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Southern American English ( Deep South ). Approximate extent of Southern American English. South does not have one monolithic dialect , there are vast differences between regions in the area. It is a GROUP of dialects .
Southdoes not haveonemonolithicdialect, there are vastdifferencesbetweenregions in the area. • Itis a GROUP ofdialects. • AfricanAmericanVernacularEnglish has a lot in commonwithSoutherndialectsbecauseofstronghistoricalties. • Southerndialectsoriginated in large part fromBritishimmigrantswhomoved to the area in 17. and 18. centuries.
OnlyfewgeneralizationscanbemadeaboutSouthernAmericanEnglishbecauseofthegreatvariationbetweentheregions.OnlyfewgeneralizationscanbemadeaboutSouthernAmericanEnglishbecauseofthegreatvariationbetweentheregions. • Pronunciationalsodiffersvery much betweenolderandyoungergenerations as well as betweennumerousethnicalgroups. • Older SAE: distinctionbetween [ær], [er] and [ɛr] in marry, merry, and Mary is preserved. • Newer SAE: Mergingof [ɛ] and [ɪ] beforenasalconsonants = pen and pin are pronounced the same.
Laxand tense vowelneutralizationbefore L. Pairslikefeel/fillbecomehomophones. Dialects Atlantic: VirginiaPiedmont (most famous, strong influence on the rest ofdialects ), CoastalSouthern. MidlandandHighland: South Midland or Highland Southern, SouthernAppalachian. GulfofMexico: Gulf Southern and Mississippi Delta, Florida Cracker. Louisiana: Cajun, Creole, French.
Signaturesounds • Mergingof[ɛ] and [ɪ] beforenasalconsonants = pen and pin are pronounced the same. (Occasionaldiphtongization– end, men) • Words such as yellow, window: Finalvowelpronounced as r.lessschwainsteadof [oʊ] or [o]. • Monophtongization: Wordssuchasboy, boil, choice: diphtongreduced to monophtong [ɔ] . Also(right, time, like) • Everyisreduced to ɛvə. • -Ingispronouncedas [in] insteadof [iŋ] in presentparticiples.
Many nouns are stressed on the first syllableinstead on thesecond: 'police, 'cement, 'Detroit, 'behind. • Contractions: voicedalveolarfricative [z] becomesvoicedalveolar stop [d]. Isn´t [iznt] = [idnt], wasn´t [wʌznt] = [wʌdnt]. • TheSouthernvowelshift: the nuclei of [ɛ] and [ɪ] move to become higher and fronter, of [ɛjə], [ɛ] becomes a tenser [ejə]. • Vowellowering: [i] isrealised as [ɛ] or [aə] beforevelar nasal. Sing[siŋ] = [saəŋ]. • Post coronalglides: wordswithcoronalstops /t/d/n/ have a glide /j/ insertedbetweenthe stop and vowel. Tune, duke, newsbecome [tju:n], [djuk], [nju:z]
Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi andSouthCarolina. • Famousfor: TheSoutherndrawl. • Vowels are longer, monophtongsbecomediphtongsanddiphtongsbecometriphtongs. Kit[kit] = [ki:ət], milk [milk] = [mij(ə)k] Lingering on importantwordswhileshorteningthelessimportantwords.