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Práctica de los verbos irregulares en el pretérito

Práctica de los verbos irregulares en el pretérito. hice. I made I did. quise. I wanted . dije. I said I told . fui. I went I was (characteristic) . pude. I was able to I could. tuve. I had.

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Práctica de los verbos irregulares en el pretérito

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Práctica de los verbos irregulares en el pretérito

  2. hice

  3. I made I did

  4. quise

  5. I wanted

  6. dije

  7. I said I told

  8. fui

  9. I went I was (characteristic)

  10. pude

  11. I was able to I could

  12. tuve

  13. I had

  14. estuve

  15. I was (location, feelings)

  16. vine

  17. I came

  18. di

  19. I gave

  20. vi

  21. I saw

  22. hizo

  23. he/she made he/she did (youformal)

  24. quiso

  25. he/she wanted (youformal)

  26. dijo

  27. he/she said he/she told (youformal)

  28. pudo

  29. he/she was able to he/she could (youformal)

  30. estuvo

  31. he/she was (you formal) (location, feelings)

  32. tuvo

  33. he/she had (youformal )

  34. dio

  35. he/she gave

  36. vio

  37. he/she saw (you formal)

  38. fue

  39. he/she was he/she went (you formal)

  40. ¡OJO! Ahora vamos a mezclarlos . . .

  41. diste

  42. you gave

  43. pudimos

  44. we were able to we could

  45. quisieron

  46. they, you all wanted

  47. hiciste

  48. you made you did

  49. dijeron

  50. they/you all said they/you all told

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