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Student Accounting. Attendance Training for Secondary Campuses . Student Accounting Overview for Secondary Campuses Agenda August 24, 2012. Presenter: Oscar Lopez, Student Accounting Officer Joe Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant
Student Accounting Attendance Training for Secondary Campuses
Student Accounting Overview for Secondary CampusesAgendaAugust 24, 2012 Presenter: Oscar Lopez, Student Accounting Officer Joe Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant • 2012-2013 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook • No Show Students • Enrollment Procedures/Forms • Attendance Snapshot • Attendance Guidelines • Attendance Corrections • Average Daily Attendance (ADA) • 1st Six Weeks Timeline Schedule • End of the Year Box Procedures • Question & Answers
2012-2013 STUDENT ATTENDANCE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook contains all the official attendance accounting rules and regulations for all public school districts in Texas. The 2012-2013 SAAH is available on the Student Accounting Website The handbook can be downloaded in the following link: http://www.bisd.us/StudentAccounting/forms/stu_att_hdbk_doc_12-13.doc
2012-2013 STUDENT ATTENDANCE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK The handbook contains thirteen sections which include as follows: • Section 1 Overview • Section 2 Audit Requirements • Section 3 General Attendance Requirements • Section 4 Special Education • Section 5 Career and Technical Education • Section 6 Bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL) • Section 7 Prekindergarten • Section 8 Gifted and Talented • Section 9 Pregnancy Related Services • Section 10 Non-Traditional Schools • Section 11 Non-Traditional Programs • Section 12 Appendix: Average Daily Attendance and Funding • Section 13 Glossary
1.5 Auditing of Attendance Information Regardless of where attendance records are filed or stored, they must be readily available for audit by the Financial Audits Division of the TEA. Auditors have the authority to examine attendance records for any year for which your district is required to retain records
Section 2 Audit Requirements As stated in the overview section, the superintendent of schools is responsible for the safekeeping of all attendance records and reports. Your district may store these records or reports in a central office or on the respective school campuses.
2.1 General Audit Requirements Your district must make available and provide to the School Financial Audits Division of the TEA copies of all required attendance records within 20 working days of written request by the agency. Failure to provide all required attendance records [specific program(s) and/or grant(s)] could result in the TEA's retaining 100% of your district's Foundation School Program (FSP) allotment for the school year(s) for which records have been requested.
2.3 Required Documentation The student attendance data asked for in an audit must be organized into three distinct data sets: • Student Detail Report • Campus Summary Report(s) • District Summary Report
3.2.1 ADA Eligibility Coding • Code 0 Enrolled, Not in Membership • Code 1 Eligible for Full-Day Attendance • Code 2 Eligible for Half-Day Attendance • Code 3 Eligible Transfer Student Full-Day • Code 4 Ineligible Full-Day • Code 5 Ineligible Half-Day • Code 6 Eligible Transfer Student Half-Day
3.6 General Attendance – Taking Rules Each teacher or other school employee who records student attendance must certify, in writing, that all such records are true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and that the records have been prepared in accordance with laws and regulations pertaining to student attendance accounting. Electronic signatures are acceptable. Signature stamps and pencil are not acceptable.
3.6 General Attendance-Taking Rules (continued) • Students who are on campus and in their classrooms at the time attendance is taken must have their official attendance conducted and completed by the classroom teacher. Attendance may not be taken by students, classroom aides, or clerks. Using a "sign-in" sheet to record attendance is not acceptable.
3.6.1 Manual Entries for or Corrections to Student Attendance Data Always use ink to make manual entries or corrections in the attendance records, on daily absence slips, on 6-week absence reports, and/or on daily summary sheets. Never record manual entries in pencil, use liquid correction fluid, or use a signature stamp. If errors are made on any official attendance document, strike through the error, enter corrections nearby, and initial.
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NO SHOW STUDENTS • It is important that all teachers mark “NS” (No Shows) for student who have not shown to class on Teacher Access Center • All “No Shows” should be identified by not later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 31, 2012.
