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Enquiry: Why was Matthew Hopkins able to become so successful?

Enquiry: Why was Matthew Hopkins able to become so successful?. Which of the following are real things that could imply you were a witch in the 16 th C?. Pointy Hat A hedgehog A mole or large freckle A broom stick Mental Illness.

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Enquiry: Why was Matthew Hopkins able to become so successful?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Enquiry:Why was Matthew Hopkins able to become so successful?

  2. Which of the following are real things that could imply you were a witch in the 16th C? • Pointy Hat • A hedgehog • A mole or large freckle • A broom stick • Mental Illness

  3. What does John Darrell reveal about life in the 16th Century? 1560 1570 1580 1590 It’s the 1570’s, the time of Elizabeth I… and witches are on the loose!!!

  4. Who was John Darrell? • Who- who was he? • What- what did he do? • When? • Where? • How- how does he try and stop the witches? • Why- why did he do it?

  5. 45 seconds per sheet, so be quick!!

  6. What do witch finders revealabout life in the 16th Century? 2 x PEE paragraphs… P- One thing witch finders reveal is… E- For example they... E- This suggests life in the 16th C was… because…

  7. Society Rulers Church The Cleverness of Hopkins and other witch finders

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