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April 8, 2014 Dictionary / thesaurus use Primary vs. secondary sources H omework: I nformational text unit test on Thursday! Ob jective: I can identify the parts of a dictionary entry and accurately look up words, and recognize the difference between primary and secondary sources.
April 8, 2014 Dictionary / thesaurus use Primary vs. secondary sources Homework: Informational text unit test on Thursday! Objective: I can identify the parts of a dictionary entry and accurately look up words, and recognize the difference between primary and secondary sources. Warm Up (in your composition book) Copy your objective into you comp book. In the BLUE SECTION of your Lit book, look up the definition of SOURCE. Copy down the definitions for both PRIMARY SOURCE and SECONDARY SOURCE into your notes.
primary source materials created by people who witnessed or took part in the event they supply information about. original works of literature, art and music newspaper accounts of events, by someone on the scene diary, autobiography, letters, oral testimonies historical documents, such as laws or treaties tv shows or movies raw data from questionnaires observation / experiment
secondary source materials made by people who were not directly involved in the event or even present when it occurred. criticism of an original work of literature, art and music newspaper editorial biography historical commentary / documentary review article based on another's data scientific article based on another's observation / experiment
Look through the Literature book. What are some specific examples of primary sources? What are some examples of secondary sources? Primary Secondary autobiographies and memoirs The Story of My Life Up and Over the Top The Jacket The Horsesnake The First Skateboard in the History of the World Pliny's letter from the Pompeii article your write up about a science experiment you did in Mrs. Buhlinger's class biographies Matthew Henson at the Top of the World Spellbinder: The Life of Harry Houdini The Problem with Bullies
In your notes, write down the different kinds of information you might find in a dictionary entry. Then, in the dictionary look up the definition of the word INDIFFERENT.
in·dif·fer·ent [in-dif-er-uhnt, -dif-ruhnt] adjective 1. without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others. 2. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested. 3. neither good nor bad in character or quality; average; routine:an indifferent specimen. 4. not particularly good, important, etc.; unremarkable; unnotable:an indifferent success; an indifferent performance. 5. of only moderate amount, extent, etc.
Now let's say you have a word like beguilingly Look up this word. Write down the page number on which you find it. What do you notice about this word? pg. 123 the base word is beguile
What are guide words? either one of the words that are at the top of a page in a dictionary or similar book and that show the first and last words on the page
So now, we will have a little "friendly competition". The winner will have 5 points added to his / her informational text test this Thursday.
The rules 1. If you rip a page at any point, you are automatically disqualified AND I will deduct 5 points from Thursday's test! 2. All answers must be written completely and legibly on your whiteboard. 3. The first person to raise their board with the COMPLETE AND CORRECT answer gets a point. 4. The winner gets 5 points added to Thursday's test.
Let's try one together... What are the guide words for LOUPE? Lothario and lovable pg. 803
You will find a picture of what item between the guide words DECONGEST AND DEDICATE? DECOY
What are two synonyms for TACTFUL? CONSIDERATE DISCREET
What is the example given for ALLITERATION? THE ZANY ZONE
According to the dictionary, what is the population of CHAPEL HILL? 38,719
What does the first entry for FLIM FLAM say? NONESENSE; HUMBUG
Which number definition of ALLITERATON is the one relating most to the definition we use in Language Arts (relating to a story's plot? 4
What are the guide words for PHLOX? -PHILOUS PHONEY
What is the second entry between the guide words JEJUNE and JET? JEJUNUM
ALLOMETRY is the study of the change in proportion of various parts of an organism as a consequence of...? GROWTH
What is the adjective form of NONFICTION? NONFICTIONAL
In what kind of environment do XEROPHILOUS things flourish? (two words) DRY HOT
What part of speech is COMMONPLACE? ADJECTIVE
What part of speech is COMMONPLACE? ADJECTIVE
Homework: TEST on informational text Thursday, April 10th!