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Chen, VASP in SMC growth and inhibition by NO. ATVB/2004/013995:R1 1. wt-VASP. S157A-VASP. S239A-VASP. Forskolin, 5 min. Forskolin, 5 min. Non-stimulated. Non-stimulated. Forskolin, 5 min. Non-stimulated. PMA, 10 min. PMA, 10 min. SNAP, 5 min.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chen, VASP in SMC growth and inhibition by NO. ATVB/2004/013995:R1 1 wt-VASP S157A-VASP S239A-VASP Forskolin, 5 min. Forskolin, 5 min. Non-stimulated Non-stimulated Forskolin, 5 min. Non-stimulated PMA, 10 min. PMA, 10 min. SNAP, 5 min. SNAP, 5 min. PMA, 10 min. SNAP, 5 min. FBS, 2h FBS, 2h FBS, 2h 50kDa anti-VASP 46kDa anti-pS157 VASP 50kDa anti-pS239 VASP 50kDa 46kDa Figure I. VASP phosphorylation at serine157 and serine239 in response to various stimuli in VASP -/- SMCs expressing wt-VASP, S157A-VASP and S239A-VASP. Quiescent VASP -/- SMCs expressing wt-VASP, S157A-VASP and S239-VASP were stimulated with 15% FBS, 1mol/L phobol-12-myristate- 13-acetate (PMA), 250 mol/L S-nitroso-n-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) and 10nmol/L forskolin for 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 2 hours as indicated. The protein lysates were harvested and analyzed by Western blotting using antibodies against VASP, phospho-serine157VASP and phospho-serine239VASP. The shift of 46kDa to 50kDa indicates the phosphorylation at serine157.

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