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S. Dalla Torre HIGH-LIGHTS DA . argomenti selezionati : caratteristiche del Workshop(s) RICH ed esperimenti (presente e futuro) stato, innovazioni e prospettive della tecnologia il prossimo WORKSHOP. IL WORKSHOP. workshop precedenti
S. Dalla Torre HIGH-LIGHTS DA • argomenti selezionati: • caratteristiche del Workshop(s) • RICH ed esperimenti (presente e futuro) • stato, innovazioni e prospettive della tecnologia • il prossimo WORKSHOP Silvia DALLA TORRE
IL WORKSHOP • workshop precedenti • il sito di RICH2004 http://www.ifisica.uaslp.mx/rich2004/main.html • partecipanti: 94 registrati • sessioni, tutte plenarie, sui temi: (per un totale di 64 talk e 13 posters) il sito di RICH2004 Silvia DALLA TORRE
L’ INFN @ RICH2004 DAL PROGRAMMA SCIENTIFICO: la partecipazione italiana (8 contributi) Silvia DALLA TORRE
VITALITA’ DEI RICH 1/2 tabella di B. Ratcliff – RICH2004 (con qualche aggiounta) Silvia DALLA TORRE
VITALITA’ DEI RICH 2/2 tabella di B. Ratcliff – RICH2004 (con qualche aggiounta) Silvia DALLA TORRE
Pad Det with CsI (GEM ?!) 16 identical miniTPC’s with GEM readout; “working” gas: fast, low diffusion, UV transparent Pad Detector III Pad Detector II Pad Detector I y x Beam Pipe and Vertex Detectors miniTPC y ToF EMC x Magnet PERCHE’ APPARATI SENZA RICH ALLE FRONTIERE DELL’ENERGIA ? • non sembra esserci un golden channel che richieda PID • anche se un buon PID puo’ • ridurre il fondo combinatorio • fornire sensibilita’ per segnali di nuova fisica • rendere gli apparati ancor piu’ multipurpose • il problema tecnico principale potrebbe venire dalla richiesta di ermeticita’ • nel futuro, vedremo proposte come quella qui sotto diventare realta’? STAR Upgrades R&D Proposal (N. Smirnov - RICH2004): TPC e RICH integrati ! Silvia DALLA TORRE
the largest MWPC CsI system in operation so far ! PROGRESSI TECNOLOGICI DEL RECENTE PASSATO LHC-B AEROGEL: HERMES LHC-B AMS BELLE up-grade CSI-MWPCs in COMPASS [+ costruzioni per ALICE-HMPID] MAPMT per l’upgrade di COMPASS [+ studi per BTEV] Il DIRC di BABAR MAPMT per il RICH di AMS p p Silvia DALLA TORRE
C Li Si-P ? 6 He ~Fe ? 3 >~16 Z 2 >16 UNA CURIOSITA’ : IDENTIFICAZIONE DI IONI PESANTI Nγ in the ring ~ Z2 - dopo CAPRIS e HIRICH, i test beam di AMS C M. Buénerd Silvia DALLA TORRE
PROGRESSI TECNOLOGICINOVITA’ • fotorivelazione • depositi fotosensibili e gas: il ruolo di ion feedback • studi quantitativi con CsI • fotorivelatori a gas: • GEM & GEM-like + Cs • fotorivelatori in vuoto: • flat panels • MCP - PMT • radiatori • gassosi (beyond C4F10) • aerogel • nuovi approcci • TOP, focalized DIRC Silvia DALLA TORRE
Dose-effect relation from 3 different irradiated zones Different doses on 3 irradiated positions Dose-response relation for 49 days and 129 days after irradiation (time effect taken into account by interpolation) Pos 2 Pos 1 Pos 3 expected dose for 10 y ALICE (0.5 mC/cm2) CsI MWPC – ION FEEDBACK identificazione del fenomeno dell’ion feed-back come il PROBLEMA dello CsI Results obtained with the VUV-scanner for 3 irradiation with different doses of accumulated charge (H. Hoedlmoser) Silvia DALLA TORRE
EDRIFT -40 +40 DVGEM 0 GEM e CsI 1/4 REFLECTIVE PHOTOCATHODE CsI semi-transparent photocathode Photo cathode Photo cathode reduced IFB reduced IFB RELATIVE QUANTUM EFFICIENCY FOR DIFFERENT GASES CsI semi-transparent photocathode REFLECTIVE CsI PHOTOCATHODE: field dependence of Q.E. pushing for high DV !! • Reflective PC (compared to ST), higher QE, • low sensitivity to ionizing BG radiation • - Reduced secondary effects high gains 106 - 107 • - Fast: with CF4s = 1.6ns w\single electrons s =0.33ns w\150 electrons Silvia DALLA TORRE A. Breskin
