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This document outlines the LNP operations flows for interconnected VoIP providers according to their class. It provides the necessary steps and processes for LNP provisioning.
North American Numbering Council (NANC)Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows • NOTE: For a more detailed description of each process step within these flows, please refer to the accompanying Inter-Service Provider • LNP Operations Flows Narratives (Version 4.0) • NOTE: • Pursuant to FCC Order 07-188, released on November 8, 2007, and FCC Order 09-41, released on May 13, 2009, Local Number Portability • (LNP) obligations are extended to interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers. The North American Numbering Council • (NANC) identifies three classes of interconnected VoIP providers, defined as follows: • Class 1: A standalone interconnected VoIP provider that obtains numbering resources directly from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) and the Pooling Administrator (PA) and connects directly to the PSTN (i.e., not through a PSTN LEC partner’s end office switch). Class 1 standalone interconnected VoIP providers must follow the appropriate Wireline-Wireline/Intermodal Flows (Simple or Non-Simple, whichever is applicable) for the LNP provisioning process, serving as the New Network Service Provider (NNSP) or Old Network Service Provider (ONSP), whichever is applicable. • Class 2: An interconnected VoIP provider that partners with a facilities-based Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) to obtain numbering resources and connectivity to the PSTN via the LEC partner’s end office switch. A Class 2 interconnected VoIP provider is not considered a reseller in the context of the FCC definition of a Simple Port (refer to FCC Order 07-188 and FCC Order 09-41 for Simple Port definition). Class 2 interconnected VoIP providers must follow the appropriate Wireline-Wireline/Intermodal Flows (Simple or Non-Simple, whichever is applicable) for the LNP provisioning process, serving as the New Local Service Provider (NLSP) or Old Local Service Provider (OLSP), whichever is applicable. • Class 3: A non-facilities-based reseller of interconnected VoIP services that utilizes the numbering resources and facilities of another interconnected VoIP provider (analogous to the “traditional” PSTN reseller). A Class 3 interconnected VoIP provider is not considered a reseller in the context of the FCC definition of a Simple Port (refer to FCC Order 07-188 and FCC Order 09-41 for Simple Port definition). Class 3 interconnected VoIP providers must follow the appropriate Wireline- Wireline/Intermodal Flows (Simple or Non-Simple, whichever is applicable) for the LNP provisioning process, serving as the New Local Service Provider (NLSP) or Old Local Service Provider (OLSP), whichever is applicable. Version 4.0
1 Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Port Type Determination - End User Contact with NLSP 2 End User Agrees to change to NLSP 3 NLSP obtains End User authorization 7 6 4 9 Is this a Simple Port? Proceed to Figure 3 Step 1 (Optional) NLSP requests CSR from OLSP No Is this a Wireless-Wireless Port? No Yes Yes 8 5 Proceed to Figure 2 Step 1 Proceed to Figure 4 Step 1 Figure 1 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Simple Wireline-Wireline and Intermodal (including Interconnected VoIP)- -LSR/FOC Process- 8 10 9 Is additional Non-Simple data needed for LSR? ONSP returns LSR to NNSP with request for applicable Non-Simple data ONSP sends FOC with appropriate Due Date for Non- Simple Port to NNSP Yes No DD EE No 4 7 11 1 3 Is OLSP a Class 2 or Class 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider? Does ONSP confirm this as a Simple Port? ONSP sends FOC confirming Simple Port request to NNSP Is NLSP a Class 2 or Class 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider? Yes NNSP sends LSR for Simple Port to ONSP No 12 Is NLSP a Class 2 or Class 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider? Yes Yes No 5 2 Notify Interconnected VoIP Provider NLSP sends LSR or LSR information to NNSP for interconnection service Yes (conditional) ONSP sends LSR, LSR information, or Loss Notification to OLSP 6 13 (conditional) OLSP sends FOC or FOC information to ONSP NNSP forwards FOC or FOC information to NLSP Figure 7 SIMPLE LSR- FOC Figure 2 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Non-Simple Wireline-Wireline and Intermodal (including Interconnected VoIP)- -LSR/FOC Process- 6 DD EE Is OLSP a Reseller or Class 2 or Class 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider or is a Type 1 wireless number involved? 