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The Coroner’s Court

The Coroner’s Court. By Jolene and Raissa. What is Coroner’s Court?. It investigates on how the people die, in mysterious circumstances. In order for it to be sent to the Court, the Death have to be violent or an unnatural. Roles of the Coroners.

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The Coroner’s Court

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Coroner’s Court By Jolene and Raissa

  2. What is Coroner’s Court? • It investigates on how the people die, in mysterious circumstances. • In order for it to be sent to the Court, the Death have to be violent or an unnatural.

  3. Roles of the Coroners In NSW the state oversees and coordinates the services. The senior deputy and deputy state assist the state coroner. All magistrates of the local court are all coroners. Clerks of the local court throughout NSW are also all coroners or assistant coroners

  4. Investigation Process Review of the person’s medical history and how he died. Autopsy and pathology test. Reports from experts and external investigators, such as the polices. statements from witnesses, such as family and friends.

  5. Why is the case held in Coroner’s Court? The person’s identity, date, place, manner and cause of death have not been sufficiently disclosed The person died as a result of a homicide The person died as a result of the administration of an anaesthetic The person died within 24 hours of the administration of an anaesthetic and a relative or interested person has made a request within 28 days of the death that an inquest be held

  6. The person died while in custody of a police officer or in other lawful custody or while escaping or attempting to escape from lawful custody The person died as a result of or in the course of police operations The person died while in, proceeding to, or temporarily absent from, a detention centre or a correctional centre The attorney general orders that an inquest be held The State Coroner directs that an inquest be held

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