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Background. March 2009: First Mid-Staffs Investigation report published November 2009: Initial Public and Patient Involvement project in Staffordshire commissioned by DH following Mid Staffs inquiry March 2010: Project Board established and partner funding agreed

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Background March 2009: First Mid-Staffs Investigation report published November 2009: Initial Public and Patient Involvement project in Staffordshire commissioned by DH following Mid Staffs inquiry March 2010: Project Board established and partner funding agreed June 2010: Full Public Inquiry announced July 2010: “Liberating the NHS” sets out plans for Healthwatch, influenced by the thinking around ECS December 2011: Public consultation to confirm support for ECS concept (2,300 responses) March 2012: Launch of ECS June 2012: ECS takes over hosting of LINk, ECS Board recruited November 2012: ECS awarded local Healthwatch contract February 2013: Francis Inquiry report

  2. What is ECS?

  3. ECS Governance ECS Board Robin Morrison (Chair) Frances Beatty Lloyd Cooke Will Taylor Yvonne Buckland

  4. Healthwatch Proposed Priorities – Long List • GP appointments • Impact of Personal Budgets • A&E • Domiciliary Care • Support for carers • Children & young people • Outpatients • Service integration – primary care, community services and hospital organisation

  5. ECS in Action Stafford Hospital Breast Care Multi Disciplinary Team In September, we initiated a consultation in response to press reports into Stafford Hospital’s Breast Care Services. Some 48 patients shared their views with us. A report was produced and presented to Stafford Hospital. It was positively received and used to inform the Hospital’s Action Plan. The Trust Chief Executive has asked for a repeat of the exercise in summer 2013 to test effectiveness of improvement plan. Burton A&E Survey East Staffordshire CCG commissioned ECS to conduct a survey of walk-in, self-referral patients at Burton A&E to identify why they are using A&E, whether they considered alternatives, and whether they experienced difficulty accessing primary care. Using our volunteer Authorised Representatives, we conducted 472 interviews with patients over one week , spending at least 12 hours per day in A&E. Findings are being used by the CCG and Hospital to plan improvements.

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