Enrollment (First Fifteen Days) • The Enrollment Report should be faxed or emailed to your Area Assistant Superintendent’s office and the Student Accounting office by no later than 11:00 a.m. on the first fifteen (15) days of school. • Do not generate any report from eSchoolPLUS to report enrollment counts until the “NO SHOWS” have been identified and withdrawn. • After the first fifteen days the Enrollment Report is due in Student Accounting office by 11:00 a.m. for the first and third Thursday of each month unless otherwise noted in the Enrollment Report Schedule.
Enrollment Report • All students enrolled in campus need to be reported. • The students attending Lincoln Park, B.A.C, and B.L.A. are part of the home campus enrollment.
Enrollment Report • Starting September 20, 2012, the Gifted & Talented and the Special Education students need to be reported. • Special Education students who are Self-Contained with instructional setting codes 44 or 45 should be reported in the special education section of the enrollment. Do Notinclude homebound, resource room/service, speech or content mastery.
Enrollment Report (continued) • Enrollment forms available on the Student Accounting website. http://www.bisd.us/StudentAccounting/forms/2012-2013%20Enrollment%20Forms.doc • Enrollment count can be faxed to 544-3963 or emailed to enrollment@bisd.us
SCHOOL:__________ DATE:__________ sample Principal’s Signature:___________________
SCHOOL:__________ DATE:__________ sample Principal’s Signature:___________________
3.6.2 Time of Day for Attendance Taking Each campus must determine attendance for all grades by the absences recorded at the one particular point in time the campus has chosen for roll to be taken (a snapshot, e.g., 9:45 a.m.) during the second or fifth instructional hour of the day or its equivalent. However, once a time has been selected, a campus may not change it during the school year.
Campus Attendance Snapshot • Besteiro 9:00 a.m. • Cummings 9:10 a.m. • Faulk 9:17 a.m. • Garcia 9:15 a.m. • Lucio 9:17 a.m. • Manzano 9:00 a.m. • Oliveira 9:15 a.m. • Perkins 9:00 a.m. • Stell 9:10 a.m. • Stillman 9:14 a.m. • Vela 9:00 a.m. • Hanna 10:00 a.m. • Lopez 10:20 a.m. • Pace 10:00 a.m. • Porter 10:15 a.m. • Rivera 10:25 a.m. • Veterans 10:00 a.m. • B.E.C.H.S. 10:00 a.m. • Lincoln Park 10:30 a.m. • B.L.A. 10:15 a.m. • B.A.C. TAP 10:00 a.m. PTP 10:00 a.m.
3.3.2 Entry and Reentry Dates The student's entry date is the first day the student is physically present during the official attendance accounting period on a particular campus. A student's re-entry date is the first day the student is physically present during the official attendance accounting period after having been withdrawn from the same campus. A student cannot be absent on either the entry or the re-entry date. Also, a student cannot be absent on the first day of school.
3.4.1 Students 18 Years of Age or Older Your district may withdraw a student who is at least 18 years old and is voluntarily enrolled in school when he or she accumulates more than five unexcused absences in a semester. Your district may revoke the enrollment of such a student for the remainder of the school year. A student who is removed from school under this provision will be considered a dropout for accountability purposes unless the student returns to school during the school-start window the following fall.
3.4.2 Temporary Absences and Withdrawal • Your district may not withdraw a student who is temporarily absent (e.g., as a result of illness or suspension) but still a member of your district. Ex. • if student is absent two weeks for medical reasons you can not withdraw the student.
3.4.3 Students Whose Where aborts Are Unknown Your district should decide the withdrawal date for a student who never officially withdrew from school, but whose whereabouts can no longer be determined, according to applicable local policies.
When to withdraw a student under the age of 18 with excessive absences. FEA (LOCAL) The District may initiate withdrawal of a student under the age of 18 for nonattendance under the following conditions: • The student has been absent ten consecutive school days; and • Repeated efforts by the attendance officer and/or principal to locate the student have been unsuccessful. NOTE:Do not delete the ten absences. This is documentation to support the reason of the withdrawal.
