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Web 2.0. Blog, Wiki: blog 2-3/3. Overview for idag. Definisjon av blog Blog historie: Article Blood Blog’s Anatomy Bruk av blog (generelt) Blogs and learning: Article Walker Oppgaver . Blog begrepet.…. Definition d’un blog:
Web 2.0. Blog, Wiki: blog 2-3/3 IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Overview for idag • Definisjon av blog • Blog historie: Article Blood • Blog’s Anatomy • Bruk av blog (generelt) • Blogs and learning: Article Walker • Oppgaver IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Blog begrepet.… Definition d’un blog: • “A blog is a webpage that contains brief, discrete hunks of information called posts. These posts are arranged in reversed-chronological order (the most recent posts come first). Each post is uniquely identified by an anchor tag, and it is marked with a permanent link that can be referred to by others who wish to link to it”(Doctorow C., Dornfest R., Johnson J. S., Powers S., Trott B . and M. G. Trott. Essential Blogging. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2002.) • “A blog is an interactive web page most often used as a way to publish regular writings with a variety of goals. The term blog is a shortening of Web Log. It is sometime referred to as weblog.” IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Blog historie - R. Bloods artikkel Gruppe input… IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Blog historie - R. Bloods artikkel • An article with a bitter sweet tone: reminder of the origin of weblog, how useful it is, even if those types are no longer numerous. • Mostly a presentation of interesting links which content was analyzed, evaluated and annotated for readers, presenting alternative views of information provided by the media. • Use of HTML language prevailed • 1999: Bloggers, edit this page: easy publishing of weblogs, no need knowledge of HTML. The blogger posts thoughts, reflections, observations, etc. No longer necessarily about presenting other websites • Blood had her own journey, that made her understand the perspective of the other kind of blogging while she got to know her interests better, became a more confident writer. • Concludes that no matter the kind of blog, it is important to write on a regular basis in order to remain critical vas-a-vis the information we receive on a daily basis. Maintain us sharpened and maintain us awake IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Blog’s Anatomy • Usually, textual format. They can be written on special programs or directly on the net. This technical part we are not getting into • Blogs are formatted by an online software called Content Management Software, same type for the Wiki. • From the more recent to the older, reflecting the changes from the author, and if it is a diary, possibly the changes within the author. • Each publication is called a post. Most of the bloggers don’t change their past post unless they indicate that the post has been modified. This is to take care of the chronological integrity of the blog. • Chronological integraty? Some users may want the blog to exactly reflect their state of mind at one moment M, their reflection process, other may just want to gather ideas on a systematic way, and modify whatever post that needs addition. The user is in charge of his work. The danger however that is the changes may be missed in posts that are too old to be seen by readers on the first page. IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Blog’s Anatomy (Forts.) • Comments: this is a zone left for comments from readers. This zone can be opened to everybody or limited. It can be subject to moderation, especially against spammers or insulting comments. Most of the time, the comment zone receives appreciations, critiques, suggestions, etc. From zone comments can often evolve a deep discussion on a topic, which might cause the publication of another post. • The blogroll: They give a presentation of other blogs • Pingback & tracback : let the author know that his/her blog has been commented in another blog. It is a chance for his/her to go and read what has been mentioned. • exercice: pingback/trace back people’s blogs you mentioned in your blogs). • Template/skin, calendar, search button • others…. IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco http://photos1.blogger.com/photoInclude/blogger/5458/1933/1600/figure1.jpg
Bruk av blog - generelt It is not always obvious to characterize blogs, as their author changes though times. (Except for blogs that are specifically brought to life for one purpose (opinion/journalism associated with a a newspaper, for instance): • Observe/ analyze, reflect: writing a diary about one’s life, one’s work and go back in order to understand better one’s perspective, interests, behaviors, reactions. Take an historical perspective on one’s development and see the learning process through time, review events and find turning points, etc… • Report: when catastrophes occur, in times of war, blogs can become the only source of information (as it was the case for the 2004 tsunami) IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Bruk av blog – generelt (forts.) • Political campaigns or link with the public, marketing. A politician without a blog nowadays is mostly seen as obsolete, out of his/her time. • Firm blogs : hire people, let clients know about delays, etc. At an intern level, they are used to social atmosphere of a company or ease exchange between coworkers. • Diffuse art: music, cartoons, etc (artlogs) • Other forms of webogs: artlogs weblog dor diffusing art (music, cartoons); vlog (videologg), podcast (audio logg), etc. Oppgave: Search on Wikipedia (English version) the risks associated with blog publishing. Define a blogettiquette (neologism) IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Blog & Learning: Walkers artikkel Gruppe input IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Blog & Learning Weblogs have brought to the learning environment some modifications that can benefit learning: • One major point is that in If we go into the learning theories where it is demanded to the student to take more responsibility over his own learning: on his writing space, the student is the one in charge, if the learning environment permits the student to do so. S/he can publish on any subject, not just deliver a paper that just the teacher and possibly the classmates will read. • Collaborative tool: The dialogical nature of the medium helps student to build a learning and support network and by that an built a learning community where knowledge is built, exchanged, negotiated in a more democratic model • The boundaries of the classroom in terms of sources of knowledge are pushed back. Once again, the teacher can no longer be seen as the main source of knowledge, but mostly as a guide, a help, another resource. This is the possibility for the student to link new learning experience to previous experiences and make the experience his/hers. IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Blog & Learning Weblogs have brought to the learning environment some modifications that can benefit learning: • Writing decisions involving critical reflection, as there is a public that can respond. The writing can therefore be more argumentative, grounded with examples, theory, references. A more articulate writing referring to others readings. • A post is always a draft: once posted, the author expects comments and reactions, a discussion to start. This is as well blogging. What has been posted is part of a learning process that goes beyond the publishing time. IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco
Oppgaver… Del 1 (kan fulføres i grupper) Finn blogs laget av/for studenter/elever Les Edublog Insights (på min blog, under Om Læring) og lag en list av vår aktiviteter, aktiviteter du kunne gjerne ha fullført. Knytt bruk av blog med læringsteori med konkrete utdrager fra pensumlisten Del 2 Skriv et innlegg som samler oppgavene. Les hverandres innlegg, la kommentarer, traceback, pingback. IKT og læring – Huin102 - H07 v/ Myriam Coco