GEM e CsI 2/4 si pensa gia’ ad una applicazione: l’upgrade di Phenix HBD (Hadron Blind Detector): un contatore Cerenkovsenza finestre HBD concept: ♣ Windowless Cherenkov detector (L=50cm) ♣ CF4 as radiator and detector gas ♣ CsI reflective photocathode ♣ Triple GEM with pad readout (I. Tserruya) Silvia DALLA TORRE
hv photocathode E drift VA-C VC-T C A E trans cathode mesh GEM e CsI 3/4 Real challenge: GPMTs for the visible range! Photocathodes(e.g. bi-alkali) are very chemically reactive. Cannot operate in flow-mode! Solution: Visible-range GPMTs => sealed mode • Secondary avalanches due to ion feedback gain limits, imaging problems (observed in K-Cs-Sb) • Photocathode damage due to ion sputtering observed in both: CsI and K-Cs-Sb Major efforts to limit ion backflow MHSP: Microhole & Strip Plate Silvia DALLA TORRE A. Breskin
1mm GEM e CsI 4/4 Thick GEM-like multipliers (TGEM) : a simple solution for large area UV-RICH detectors manufactured by standard PCB techniques of precise drilling in G-10 (+ other materials) and Cu etching • Gains:105with a single TGEM; 107 with cascaded double TGEM • Fast signals: r.t. <10 ns. • The e- transfer efficiency (into the holes) is well understood. • Counting rate capability: ~ 106avalnches/sec x mm2 @ gain 4x104 • Ion backflow: study in course • TGEMs of different materials (e.g. Kevlar, Teflon…) for CF4 ?. • TGEM studied with transparent and reflectivephotocathode • G-10 TGEMs tested with several gases. A TGEM costs ~4$ /unit. R. Chechik et al. Silvia DALLA TORRE
FLAT PANELS Belle upgrade, test beam matrix of flat panels, Hammamatsu H8500 uniformity is ~1:2.5 P. Krizan J. Vavra Silvia DALLA TORRE
Channel ~400mm f~10mm MCP-PMT 1/4 • quando le richieste sono • risoluzione temporale spinta • operazione in campo magnetico • Electron amplification in micro channel (f ~10mm) • Fast/small transit time spread • Gain saturation • B field immunity • Geometrical apperture ~ 60% Gain ~O(106) w/ 2-3 stages • Possible to make a multi-anode PMT. HPK6 R3809U-50-11X Burle25 85011-501 BINP8 N4428 HPK10 R3809U-50-25X Toru Iijima Silvia DALLA TORRE
HPK6 at B=1.5T (0deg.) BINP8 at B=1.5T (15deg.) TDC (time walk corrected). Tail component due to bouncing pe at MCP surface 1p.e 2p.e 3p.e 25ps/count MCP - PMT 2/4 Small chanel diam. Shows high stability against B-field • MCP-PMT w/ <10mm has excellent single photon counting performance up to 1.5 T • Gain > 106 • TTS < 35ps • Unresolved issues: • cross talk + Life time ! Toru Iijima Silvia DALLA TORRE
MCP-PMT 3/4i multianodo HAMAMATSU: SL10 MCP-PMT Under development Toru Iijima Silvia DALLA TORRE
MCP-PMT 4/4i multianodo uniformity is ~1:1.5 J. Vavra Silvia DALLA TORRE
RADIATORI GASSOSI • C4F10 – non piu’ in produzione (3M) • n ~ 1.0014 (il maggior n fra i fluorocarbori gassosi a T ambiente) • C5F12 (minimo n fra i fluorocarburi liquidi a T ambiente) • RICH in pressione o caldi • BTeV investigation: gas C4F8O (n=1.0014) might be a viable replacement of C4F10 ? • C4F8O in use by semiconductor industry • first use as Cherenkov radiator (TEST BEAM) • Chemical name: octafluorotetrahydrofuran. • Density: ~10 times heavier than air • Boiling point: –0.8oC (Matheson TRI-GAS MSDS), -5.5oC (American Chemical Society) • Not a poison. Non-explosive. Colorless. Odorless. • Stable, mostly non-reactive except with alkali halide metals (Sodium, Potassium) • According to manufacturer can pick-up and transport oils. Contact with organic materials should be minimized. • 99.6% pure, rest mostly the isomer of this molecule, also other perfluorocarbons (freons), Non-perfluorocarbons <0.05% • Price: ~$40/lb ($24/ft3at 20oC) • C4F8O characterization on-going • Material compatibility tests with C4F8O in progress at Syracuse • some doubts it could work in UV, scintillations? T. Skwarnicki Silvia DALLA TORRE