3.6.3 Requirements for a Student's Being Considered Present or Absent for FSP (Funding) Purposes A student not actually on campus at the time attendance is taken may be considered in attendance for FSP purposes if the student —
. • is enrolled in and attending an off-campus dual credit program course. (DCP) • is participating in an activity that is approved by your local school board and is under the direction of a professional staff (UIL) • is participating in a mentorship approved by district personnel to serve as one or more of the advanced measures needed to complete the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP)
misses school for the purpose of observing religious holy days, including traveling for that purpose. (REL) To be considered a religious holy day, the day should be one generally recognized by the student’s religious denomination as a holy day that is required to be observed by all members of that denomination. Church retreats, camps, and mission trips and individual religious rites (baptisms, christenings, bar mitzvahs, etc.) are not considered holy days. • is in Grades 6 through 12 and misses school for the purpose of sounding “Taps” at a military honors funeral held in Texas for a deceased veteran. (TAP)
misses school for the purpose of attending a required court appearance, including traveling for that purpose. (CRT) A court appearance is considered to be required if the law (federal or state) or the court mandates an appearance by the student in a criminal, civil, or traffic matter. Examples of required court appearances would be: • appearances in response to a jury summons in the name of the student, • a subpoena in the name of the student, or • a traffic ticket marked “You Must Appear” or “Court Appearance Required.” • a student's appearance in court as a plaintiff or defendant or as the subject of a court proceeding, • as an adoption or custody proceeding. Acceptable forms of documentation may be a copy of: • a pleading or other document filed with the court, • a notice from the court clerk regarding a hearing or trial date, • a jury summons, • a subpoena, etc. Important: Absences to meet with probation officers and other absences related to court-ordered activities outside the courtroom do not qualify as required court appearances.
misses school for the purpose of serving as an election clerk, including traveling for that purpose (ELC) • misses school for the purpose of appearing at a governmental office to complete paperwork required in connection with the student's application for United States citizenship, including traveling for that (GOV) • misses school for the purpose of taking part in the students own United States naturalization oath ceremony, including traveling for that purpose. (USN)
is temporarily absent because of a documented appointment with a health care professional licensed to practice in the United States.61 To be considered temporarily absent, the student must begin classes or return to school on the same day of the appointment. The appointment should be supported by a document, such as a note from the health care professional.65 The appointment must be a face-to-face consultation with a health care professional. (MED)
Examples of health care professionals • The Texas Health and Safety Code, §105.003, requires the statewide health coordinating council to collect information on the following professionals, any of which would be considered examples of health care professionals. • audiologists • chiropractors • licensed professional counselors • licensed chemical dependency • counselors • dentists • dental hygienists • emergency medical services personnel • marriage and family therapists • medical radiologic technologists • licensed vocational nurses • registered nurses • certified nurse aides • occupational therapists • optometrists • pharmacists • physical therapists • physicians • physician assistants • psychologists • social workers • speech-language pathologists
is in his or her junior or senior year of high school and misses school for the purpose of visiting an institution of higher education accredited by a generally recognized accrediting organization to determine the student's interest in attending the institution. (UNI)
Attendance • Attendance need to be recorded daily on all periods. • All campuses are required to enter the proper attendance codes based on the documentation provided by the students or teachers. • Attendance clerks are responsible of entering the proper attendance codes to eSchoolPLUS.
Attendance Codes • There is a total of 25 attendance codes available. • 21 attendance codes are equivalent to present • 3 attendance codes are equivalent to an absence • 1 attendance code used only during the first week of school • The attendance code specify what kind of attendance was recorded for each day the student was not physically in the instructional classroom.
Attendance Codes Equivalent to a “Present” • 1 = 1st Day In School • ADM = with administrator • COU = with counselor • EXT = extra curricular activity • FTR = approved field trip • MED = health care appointment • NUR = in nurse’s office • PRE = present • REL = religious holy day
Attendance Codes Equivalent to a “Present” (continued) • ISS = in school suspension • TDY = tardy • TES = testing • UIL = UIL activity • CRT = req. court appearance
Attendance Codes Equivalent to a “Present” (continued) • DAP = distinguish achievement program • DCP = dual credit program • ELC = election clerk • GOV = governmental office for U.S. citizenship • TAP = military veteran funeral • UNI = visiting an institution of higher education • USN = United States naturalization oath ceremony
Attendance Codes Equivalent to an “Absence” • ABS = absent (unexcused) • OSS = out of school suspension (excused absence) • EXA = excused absence
Other Attendance Codes • NS = NO SHOW • Used only the first week of school until campus has indentified the “no show” and withdrawn the students from StudentPLUS