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2014 GEM-Raleigh Recommendations

This summary presents the seven GEM-Raleigh recommended lines for 2015, including released lines, ex-PVP inbreds, GEM third-year trials, and potentially useful exotic germplasm. Additional information and questions available.

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2014 GEM-Raleigh Recommendations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2014 GEM-Raleigh Recommendations USDA/ARS: Matthew Krakowsky and Dale Dowden NC State: Major Goodman, A. Wayne Dillard and William Hill

  2. 2014 GEM-Raleigh Yield Trials • GEM released lines (EXP8 and EXP9) • Ex-PVP inbreds (EXA2 and EXF1) • GEM third year trials (EXR1 and EXS8) • Potentially usefully exotic germplasm (EXS5)

  3. Summary of the seven GEM-Raleigh recommended lines for 2015

  4. Questions?

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