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This project aims to study neutrino oscillations using the T2K experiment and the 280m near detector. The collaboration involves multiple institutions and focuses on the design, construction, and testing of various components such as superconducting magnets, proton beam monitors, neutrino horns, and the detector system.
US Participation in The T2K Beamline and the 280 m Near Detector Chang Kee Jung State University of New York at Stony Brook for the T2K US B280 Collaboration First NuSAG Meeting, Washington D.C. June 1, 2005
T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) 0.75 MW 50 (40) GeV PS nmoff-axis beam: (2.5o nominal, 2o~3o coverage) ~1GeV energy nm→ neappearance nm→ nxdisappearance (m223) ~ 104 eV2 and (sin2223 ) ~ 0.01 NCmeasurement Neutrino interaction studies • First long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment proposed to measure q13 • Project approved by the Japanese Government in Dec. 2003 • Data taking will start in Apr. 2009
T2K Experiment and Detector Complex target ND280 SuperK beamline decay volume 2km detector muon monitor T2K Scope Approved in Japan US B280 Proposal Not yet approved US 2km Proposal Two separate US proposals
J-PARC Accelerator Complex (40 GeV) (200 MeV)
Changes since LOI and Updated Sensitivity 10-2 10-3 0.01 sin2213 slight reduction in the statistics and slight increase in the ebackground
Combined Function Superconducting Magnets RHIC dipole RHIC quad Original plan 20 SC dipoles + 20 SC quads BNL and Stony Brook reevaluation 28 combined function SC magnets cost savings coupled dipole+quad require correctors R&D Funded by U.S.-Japan Collaboration Work in JFY03 ~$150k @BNL Final design (KEK) Combined Function Bend and focus
Target beam 1st Horn 2nd Horn 3rd Horn High intensity beam Larger inner conductor diameter higher current & three horns Target and Horn System Beam Characteristics: 4.2 s pulses in every 3.5 s 8 (58 ns) bunches/pulse 3 x 1014 protons/pulse Target: 2.6MJ in 5ms Aluminum cannot withstand. Only low-Z material such as graphite or beryllium.
T2K International Collaboration and its Organization • 148 Physicists from 52 institutions from 12 countries • Spokesperson: K. Nishikawa (Kyoto U., current K2K Spokesperson) • International (Interim) Board of Representatives (IBR) • Spokesperson, KEK representative, ICRR representative and 13 regional representatives • Acts as an interim executive committee • US Reps: C.K. Jung (IBR Chair), K. McFarland and H. Sobel • Project Coordinators • Working Groups • Beamline, Proton beam monitors, Target&Horn, Beam line control/electronics, Muon monitor&280m detectors, 2km detectors • New International Collaboration Agreement is being prepared by a committee chaired by Jung
Proposed US Contributions to the T2K Neutrino Beamline and ND280 “The overall philosophy adopted in selecting our contributions to the T2K experiment is to identify critical components that match our expertise and experience” Many of the items we proposed to contribute were requested by the Japanese T2K leadership
T2K US B280 Collaboration • 34 Members from 6 Institutions (as of May 2005) • BNL • S. Bellavia, M. Goldhaber, M. Harrison, H. Kirk, N. Simos and Peter Wanderer • University of Colorado • L. Bartoszek, R. Nelson and Eric Zimmerman • Lousiana State University • J. Goon, S. Hatakeyama, Thomas Kutter and B. Svoboda • Stony Brook University • Chang Kee Jung, K. Kobayashi, G. Lopez, Clark McGrew, Peter. Paul, A. Sarrat, L. P. Trung, L. Whitehead and C. Yanagisawa • University of Rochester • A. Bodek, R. Bradford, H. Budd, J. Chvojka, Steve Manly, Kevin McFarland, J. Park, W. Sakumoto, J. Steinman • University of Washington • H. Berns, R. Gran and Jeff Wilkes
Proton beam transport Target Station 130m decay pipe 280m m-pit Near detector US B280 Activities Combined function Superconducting Magnet R&D And Corrector Coil construction (BNL) CT Proton Beam Monitor (LSU) Proton Beam Monitor Electronics (Washington) Neutrino Horns and Target R&D and Horn 2 construction (Colorado) Target Testing (BNL, Stony Brook) GPS Time Synchronization (Washington) ND280 Off-axis Fine Grained detector P0D (Rochester, Stony Brook, Washington) SMRD (LSU) Software/Physics Simulation
Superconducting Corrector Coil • Unique facility in BNL • direct coil winding on the beam pipe BNL Serpentine Design • automatic cancellation of the non-uniform end fields!
Completed Corrector Prototype • Completed and successfully • tested this spring • now at KEK • to be used as a spare • propose to build 4 more
T2K Neutrino Horn 2 U. Of Colorado and Bartoszek Engineering Eric Zimmerman of U. of Colorado has experience with the MiniBooNE and NuTeV neutrino horn systems participates in the T2K target and horn system R&D, engineering and design; proposes to build Horn2 at CU w/ Bartoszek Engineering
ND 280m Detector Requirements • On-axis (0o) • Monitor neutrino beam direction and stability • Measure neutrino flux • Relatively simple detector • Off-axis (~2o) • measurenm and ne neutrino fluxes and the spectra. • study n interaction (CC-QE, non-QE, p0, ) • candidate detector designs considered for FGD • Only carbon target: scintillator bar detector (K2K Scibar) • Active oxygen target (water+liquid scintillator+WLS fiber) • Thin passive oxygen (water) target with sampling cal/tracking US Interest: experience with the D0 preshower detector (Stony Brook) and the MINERvA (Rochester)
ECAL SMRD in UA1 Magnet Yokes Up/Central ECAL Charged Particle Tracking P0D Fully Active Target P0D Water Rich Target ND280 Off-axis Detector
P0D Layers Water + “Carbon” Target “Carbon” Target MCP-MAPMT Water = (Water + “Carbon”) - (“Carbon”) white: scintillator, mesh: water, red: lead foil
“Carbon” Water Gamma Ray Reconstruction • High Recon. Eff. • > 80% for Eγ > 100 MeV • 70% at Eγ = 50 MeV • Efficiency uniform over volume • EM Energy Resolution • 10% + 3%/sqrt(GeV) 200 MeV Efficiency vs Z position in P0D
Activity in ECAL P0D NC π˚ Reconstruction • Require • No μ/π track • “Separated” Showers in P0D • Projected vertex in Fid. • Eff. > 50% above 200 MeV/c • Bkgd from CC events ~ 20 % • All BKGD events have a pizero • Expect ~8000 reconstructed π˚ per year 440 MeV/c π˚
Summary of the T2K US B280 CollaborationProposed Contributions to T2K
Conclusions • T2K Beamline and ND280 are already approved and funded (~$160M) in Japan • Beamline construction underway • First beam expected on target April 1, 2009 • US B280 collaboration proposes a modest contribution (<$5M) to critical components of the beamline & ND280 • Strong partnership developed between Japanese and US leadership through K2K and SuperK • Provide strong intellectual and organizational contributions • US is well positioned to participate in the forefront science of the T2K experiment with a modest investment • A formal proposal will be submitted to DOE in June 2005
T2K Sensitivity to q13as a function of CP-phase d (q12 contribution subtracted)