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Advanced Image Enhancement Techniques in Mathematical Imaging

Explore advanced image enhancement techniques in mathematical imaging including non-local mean filtering, Laplacian mask, unsharp masking, isotropic diffusion, and anisotropic diffusion. Learn how to apply these methods to improve the quality of images.

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Advanced Image Enhancement Techniques in Mathematical Imaging

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Math 3360: Mathematical Imaging Lecture 13: Non-local mean filtering, Laplacian mask, Unsharp masking, Isotropic diffusion, Anisotropic diffusion Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LuiDepartment of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  2. Non-local mean filter

  3. Non-local mean filter

  4. Non-local mean filter Noisy image Non-local mean

  5. Non-local mean filter Flat filter Non-local mean

  6. Laplacian mask

  7. Laplacian mask Original image Laplacian mask

  8. Laplacian mask Original image Laplacian mask

  9. Laplacian mask Original image Laplacian mask

  10. Unsharp masking

  11. Unsharp masking

  12. Isotropic diffusion Original image Sigma = 1.98 Sigma = 4.28 Sigma = 8.24

  13. Anisotropic diffusion

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