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Flute – Common Problems. Flutes are one of the most popular instruments for youngsters to begin playing – because of this there will be lots of flute repairs necessary Many flute repairs are actually quite simple to fix and can be learned with just a little practice
Flute – Common Problems • Flutes are one of the most popular instruments for youngsters to begin playing – because of this there will be lots of flute repairs necessary • Many flute repairs are actually quite simple to fix and can be learned with just a little practice • The tools needed for many flute repairs are few and quite inexpensive and easy to keep around the band room.
The Flute Gauge is a very useful tool to help solve flute issues. There are three steps cut at one end, and the other end can be Inserted under keys to help bend them back to proper alignment. Foot Joint Keys This end is useful for bending keys to make sure they close properly. Main Body keys Trill keys and B key Flute key height problems are solved by changing the thickness of the key cork or by bending the foot of the key. Sometimes both things need to be done.
Checking foot joint key heights with the largest step on the flute gauge
Checking body joint larger key heights with the middle step on the flute gauge
Checking body joint C key and Trill key heights with the small step on the flute gauge
A very common flute problem is caused by the hinge rod that runs through the C key and through the 2nd post down, anchoring the Bb/A key assembly. This hinge rod often works loose, allowing the Bb/A key assembly to be pushed out of line by the spring, causing problems with Bb and often lower notes as well. On many student flutes, due to mass production techniques, often the hinge rod can look like it is in properly when in fact it has already begun to work its way loose, as this picture shows.
Notice how the key just below the post in the circle is slightly to the right of center compared to the key above the post.
The key below the post in the circle, which was off-center to the right in the previous slide, is off-center to the left now because the hinge rod that runs through the C key has worked loose from the post, even though that’s not apparent when looking at the post where the hinge rod goes in.
On some student flutes even when the hinge rod is in properly, things can look out of line, so it is important to check the keys themselves to be certain they are closing properly on the tone holes. Notice the same circled post as in the other pictures. In this picture things are correct but they still don’t quite look it.
The hinge rod has worked its way quite loose, causing the sort of back and forth play in the Bb/A key depicted in the previous slides. This is a picture of an actual repair which came into my shop where neither the student nor the teacher knew why the Bbs weren’t working properly and why notes lower were airy. This should be one of the first things checked when a student is having problems with a flute.
The other area where flutes are commonly having problems is the foot joint. Because of the mechanics of the key work, the C# key frequently gets bent such that the pad doesn’t close when it should. Most of the time this isn’t a concern on student flutes until they become a lot more advanced, since the low notes aren’t used that often.
To fix the problem with the low C#, place something (I use my thumb) under the finger tab part of the key to hold it steady.
Press down on the key cup to bend the key slightly so that the two parts of the key will be in proper adjustment relative to each other.
Other common issues with flutes which can be fixed fairly easily with practice involve the adjusting screws. Slight twists either way can make the necessary adjustments to have all keys opening or closing properly. It is easy to turn the screws too far, so be sure to practice on school flutes which aren’t being used. One common problem with flutes involves the head cork. Sometimes called the “tuning cork” it is supposed to be fixed in one spot relative to the center of the embouchure, and is not supposed to be used for everyday tuning of the flute. If this cork is moved, then the flute will not play in tune with itself. As the cork dries out with age it becomes loose and can move on its own and especially as the students play with the head crown. Use the cleaning rod to check the position. When the end of the rod with the line on it is placed firmly against the head cork, the line should be exactly in the center of the embouchure hole. Other flute problems such as body dents and the way the joints fit together will need the services of a trained repair technician.