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SSG1-SSG2. By: Danaye Branch. A. Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and hemisphere. B. Describe the five geographic regions of Georgia; include the Blue Ridge Mountains, Valley and Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain.

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  1. SSG1-SSG2

    By: Danaye Branch
  2. A. Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and hemisphere. B. Describe the five geographic regions of Georgia; include the Blue Ridge Mountains, Valley and Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain. C. locate and evaluate the importance of key physical features on the development of Georgia; include the Fall Line, Okefenokee Swamp, Appalachian Mountains, Chattahoochee and Savannah Rivers, and barrier islands. D. Evaluate the impact of climate on Georgia’s development. SSG1- The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
  3. A. Georgia is located in the Southeast corner of the United States, the Continent of North America, and is in the North Hemisphere as well as the West Hemisphere. Its bordered by Alabama to the west, Tennessee and N. Carolina to the north, and S. Carolina to the northeast. SSG1
  4. B. There are 5 different physiographic regions in Georgia: Appalachian Plateau, Ridge & Valley, Blue Ridge, Piedmont Plateau, and the Coastal Plain SSG1
  5. The Appalachian Plateau is the smallest of the 5 physiographic regions. Its commonly called the “TAG Corner” because Tennessee ,Alabama ,and Georgia meet at this point. The region is mapped with limestone caves, canyons(Cloudland canyon pictured,) rock formations, and two of Georgia's famous mountains(Lookout Mountain is one) SSG1
  6. The Ridge and Valley region of Georgia is between the Appalachian Plateau and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Its made of low open valleys and narrow ridges. There are fertile farmlands for cattle, grain, and rows of apples orchards near Ellijay. SSG1
  7. The Blue Ridge Mountains are located in the northeastern part of Georgia. The mountains act as a barrier to the air that comes in from the Gulf of Mexico. They region has a mix of sandy loam and clay. The soil is easily eroded and the region is perfect for hardwood forests. Brasstown Bald is in this region and is the highest peak in the state. SSG1
  8. The Piedmont houses about ½ of the states population. the term “Piedmont” means “foot of the mountain”, also meaning that this region slopes as it get close to the Fall Line. It has gently sloping hills in the north and flatlands in the south. Before the Civil War, it was a cotton belt(A region of the South where cotton was the historic main crop). Today, its known for production of wheat, soybeans, corn, poultry, and cattle. SSG1
  9. The Coastal Plain is the largest of all five regions, and is divided into 2 parts: The Inner Coastal Plain and the Outer Coastal Plain. The Inner Plain has a mild climate and a nice supply of underground water. This region is the agricultural region of the state. SSG1
  10. The Fall Line is the natural boundary point in Georgia that separates the Piedmont from the Coastal Plain. The line runs from Columbus on the western side and into Augusta on the other. Rivers and creeks that flow from this rocky hill country made deep channels in the softer soil of the plain. When early settlers tried to explore the land after the Fall Line, many settled by the waterfalls because they couldn't cross the rushing falls, and because they found the waterfalls as great sources of power. SSG1
  11. A major feature of the Outer Coastal Plain and the biggest swamp in North America is Okefenokee Swamp. The swamp covers half a million acres and is a freshwater wetland. Okefenokee Swamp is home to hundreds of plants and animals. SSG1
  12. A major river that supplies water to Atlanta and Columbus is the Chattahoochee River. The Cherokee called this river the “river of the painted rock.” it flows 436 miles from North Georgia. SSG1
  13. The Savannah River is the only river in Georgia that flows into the state from an outside border. As this river travels along the border of Georgia, it separates into 3 lakes: J. Strom Thurmond Lake, Hartwell Lake, and Lake Russell. Oglethorpe and the settlers aboard the Ann established a settlement on Yamacraw Bluff, which overlooks the Savannah River. SSG1 Augusta Canal(Part of Savannah River).
  14. The Barrier islands are made of interlocking marshes, river, and tributaries that sooner or later flow into the Atlantic Ocean. The region here fall along the line of subtropical. These islands protect the beaches by blocking most of the wind, sand, or water that could erode the mainland. Jekyll island is a state park and Cumberland island is a natural seashore. SSG1
  15. Georgia’s climate is typically a humid subtropical climate having mild winters and hot summers. The mountain region to the northwest is colder than the rest of the state. Winter in Georgia is described by mild temperatures and little snowfall around the state. Since the temperatures are really comfortable, many companies move into the state. Industries favor the mild climates and the climate also aids the growing period of crops in Georgia; the growing period is much longer. Even today, many jobs in Georgia are agriculturally related. SSG1
  16. A. Explain how the four transportation systems interact to provide domestic and international goods to the people of Georgia. B. Explain how the four transportation systems interact to provide producers and service providers in Georgia with national and international markets. C. Explain how the four transportation systems provide jobs for Georgians. SSG2- The student will explain how the interstate highway system, Hartsfield-Jackson International airport, Georgia's deep-water ports, and the railroads help drive the state’s economy.
  17. The four transport systems which are freight trains, air-cargo, boat and highway and interstate roads help when the goods are brought in by either of the systems and then spread in the state by the interstate highway system and also by railroad. This is also seen when goods come in through the air cargo system and are brought to the state through the interstate network. The boats bring overseas goods that get shipped by the freight trains and airport/cargo systems are mostly used for international goods. The railroads and interstate are used for domestic goods that could be purchased from other states in the U.S. SSG2
  18. A large amount of imports and exports come into Georgia through it’s seaports and barge terminals. Georgia has a history of product exporting; it was one of the first state to export cotton to Great Britain in 1788. Imports and exports could also be shipped through airway travel. Georgia’s marketplace is the world and the seaports make this marketplace a worthwhile enterprise. SSG2
  19. Hartsfield-Jackson airport is a major employment center in Georgia. It is the world's busiest airport and central business district of Atlanta . Many people, including flight attendants and pilots and other qualified people can find employment at this airport. The seaports in Georgia require people who can load and unload the boats that carry overseas goods, and also people who could probably sail the boat. Of course, people needed from jobs by the railroads would be conductors and cargo carriers. The railroad system travels all over so there is always room for new people to load, unload, and conduct the railways. SSG2
  20. THE END!!!!!
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