1 3 10 5 9 Is end-user porting all TNs? Is NLSP a Reseller or Class 2 or Class 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider? Is NLSP a Reseller or Class 2 or Class 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider? Yes NNSP sends LSR to ONSP ONSP sends FOC to NNSP No No No Yes No Yes Yes 7 2 4 8 11 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider (conditional) OLSP sends FOC or FOC information to ONSP NNSP forwards FOC or FOC information to NLSP NLSP notes “not all TNs being ported” in the remarks section of LSR NLSP sends LSR or LSR information to NNSP for resale or interconnection service (conditional) ONSP sends LSR, LSR information, or Loss Notification to OLSP Figure 7 NON-SIMPLE LSR- FOC Figure 3 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Wireless ICP Process- 17 WPRR is a Resolution response 5 1 3 4 ONSP sends WPRR rejection to NNSP Yes No Is a Type 1 wireless number involved? Is NLSP a Reseller? NNSP sends WPR to ONSP Yes No No 2 8 11 12 14 16 NLSP sends WPR or WPR information to NNSP for resale service No No No ONSP sends WPRR to NNSP Is OLSP a Reseller? Is NLSP a Reseller? Is WPRR a delay? Is WPRR confirmed? Yes Yes Yes Yes 13 9 NNSP forwards WPRR or WPRR Information to NLSP ONSP sends WPR or WPR information to OLSP ICP NOTE: No changes were made to this flow. 15 10 No Is OLSP a Reseller? OLSP sends WPRR or WPRR information to ONSP Yes Figure 4 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Main Flow - 1 3 Are NNSP and ONSP the same SP? Is NPAC processing required? Yes SIMPLE LSR- FOC No No NOTE: Changes are indicated in red. NON-SIMPLE LSR- FOC Yes 2 4 NNSP coordinates all porting activities. Perform intra provider port or modify existing SV ICP 9 6 5 NPAC logs request to place the order in conflict, including cause code 8 7 Create NNSP and ONSP create and process service orders Did ONSP place the order in conflict? B Was port request canceled? Yes No Service Provider Port Request Figure 6 12 Is the Unconditional 10 digit trigger being used or does ONSP query on every call? Yes No 10 11 Notify Reseller/ Interconnected VoIP Provider NNSP coordinates physical changes with ONSP Yes 13 End NPAC notifies NNSP and ONSP that port is canceled Figure 7 AA No Z A BB Figure 5 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Subscription Version Create Flow- 3 1 2 NPAC notifies appropriate service provider that Create message is invalid Is Create message valid? NNSP and (optionally) ONSP notify NPAC with Create message No Create Yes 4 NPAC starts T1 timer NPAC notifies appropriate service provider that Create Message is invalid 14 10 NPAC notifies NNSP and ONSP that T1 has expired and then starts T2 timer 5 T1 expired? Yes No No No 11 13 12 19 T2 expired? Received second Create? Is Create message valid? 6 No Return to Figure 2 Step 13 Received second Create? Yes Yes No Yes No 18 Yes 15 NPAC notifies NNSP and ONSP that T2 has expired 16 17 9 Notify Reseller/ Interconnected VoIP Provider Did NNSP send Create? Has Cancel window for pending SVs expired? NPAC notifies appropriate service provider that Create message is invalid 7 Is Create message valid? No Yes No NPAC notifies NNSP and ONSP that port is canceled Figure 7 Yes 20 NPAC notifies the ONSP that porting proceeds under the control of the NNSP Yes 8 NOTE: Changes are indicated in red. Return to Figure 2 Step 13 Figure 6 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Reseller/Interconnected VoIP Provider Notification- Notify Reseller/ Interconnected VoIP Provider Is OLSP a Reseller or Class 2 or 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider? 1 No 4 Is NLSP a Reseller or Class 2 or 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider? Yes 2 Does OLSP need message? No No Yes Yes 3 ONSP sends or provides information and/or message to OLSP 5 Does NLSP need message? No Yes 7 6 Return NNSP sends or provides information and/or message to NLSP NOTE: Changes are indicated in red. Figure 7 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Provisioning Without Unconditional 10-Digit Trigger- 1 3 4 8 9 NNSP activates port (locally) NNSP notifies NPAC to activate the port NPAC downloads (real time) to all service providers All service providers update routing data (real time download) NNSP may verify completion A 5 NPAC records date and time in history file Z 2 NNSP and ONSP make physical changes (where necessary) 6 ONSP removes translations in central office or switch/HLR 7 NPAC logs failures and non-responses and notifies the NNSP and ONSP NOTE: No changes were made to this flow. Figure 8 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Provisioning With Unconditional 10-Digit Trigger- 1 2 4 5 8 ONSP activates unconditional 10 digit trigger in the central office NNSP activates central office translations NNSP notifies NPAC to activate the port NPAC downloads (real time) to all service providers All service providers update routing data (real time download) AA 6 9 NPAC records date and time in history file ONSP removes appropriate translations 3 NNSP and ONSP make physical changes (where necessary) 7 10 NPAC logs failures and non-responses and notifies the NNSP and ONSP NNSP may verify completion Z NOTE: No changes were made to this flow. Figure 9 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Conflict Flow For The Service Creation Provisioning Process- B 3 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider 4 1 5 7 8 Was port request canceled to resolve conflict? Was resolution message from ONSP? Was Conflict Resolved within Conflict Expiration window? Is conflict restricted? NNSP contacts ONSP to resolve conflict. If no agreement is reached begin normal escalation. No No Yes NPAC changes the subscription status to conflict and notifies the NNSP and ONSP Yes No Yes Yes 2 Figure 7 12 C No 10 NPAC rejects the conflict request Did NNSP send resolution message during the restriction window? Was the Conflict Cause Code 50 or 51? 