t 1996 2004 ’80s AEROGEL 1/4 l’aumento di qualita’ negli anni ‘80s 2004 total n = 1.03, t = 1 cm undefl deflect (da E.Nappi) Silvia DALLA TORRE
100x100x20mm3 n=1.050 n=1.045 n=1.050 boundary No cracks n=1.055 AEROGEL 2/4 • ISSUES: • larger transparency • larger tiles • multilayer tiles • COLLABORAZIONE • KEK • Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. • hydrophobic • New production technique new solvent introduced: DMF(N,N-di-methly-formamide) • Use DMF together with Methanol as solvent High transparency with DMF >~ 70% Silvia DALLA TORRE Ichiro Adachi
Notizie da Novosibirsk collaborazione dal 1988 di Boreskov Institute of Catatlysis Budker Institute of Nuclear Physiscs AEROGEL 3/4 campione igroscopico NOVOSIBIRSK (A. Danilyuk) Silvia DALLA TORRE
AEROGEL 4/4 AEROGEL, how to increase number of photons without degrading the resolution? Matsushita Aerogel (S. Korpar) Silvia DALLA TORRE
DIRC DI SECONDA GENERAZIONE: IL TOP 1/2 TOP Counter Concept • Quartz-based RICH counter to detect internally reflected Cherenkov light (like DIRC at BaBar) • But reconstruct the image in (X,TOP) instead of (X,Y). “TOP” = Time Of Propagation • Possible if DTOP < 100ps for each arriving photon. J. Vavra butterfly TOP Toru Iijima Silvia DALLA TORRE
DIRC DI SECONDA GENERAZIONE: IL TOP 2/2 each photon will be measured with a ~100ps timing resolution, to correct out the chromatic error the Focusing DIRC prototype is in the test beam at SLAC. • focusing TOP • 3D information • t, x and • vertical angle J. Vavra Toru Iijima Silvia DALLA TORRE
Trieste selected on 1/12/04 by ISAC • we thanks the Committee • we will do our best to make the 6th Workshop successful • when? • in 3 years from now October 2007 Silvia DALLA TORRE
The BaseLineOption“Stazione Marittima” The main feature of this proposal is the location of the Workshop Building, which is down-town, in the town centre, directly located on the see side, near (within walking distance) to several hotels, a number of restaurants, most of Trieste Museums, the historical nucleus of the town and the most elegant shopping area. Silvia DALLA TORRE
ANCORA GAS • goals: • be highly pixilated (a few mm2 pads), • work in 15kG magnetic field, • deliver a 100-200ps timing resolution per • single photon • be affordable • Why gas? • in vacuum, photoelectrons go straight and hit top MCP surface. Only less than 30-50% of them will be “in time” and collected • in gaseous device, 95-98% photoelectrons will be collected. They would work in magnetic field. IDEA per bloccare l’ion feed back (funziona in campo B; inclinaz. fori MCP = angolo di Lorenz) L’ ion backflow al catodo e’ nullo entro l’erroire di misura. Silvia DALLA TORRE (da J.Vavra, T. Simiyoshi )
Photo electron p n PD n p APD HPD & Co. • propsettive per un’alternativa agli HPD DEP • sviluppo di HPD e HPAD in cooperazione Belle e Hamammatsu • goal : multi-anode (144ch) HPD/HAPD • Outer: 72x72 mm2 • Effective : 59x59 mm2 (65%) • Multi-anode:12x12=144 ch. • Pixel Size: 4.9x4.9 mm2 dal catalogo DEP • Basic performance has been studied with the 3x3 type HPD /HAPD. • 3x3 ch HPD • No serious problem • Higher gain than expected (1500 -> 2100). • 3x3 ch HAPD • Low yield of good quality APD’s. • There is a HV leak from photocathode. • High gain but very noisy. • Further investigation is underway with a new productionbatch. Silvia DALLA TORRE
380 mm C2GT Photodetector benthos sphere (432 / 404) 15 Si sensor 432 mm (17”) joint ceramic support optical gel (refr. index matching + insulation) HV PA standard base plate of HPD 10” (prel. version). valve electrical feed-throughs FOTORIVELATORI A VUOTO DI GRANDI DIMENSIONI PER LA FISICA DEI n 1/2 grande accettanza angolare (~ 120 gradi), buona risoluzione temporale (~ 2 nsec) (C. Joram) Silvia DALLA TORRE