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Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands. Results from EMEP on emission inventories, monitoring and modelling of POPs Sergey Dutchak EMEP/Meteorological Synthesizing Centre – East (MSC-E) Moscow, Russia. EMEP/MSC-E.
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Results from EMEP on emission inventories, monitoring and modelling of POPsSergey DutchakEMEP/Meteorological Synthesizing Centre – East (MSC-E)Moscow, Russia EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Protocol on POPs Items addressed to EMEP Article 3 Basic obligations … 8. Each Party shall develop and maintain emission inventories for the substances listed in annex … It shall report this information in accordance with the (EMEP) reporting requirements set out in article 9 below. EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Protocol on POPs Article 9 Reporting … 3.In good time before each annual session of the Executive Body, EMEP shall provide information on the long-range transport and deposition of POPs. EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Protocol on POPs Article 8 Research, Development and Monitoring The Parties shall encourage research related, but not limited, to: (a) Emissions, long-range transport and deposition levels and their modelling. (b) Pollutant pathways and inventories in representative ecosystems. EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Protocol on POPs PREAMBLE INCLUDES STATEMENT ABOUT INTERCONTINENTAL TRANSPORT Recognizing that emissions of many POPs are transported across international boundaries and are deposited in Europe, North America and the Arctic, far from their site of origin, and that the atmosphere is the dominant medium of transport. EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands EMEP output in the period 1998-2003 in the following areas: • Emissions • Monitoring • Modelling EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Emissions • EMEP/CORINAIR - Atmospheric Emission Inventories Guidebook (including POP sections); • EMEP Guidelines for estimating and reporting emission data • Official information on POP emissions: Pollutants Countries Pollutants Countries PAH 26 PCB 15 PCDD/F 26 HCH 8 HCB 13 Short-chained chlorinated paraffins (SCCP) - 5 Pentachlorophenol (PCP) - 10 EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands PCDD/F official emission data, g TEQ/y 12 countries –for all years from 1990 to 2001 EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Emission expert estimates EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Trend of emissions Europe France PCDD/Fs expert estimates, kg TEQ/y PCDD/Fs official data, kg TEQ/y EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Changes in spatial distribution of emissions 1980 2000 PCDD/F EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Reductionof PCDD/F official emissions 1990 - 2000 EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1 – 3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Spatial distribution of emissions in the Northern Hemisphere Expert estimates – PCB, 1996 EMEP/MSC-E
Air Precipitation Air+prec. Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Monitoring of POPs (CCC) EMEP monitoring network Monitoring Strategy for 2004 - 2009 13 sites Core sites Level 1 No POPs Core sites Level 2 PAHs, PCBs, HCB, chlordane, HCHs and DDTs (priority compounds) Core sites Level 3 More specific measurements (e.g PCDD/F congener composition) EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Monitoring of POPs (CCC) EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Monitoring of POPs (CCC) Trend of annual averaged HCB concentrations in the surface air Trend in annual average g-HCH concentration in air and aerosols EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Modelling 1. Model approach 2. Model output: • Pathways • Intercontinental transport • Spatial distribution / “hot sports” • Long-term trends • Source-receptors • Risk assessment • New substances • Country-specific information EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Multicompartment approach for POP modelling Emissions Degradat ion Atmosphere Out Vegetation Soil Sea EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Regional/hemispheric approach 30 - 80% POP emissions EMEP EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands EMEP model approach is based on POP model intercomparison List of the models: • EVN-BETR UK • UK-MODEL UK • ChemRange Switzerland • ClimoChem Switzerland • ELPOS Germany • ADOM-POP Germany • SimpleBox the Netherlands • EUROS the Netherlands • CAM/POPs Canada • MEDIACanada • GLOBO-POPCanada • DEHM-POP Denmark • INERIS France • G-CIEMS Japan • POPCYCLING-BalticNorway • HYSPLIT 4 USA • MSCE-POP MSC-E First meeting – November 2002, Moscow Second meeting – December 2003, Moscow Next meeting – August 2004, Moscow EMEP/MSC-E
May October Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output Pathways of atmospheric transport January Monthly dynamics of PCB-153 transport from North-western Europe sources for 1996 EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output Intercontinental transport of PCBs Spatial distribution of contamination by PCB-153 from American sources in 1996 EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output Spatial distribution of PCB in different media g/km2/y g/km2/y Emissions Air concentrations Depositions EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output Spatial distribution of PCB in different media Soil concentrations Vegetation concentrations Seawater concentrations EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output Long-term trends in Europe PCDD/Fs concentrations in air and soil PCDD/Fs emissions EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output Reduction of PCDD/Fs concentrations in air 1980 2000 EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output Decrease of PCDD/Fs air concentrations in European countries for 1980-2000 Concentration decrease 2-10 times for 26 countries EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output PCDD/Fs concentrations in soil 1980 2000 little changes in comparison with air EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output Distribution of POPs between environment compartments (mass balance for 20 years) PCB PCDD/Fs HCB Soil – 89% Soil – 93% Soil – 99% g-HCH Sea – 82% EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output PCDD/Fs re-emission flux from soil EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output Transboundary pollution 80 - 20% Transboundary contribution to the air concentration of BaP in European countries in 2000 EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output Source-receptor relationship (France) Contribution of transboundary depositions of B[a]P in 2000 to different grid squares from 10 up to 60 % Contribution of European countries to B[a]P deposition in 2000 23 % as total EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Model output INTERCONTINENTAL TRANSPORT Source-receptor relationship (Arctic) Emissions Deposition to the Arctic Contributions of main source groups of the Northern Hemisphere to the deposition of PCBs to the Arctic EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Contribution to the Risk Assessment Working Group on Effects (WGE) Areas where mean diurnal concentrations of B[a]P in air exceed 1 ng/m3 more than 100 days per year EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Contribution to (WGE) • Deposition on different types of underlying surface • Concentration of POP in various media with resolution 50x50/150x150 km • Long-term trends of contaminations in different compartments EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands New Substances Long-range Transport Potential and Overall Persistence Transport distance, km Overall Persistence, days PCN-47 – polychlorinated naphtalen; PeCBz – pentachlorobenzene; HCBD - hexachlorobutadiene EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Country-specific report on POPs • Contents: • Emissions • Depositions • Concentrations in: • - Air • - Soil • - Vegetation • Transboundary transport Transboundary pollution by POPs EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Cooperation International organizations • AMAP: participation in the RAIPON/GEF project • HELCOM: evaluation of g-HCH pollution of the Baltic Sea • OECD: POP model intercomparison study • UNEP: participation in the UNEP/GEF Project “Regionally Based Assessment of POPs • Joint projects with countries www.msceast.org EMEP/MSC-E
Task Force on POPs, 1-3 March 2004, the Hague, the Netherlands Conclusions • Submission and quality of official emission data needs further improvement • Monitoring data in different environmental compartments are highly appreciated • Assessment of POP pollution in Europe should take into account intercontinental transport • More close cooperation with other international organizations such as UNEP, AMAP, OSPAR, OECD is highly important EMEP/MSC-E