6 No No Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider Yes NPAC changes the subscription status to conflict and notifies the NNSP and ONSP Yes 11 NPAC rejects the conflict resolution request from NNSP BB 9 Figure 7 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider Z NPAC changes the subscription status to conflict and notifies the NNSP and ONSP BB NOTE: Changes are indicated in red. Figure 7 Figure 10 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Cancellation Flow For Provisioning Process- 1 12 End-user request to cancel 11 Did the provider requesting cancel send a Create message to NPAC? 15 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider Z NPAC rejects the cancel request No 4 2 NPAC updates subscription to cancel pending logs status change and notifies NNSP and ONSP NLSP sends cancel request to NNSP 14 Did end-user contact NLSP? No Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider Yes C 13 5 Yes Did Both NNSP and ONSP send Create Message to NPAC? Figure 7 NPAC updates subscription to cancel logs status change and notifies NNSP and ONSP Yes NNSP sends SUPP to ONSP noting cancellation as soon as possible and prior to activation No 19 16 3 Is NLSP a Reseller or Class 2 or 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider? NPAC waits for either cancel ACK or expiration of second cancel window timer Yes Did NNSP send cancel to NPAC? Figure 7 Yes 18 17 No 6 Did NPAC receive Cancel ACK from ONSP within first Cancel window timer? NPAC notifies ONSP that cancel ACK is missing 7 No No NNSP sends cancel request to NPAC 21 OLSP obtains end-user authorization Did NPAC receive cancel ACK from NNSP within first cancel window timer? Yes 20 Yes Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider 9 Yes 8 OLSP sends cancel request to ONSP Did NPAC receive cancel ACK from NNSP within second cancel window timer? Is OLSP a Reseller or Class 2 or 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider? 23 NPAC changes the subscription status to conflict and notifies the NNSP and ONSP Yes No CC 22 No 10 NPAC notifies NNSP that cancel ACK is missing Z ONSP sends cancel request to NPAC Figure 7 No Figure 11 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Cancellation Ack Missing from New Provider Provisioning Process- cc No 1 10 2 5 7 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider NPAC rejects the resolve conflict request from NNSP Has conflict expiration window expired? Did NPAC receive Cancel message From NNSP? Did NPAC receive resolve conflict message from NNSP? No No NPAC updates subscription to conflict, logs conflict and notifies NNSP and ONSP Yes Yes Yes Figure 7 6 3 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider 8 NNSP notifies NPAC to cancel the Subscription Has NNSP conflict resolution restriction expired? NPAC updates subscription to cancel, logs cancel and notifies NNSP and ONSP No 4 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider Yes 9 Figure 7 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider NPAC updates subscription to cancel, logs cancel and notifies NNSP and ONSP NPAC notifies NNSP and ONSP of conflict off via SOA Z BB Figure 7 NOTE: Changes are indicated in red. Figure 7 Figure 12 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Disconnect Process For Ported Telephone Numbers- 4 1 End-user Initiates disconnect 9 NNSP initiates disconnect NPAC broadcasts subscription deletion to all applicable providers 2 8 5 Is NLSP a reseller or Class 2 or 3 Interconnected VoIP Provider? Has effective release date been reached? NNSP arranges intercept treatment when applicable Yes 10 No Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider NPAC notifies code/block holder of disconnected TN disconnect and release dates Yes No 6 3 NNSP creates and processes service order NLSP sends disconnect request to NNSP Figure 7 11 NPAC deletes TN from active database 7 NNSP notifies NPAC of disconnect date and effective release date 12 NOTE: Changes are indicated in red. End Disconnect Figure 13 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Audit Process- 1 2 3 4 5 NPAC issues queries to appropriate LSMSs NPAC downloads updates to LSMSs with subscription version differences Are all Audits completed? NPAC compares own subscription version to LSMS subscription version Yes Service provider requests an audit from NPAC No 6 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider NPAC reports audit completion and discrepancies to requestor Figure 7 7 End NOTE: Changes are indicated in red. Disconnect Figure 14 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Code Opening Process- 1 2 3 NPA-NXX holder notifies NPAC of NPA-NXX code(s) being opened for porting NPAC issues queries to appropriate LSMSs 4 NPAC compares own subscription version to LSMS subscription version End Figure 15 -First TN Ported in NPA-NXX- 1 3 First subscription version activity in NPA-NXX? NPAC successfully processes create request for TN subscription version 5 No End Yes 4 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider 2 NPAC successfully processes create request for NPA-NXX-X NPAC sends notification of first TN ported to all providers via SOA and LSMS Figure 7 NOTE: Changes are indicated in red. Disconnect Figure 16 Version 4.0
Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows -Cancel-Undo Process- 5 Notify Reseller or Interconnected VoIP Provider 4 2 1 Did the provider requesting a cancel-undo issue a cancel for this subscription? 6 Is the subscription in cancel-pending status? NPAC updates subscription to status prior to cancel and notifies NNSP and ONSP End Provider requests a cancel-undo Yes Yes Figure 7 No No 3 NPAC rejects the cancel-undo request NOTE: Changes are indicated in red. Disconnect Figure 17 Version 4.0