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The Third Stage of Implementation of the CIVILARCH Project in Poland. The Polish Presentation for the Fourth Coordinati o n Meeting ( Warsaw , 13-14 May 20 1 0 ). MIECZYSŁAW BORYSIEWICZ, WANDA KACPRZYK AND KATARZYNA RYMWID-MICKIEWICZ Institute of Environmental Protection.
The Third Stage of Implementation of the CIVILARCH Project in Poland The Polish Presentation for the Fourth Coordination Meeting (Warsaw, 13-14 May 2010) MIECZYSŁAW BORYSIEWICZ, WANDA KACPRZYK AND KATARZYNA RYMWID-MICKIEWICZ Institute of Environmental Protection European Commission DG - ENVIRONMENT Civil Protection Financial Instrument
TASK A: Project Management
Activities underTASK A: • Organization of the 4th Coordination Meeting in Warsaw (13-14 May 2010) • Preparation of information • on the implementation of tasks in the period from 10 October 2009 – 10 May 2010
Activities underTASK A (cont.): The Institute sent the following to the LP: • an update of the CIVILARCH Project website concerning Poland • information about work completed by May2010 • financial documentation regarding the 3rd reportingperiod (October 2009 - April 2010)
TASK C: Creation of Support Mechanism
Comments and proposals for certain amendments for: Module 1: Water Contamination Monitoring Module 2:Field Investigation and Site Assessment Module 3:Abatement and Remediation Actions were delivered directly to AB4
In December 2009 the IEP finalised work on the Polish version of 3 modules, which was entitled the CIVILARCH Good Practice Guidelines.
TASK D: Implementation of pilot activities
Under Task D the IEP: 1. Organized the Training Seminar (Gorzow, 16-17 March 2010) • Collected material on emergency response plans in place in the Lubuskie Region to evaluate the coherence and efficacy of the emergency response structure in this region
The aim of the Training Seminar was: • Promotion of the technical aspects of 3 modules • Preparedness of the structures of the Lubuskie Region to the chemical accidents • Discussion and exchange of experiences among persons interested in issues of prevention of and response to industrial accidents and in the protection of people and water against accident consequences
22 persons attended the Training Seminar The following were presented at the Seminar: • Water Contamination Monitoring (Dr. M. Borysiewicz) • Conducting Rescue Action and Site Assessment (Dr. R. Grosset) • Abatement Actions (Dr. R. Grosset) • The NOMOToT Computer Programme for Calculating the Concentration of Contamination in Surface Waters (Dr. M. Borysiewicz) • 5 additional papers
Each trainee received: • CIVILARCH GOOD PRACTICE GUIDELINES(published in Polish) • copy of all papers • CD with the results of the CIVILARCH Project(folder, leaflet, etc.) • certificate confirming the participation in the CIVILARCH Training Seminar
Conclusions • The scope of the CIVILARCH Project modules that was proposed wasconsidered to be on good level. • Proposed practices – with the exception of some issues concerning on-line monitoring - were not new for most participants of the Training, as they have been successfully implemented in Poland for over 20 years.
Conclusions - cont. • Participants recommended to organise a series of training events covering all regional, district and local services and industrial establishments located within the river basin district • The Polish version of the modules would be useful for employees of the self-governmental authorities and operators of Seveso II establishments
TASK E: Setting up the administrative tools and actions
Under Task E the IEPhas been working on: 1. The draft Action plan aiming to improve the emergency response capacity in the Lubuskie Region • The reorganization of the Polish cluster
TASK F: Information, Communication and Capitalization Measures
Activities underTask F: • Pressreleases were published in the regional journals on 15 October 2009 • The Second Newsletter was disseminated among members of the Polish CIVILARCH Cluster by e-mail on 27 November 2009. • IEP website(http://civilarch.ios.edu.pl) • dedicated to the CIVILARCH Project • was updated
Activities underTask F (cont.): • The IEPprinted the CIVILARCH GOOD PRACTICE GUIDELINES (200 hard copies and 150 CDs) • CDs also contain the RISK IDENTIFICATION REPORT and the NOMOToT computer programme • CDs were distributed to CIVILARCH PARTNERS and librariesand will be provided to the members of the Polish Cluster