are introduced. Graphic design skills are used as they insert, resize, move, select and delete graphics. They apply these skills as they create detailed projects. Multimedia skills are expanded as they create a slide show about their class mascot. Throughout the school year, they explore carefully selected Web sites. Grade 2

  5. Grade 3 is a transition year where the students complete in depth projects created over a series of classes. They navigate the computer’s file system as they save files on the student network drive. Word processing and spreadsheet skills are expanded on and traditional keyboarding is introduced. Graphic design skills are used as they insert, resize, move, select and delete graphics. Multimedia skills are expanded as they create a slide show about a research topic. Throughout the school year, they explore carefully selected Web sites. Grade 3

  6. In Grade 4 students are given their own unique username and password to access the school network. This includes a school email account which is used to participate in class projects. They also complete a variety of projects including word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, and graphic design. In Grade 4 students are introduced to Web 2.0 skills such as designing Web pages, blogging and contributing to wikis. Grade 4

  7. The focus for Grade 5 is to guide students to independently create a variety of projects as they prepare for middle school. This is accomplished by exposing them to word processing, desktop publishing, graphic design, spreadsheets, Web 2.0 skills such as designing Web pages, blogging and contributing to wikis, and navigating the Internet, the student server and their email accounts. Grade 5

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