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Results Presentation. For the six months ended 30 September 2005 25 November 2005. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS. SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS. UNDERLYING RESULTS. INTRINSIC VALUE. SHARE INFO. QUESTIONS. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS. Financial Highlights.
Results Presentation For the six months ended 30 September 2005 25 November 2005
Financial Highlights • The final and interim figures for March 2005 and September 2004 have been adjusted to be IFRS compliant, with the exception of FirstRand, RMBH and Nampak, which are reported in terms of SA GAAP (see slide 5) • (2) The special dividend of 600 cents has been declared and paid • (3) The change in the intrinsic value from 31 March 2005 to 30 September 2005
Remgro applied International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) for the six months ended 30 September 2005 Certain associated companies (FirstRand, RMBH and Nampak) were not in a position to provide Remgro with IFRS information due to later reporting periods. These companies were included on a SA GAAP basis, as approved by the JSE IFRS adjustments to earnings: 31 March 2005: R253 million (negative) 30 September 2004: R305 million (positive) IFRS adjustments to headline earnings: 31 March 2005: R19 million (positive) 30 September 2004: R12 million (negative) Other positive prior year adjustments amounted to R5 million for 31 March 2005 and R9 million for the six months ended 30 September 2004 for both earnings and headline earnings. These adjustments related to a restatement of Transvaal Sugar’s inventory and revenue figure (R4 million) and FirstRand and RMB restated their figures to comply with AC 501 (STC) Accounting changes
Corporate activity since March 2005 • Disposals • ABSA • During July 2005, Remgro sold its entire interest in ABSA for a consideration of R5 064 million (after tax gain - R2 570 million) • FirstRand • In May 2005 FirstRand announced that its BEE transaction had been implemented and in terms of the scheme, all shareholders sold 7.6 shares for each 100 shares held for R12.28 per share. Remgro received R486 million (after tax gain – R123 million) on 16 May 2005. Remgro’s interest in FirstRand (incl its indirect interest through RMBH) is 16.7% • Sage • During September 2005 Remgro sold its 17.9% interest in Sage for R114 million. An initial payment of R92 million was received and the subsequent payment of R22 million is still subject to certain potential tax liabilities being resolved. An after tax gain of R10 million was realised
Corporate activity since March 2005 • Acquisitions • Share repurchases • Remgro repurchased5 187 563 shares (1.1% of Remgro’s issued share capital) at an average price of R110.46 per share for a total amount of R573.0 million during the six months ended 30 September 2005. Together with previous years repurchases, a total of 35 709 404 (7.3%) shares are held as treasury shares • No further shares were purchased by The Remgro Share Trust
On 29 September 2005, Remgro announced the proposed acquisition of a 37% interest in Kagiso Trust Investments (“KTI”), in equal shares from Liberty Life and Nedbank, for an aggregate consideration of R450 million Rationale KTI is an established empowered company with a sound investment record; KTI’s investment strategy is complimentary to that of Remgro; With their combined industry expertise, KTI and Remgro can jointly pursue future investment opportunities Further details will be announced once the acquisition becomes unconditional KTI transaction
Nampak On 29 September 2005 Nampak shareholders approved its BEE transaction and the operative date of the scheme was 31 October 2005. Remgro sold 10 Nampak shares for every 100 shares held at R15.13 per share. Remgro received R131.3 million on 31 October 2005 and its interest in Nampak diluted to approximately 13.5% RMBH RMBH announced, with the release of their final results at 30 June 2005, a capital reduction of R1.00 per share. Remgro received R274 million on 7 November 2005 Distell On 21 September 2005 Distell announced the introduction of a BEE partner. Distell will dispose of 15% of its operating company for approximately R869.4 million Medi-Clinic On 4 October 2005 Medi-Clinic announced its BEE initiative and capital restructuring. The operative date of the scheme is 19 December 2005 and Medi-Clinic will buy back 4.25 shares for each 100 shares held at a proposed price of R18.40 per share. Remgro will consequently receive R139.5 million. Remgro’s interest will dilute to 43.4% (after a share issue) Other subsequent events
First priority is to invest cash on behalf of shareholders New investments Increased exposure to existing investments Continue the share repurchase programme, combined with Ongoing real growth in dividends to shareholders; and Special dividends from time to time as in the past (STC implications) Application of cash at the centre
Strong performances from: Tobacco interests +22.5% Financial services +14.4% Off-set by: Mining interests -6.1% Industrial interests -1.5% Segmental headline earnings performance September 2005 September 2004
Highlights R&R’s contribution to headline earnings increased by 22.5% and was mainly due to Remgro’s higher indirect interest in BAT as well as BAT’s strong results BAT’s attributable profit increased by 21.1% in sterling as a result of good organic growth and strong performances by all regions The rand was also stable and only appreciated by 0.3% Tobacco
Remgro’s effective interest in BAT increased from 9.4% in September 2004 to 10.2% mainly as a result of the investment in participation securities issued by R&R Holdings BAT’s operating profit was 43% lower due to the impact of the £1 392 million gain, in the comparative period as a result of the merger of BAT’s North American operations with those of RJ Reynolds in July 2004. If non-recurring items are excluded, profit from operations are 9% higher (6% at constant exchange rates) Tobacco (cont’d)
Financial Highlights • The ABSA stake was sold to Barclays effective 27July 2005. Dividends amounting to R123 million have been included in income during the period under review. ABSA was equity accounted in 2004 • FirstRand and RMBH returned strong earnings growth for the six months ended June 05
Improved performances were mainly due to: Air Products Due to increased demand for gaseous products in all industries, Air Products reported a substantial increase in headline earnings TSB Although the national sugar industry production has increased due to better climatic conditions, TSB has not recovered to the same extent. The strengthening in the export sugar price however has lead to increased income. TSB’s results have been negatively affected by lower income of the citrus business due to lower prices in Japan Lower results were reported by: Total SA The lower contribution was mainly due to STC payable on dividends declared and slightly lower gross profit margins. Reduced refining margins were offset by higher marketing margins UBR The decrease is mainly due to tax payable on dividends declared. Israel reported improved results, but South Africa reported lower results due to the impact of brand disposals and discontinuances Industrial (cont’d)
Mining Highlights • The decrease of 6.1% is mainly due to the lower income from Trans Hex as a result of an increase in cost of sales, exploration costs and asset impairments
Corporate finance & other Note: • The decrease in corporate costs resulted from reduced share scheme costs as a result of implementing IFRS2 • The movement is mainly due to an increase in deferred tax liability and tax payable
Cash movement at the centre (1) Investments realised consists of the sale of ABSA to Barclays (R5 064m), the proceeds received on the FirstRand BEE scheme (R486m), the Sage disposal (R92m), loan repayments received (R132m) and other investments realised (R8m)
Total cash Offshore cash at the centre (on balance sheet) was £89.7 million and the attributable share of R&R’s cash (off balance sheet) was £209.3 million
Remgro traded at a 20.9% discount as at 30 September 2005 to its intrinsic value (after CGT) (31 March 2005: 21.8%) The discount to the intrinsic value (after CGT) as at 22 November 2005 was 20.1% Intrinsic value vs share price Discount 31/3/05: 21.8% Discount 30/9/05: 20.9% 22/11/05: 20.1%
Share price performance • Remgro’s share price as at 30 September 2005 outperformed the ALSI by 24.5% and the FINDI by 76.7% • Remgro’s share price as at 22 November 2005 outperformed the ALSI by 27.1% and the FINDI by 82.2%