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LOCKPORT CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Washington Hunt Elementary School Michelle T. Bradley Superintendent of Schools Deborah Coder Assistant Superintendent for Finance June 6, 2012. Background – Long Term Plan. Between 1980 – 1990 the Town of Lockport was growing at a rapid rate.
LOCKPORT CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Washington Hunt Elementary School Michelle T. Bradley Superintendent of Schools Deborah Coder Assistant Superintendent for Finance June 6, 2012
Background – Long Term Plan • Between 1980 – 1990 the Town of Lockport was growing at a rapid rate. • The student population was over 6,000 students. • To accommodate this growth additions were added in 1988 (HS), 1989 (GS), 1994 (AM), 1995 (EB) and 1997 (CU). • In the early 1990’s the BOE began researching suitable locations for a new 600 student elementary school to replace the four aging elementary schools
Background – Long Term Plan • Instead additions were built and the new elementary school concept was put on hold. • In the mid to late 90’s there were three separate chemical leaks in close proximity to DeWitt Clinton. This compelled the BOE to again research building a new elementary school. However the purchase of land was cost prohibitive.
Background – Long Term Plan • In May 2007 the District was notified that SED would not allow any new capital projects at the older schools unless the ADA compliance issues were addressed. • In January 2008, Habiterra Architectural estimated this cost to be $1 million per school to retro-fit for ADA compliance.
Background – Long Term Plan • Based on the cost information from Habiterra, the building of a new elementary school was again being considered. • 2010-2011 began the fiscal crisis with NYS and state foundation aid was significantly reduced. • District enrollment had declined to 5,200 students
Background – Long Term Plan • Three of the elementary buildings did not meet ADA compliance requirements (DC, JP, WH). • In September 2010 the district closed one school (DeWitt Clinton), repurposed another (John Pound) and left the option open to close the third (Washington Hunt).
Background – Long Term Plan • The remaining K-5 buildings were now approaching capacity and many non-instructional spaces were being utilized. • In May 2011, a capital project was created which contained a classroom addition to RBK, which would eliminate the use of the non-instructional spaces in the K-5 buildings.
Background – Long Term Plan • In 2011-2012 the fiscal crisis continued in NYS and state foundation aid was again significantly reduced. • The April 2011 district budget included the merging of two middle schools to one 5/6 building and one 7/8 building as a cost saving measure and to enhance the learning environment.
Background – Long Term Plan • In September 2011 elementary buildings are now grades K-4 and have some additional space. • Students at WH can be accommodated into the K-4 buildings once the RBK addition is built. • There is no longer a need to build a new elementary school.
Background – Long Term Plan • A district long term goal has been met. • All students have been removed from the older non ADA compliant buildings. • In addition the district has realized some cost savings to offset the foundation aid loss. • And educational programs have been enhanced to reflect new SED initiatives.
WH Critical Factors – ADA Compliance • No elevator • No handicapped toilet rooms • No ramps • Doors are not wide enough • Classrooms are not ADA compliant • Cost to renovate – over $1 million
WH Critical Factors – Traffic Concerns • Limited parking spaces at WH • Significant congestion at arrival and dismissal times • Emergency vehicles have encountered difficulty entering the hospital drive at times
WH Critical Factors – Marketability • The district has spoken to a commercial realtor and the fair market value of the building is estimated to be $134,150. • Proceeds from the sale of WH would be deducted from any remaining WH building aid. District will still receive the net building aid.
Critical Factors – Building Aid Impact • 12 more years of building aid left on the building for two projects and one refinancing bond • 2012-2018 building aid is $92,938 per year • 2019-2020 building aid is $92,546 per year • 2021-2023 building aid is $67,104 per year • Total building aid is $1,036,966
Critical Factors – Enrollment • Enrollment Projections: • A comprehensive analysis was done: • First the current Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2 students district-wide (as of 4/2/12) were “moved up” one grade level to Grades 2, 3, and 4 for 2013-14. • Then, to project student enrollment for Kindergarten and Grade 1 for 2013-14, the district counted the current students enrolled in PS and PK; as well as students currently in agency placements; and any students evaluated by the district.
Critical Factors – Enrollment • Enrollment Projections (continued): • The analysis also considered the impact of the new apartments going up in the RBK school district. • District contractual class sizes are: • Kindergarten: 20-22 students • Grades 1 and 2: 25 students • Grades 3 and 4: 28 students • Class sizes at the four remaining elementary schools will continue to be below contractual limits after the assimilation of WH.
Critical Factors – Student Transportation • The majority of students currently attending WH live more than one mile from any other elementary building. • They will be entitled to bus transportation. • Per Ridge Road there are district buses near the WH area that are below capacity. This includes the two busses currently going to RBK and eight vans. Ridge Road anticipates very little, if any, increased costs for transportation.
Critical Factors – Fiscal Savings • Staffing (salaries and benefits net of unemployment) = $535,394.58 • Utility savings = $33,086.33 • Other (insurance, supplies, etc) = $10,884.90 • Cafeteria fund savings = $12,865.74 • Total 1st year savings = $592,231.55 • Future Building Maintenance Savings = $994,678.41
Presentation Summary: • The district long term facilities plan has been reviewed. • The fiscal challenges imposed by the State have been considered. • All while maintaining quality and comprehensive programming for our students.
Next Step Open for Discussion with Board of Education