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FORGOTTEN CHILDREN GAMES. Barbora Súlovská 9.C ( E- Twinning ). Board Games :. Chess Domino Pexeso Rummy Cards Monopolly Racing and beeting. CHESS :.
FORGOTTEN CHILDREN GAMES Barbora Súlovská 9.C ( E-Twinning)
BoardGames: Chess Domino Pexeso RummyCards Monopolly Racing and beeting
CHESS: • Chess is a classic board game for two players in the form of competition also considered the sport sector. It represents the clash of two opposing armies. Who will destroy the enemy king (let him dull) wins. • It was founded in the 15th century in Southern Europe, the Persian finish gamesshatrandz, successor to the old Indian game Chaturanga. • The game is played on a chessboard, a board on which pieces are moved.
DOMINO: • Domino is a whole family of games that share a common game material - set of domino stones. Domino blocks (cubes) are wearing a combination of two numbers or other symbols, and are distant relatives of cards • Domino blocks (cubes) are wearing a combinationoftwonumbersorothersymbols, and are distantrelativesofcards. The game probablyoriginated in Asia. • EUROPEAN DOMINO: • It is a set of rectangular blocks (cubes), divided in half and each half marked in a certain number of points, similar to playing a nutshell. Each pair of numbers occurs exactly once. Classic domino contains numbers from 0-6, so the total number of cubes is 28 • How play ? • Can play twoor more players, exceptionally up to eightplayers. Forgamesofthis type istypical domino attachingblockstogether so thatthenumbersaffectinghalvesofthesame.
PEXESO: • Pexesogame is a card game for at least two players focused on memory and concentration. • HOW PLAY? • If the cards belong together (same image), the player removes and rotates another pair (can also play a variant, in which, after finding the same pair the next player in the sequence). If the cards do not match, turn them back face down and the next player in order. • PEXESO WITH COMMON CARDS: • Set mariashcards spread on the table in five rows of six sheets in the sixth series remain the only two remaining cards. The game is played according to the current, still used by the rules. More experienced players can play withRummycards.
RUMMY CARDS: • Rummy is a card game name widespread among middle and older generation and Bohemia. Rummyplayed with cards and is very similar to Rummy, and play a little bus. It can play from two to six players. • The first projection is necessary to have 42 points. Ace is for 11 points (Option 1), other figures K - Q - J of 10, and 7 Card 9, 8, 10 at 9, 8, 10 and 7 points, joker is usually for 15 points (variant 20).
MONOPOLY: • Monopoly is a board game in a stylized form that provides gamers market mechanism. It's probably the most commercially successful board game. • Today it manufactures and distributes company Hasbro. • In Czechoslovakia, probably published in the interwar period game Business . In it, the player buys land in Prague (from the cheapest to the most expensive Branik on Wenceslas Square). • HOW PLAY? • The game consists in the fact that players advance pawns on the board after the runway circuit square by throwing two dice for fields that represent the street. Street on which his figure rise, you can buy, otherwise the street announces the auction.
RACING AND BEETING: • Horse Racing and gambling is a board game for 2-6 players 10 years. It is derived from the older game Monopoly. The principle is in motion with the dice and figure after the game plan to buy and sell horses and services. The winner is the player who gets the biggest game in imaginary property. • Outside plate with the game plan set includes 22 game cards hp, 14 cards marked on the reverse of Finance and 14 cards named Luck. • HOW PLAY? • The center of the game board is placed cards Finance and Coincidence description down to the starting field pieces players (each player one). Players are dealt horse printed money. One of the players will be playing banker, who has a separate bank money (tokens) from their own.After one player throws the dice at a time, taking his piece of the appropriate number of boxes and perform the game plan written tasksinc..purchasehorse or services listed barn. Three sixes in a row at the start of the box mean shift distance. May be the way to bet or sell from both bankers and teammates.
THROWING BALLS: • Balls are a simple game, respectively. sport in which the outdoor players trying to get by throwing small balls (usually glass or earthenware, about 16 mm in diameter) into the hole excavated in the ground. • Balls can play people, men and women of all age groups, since the game is not too physically demanding, plays an important role on the contrary experience and mental maturity. • History of balls goes back to ancient Rome, when played with pieces of marble.
JUMPING SHOT: • This method of motion exercises can be used on any course listings, or perhaps in addition and subtraction: child throws a pebble into any field shot, then the second piece in another field and numbers written in the fields adds (or subtracts). Only if counted correctly, can jump start. • Jumping shot should have 10 boxes for jumping.