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Tuesday of the Passion Week: Questions, Parables and Warning

Tuesday of the Passion Week: Questions, Parables and Warning. Viewing Luke Chapter 20 Prepared by: Soon Siak. August 2009. Who u tink u r?.

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Tuesday of the Passion Week: Questions, Parables and Warning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tuesday of the Passion Week:Questions, Parables and Warning Viewing Luke Chapter 20 Prepared by: Soon Siak. August 2009

  2. Who u tink u r? Thirsty, you sneaked out to the canteen during lessons time. As you gulped the can of quenching icy soda, the Pengetua appeared from nowhere. “Who gives you permission to come here?” You have to think fast. Answer and see if the rest of class agree that it will get you off the hook. Jesus was also faced with even a tougher question from the religious authorities...

  3. Facing opposition.

  4. The Question of Jesus’ Authority (1-8) SPM 1994 Jesus answered them, “Now let me ask you a question. Tell me, did John’s right to baptise come from God or from man?” (Luke 20:3-4) Who had asked Jesus a question? What was their question? Why did they find it difficult to answer the question Jesus asked them? Students to answer.

  5. The Question of Jesus’ Authority (1-8) The Sanhedrin Supreme council/court of the Jews. 70 members from three classes of Jewish society, the chief priests, the elders and the teachers of the Law. Handles many of their own religious and domestic matters, especially regarding Jewish law. Can pass but not execute a sentence of death. (pxii-d) spm1992 The religious authorities hope to trap Him in the statement of blasphemy. Countering with His own question, Jesus impales His opponents upon the horns of a dilemma. (also see p88c)

  6. The Parable of the Wicked Tenants (v9-19) The leaders simply refuses to accept His authority. Thus, the parable. Representations Vineyard owner - God Son-Jesus the vineyard - Israel (refer OT) the tenants - the religious leaders the slaves - the prophets (p88e)

  7. Whose face and name are these on it?

  8. The Question about Paying Taxes (v20-26) SPM 1999 They asked him,” Teacher, we know that you teach and speak rightly, and show no partiality, but truly teach the way of God. Is it lawful for us to give tribute to Caesar, or not?” (Luke 20:21-22 RSV) Who asked this question? How did Jesus react to it? What was their response? Students to answer.

  9. The Question about Paying Taxes (v20-26) Because of Jesus’ popularity, the religious authorities must first entrap and discredit Him among the people in order to justify His death. A trick question to get Him into trouble with either the Romans or the Jews. (p90o/p) An earthly state provides for the welfare of its citizens, thus obligated to support the government. But citizens of God’s kingdom also owe allegiance to Him. Should there be a conflict, allegiance to God takes precedence. (v25)

  10. The Question about the Resurrected Life (27-40) The Sadducees accepted only the first five books of the OT as Scripture, and rejected a resurrection because their Scriptures never support the doctrine. Jesus pointed that when God spoke the words of Exodus 3:6, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had been physically dead for many years. So evidently there is life after death. (v37.38)

  11. The Question of the Messiah’s Authority (v41-44) Jesus seized the offensive with a countering question concerning the Person of Christ. The favourite messianic title among the Jews was Son of David, which they interpreted in highly nationalistic and revolutionary terms. Jesus quotes Ps 110:1 recognised by all Jews as one of the greatest messianic psalms, to assert not only His humanity but His deity. His scriptural logic completely confounded His enemies.

  12. Jesus and the Scribes

  13. Jesus Warns against the Teacher of the Law (v 45-47) Jesus warns against a prideful seeking of public praise, exemplified by the desire for places of prominence and titles signifying superiority. The titles themselves may be used as terms of respect or to indicate certain duties and places of responsibility. It is the attitude behind the seeking of such recognition that Jesus condemns. As believers, we are equal and owe our reverence to Christ alone.

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