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General Education Student Learning Assessment. Assessment Leader Training. GEO Training Series: 2 of 5 Spring 2012 February 13, 2012. ASSESSMENT LEADER TRAINING. PURPOSE.
General Education Student Learning Assessment Assessment Leader Training GEO Training Series: 2 of 5 Spring 2012 February 13, 2012
PURPOSE The purpose of General Education Assessment is to measure student learning based on student work from an aggregated, institutional perspective. The six GEOs focus on institutional level student learning outcomes which may be assessed across the curriculum and co-curriculum. CAC will NOT use GEO assessment results to evaluate instructors.
ASSESSMENT LEADER RESPONSIBILITIES • Serve as communication point person for the Assessment Team (AT) to GEO Chair and SLA Director • Coordinate team efforts to identify, collect, score student artifacts using the GEO Rubric and submit results • a. Lead Evaluation Subteam to score artifacts • b. Complete and submit data results • Facilitate analysis of results, share results at Open Forums; Lead identification of improvement to student learning • 4. Write the GEO Assessment Executive Report (preliminary) and Final Report and recommend process improvements
PROCESS DECISIONS • Sample Size (30 students or 10% of total student enrollmentin the course) • Testing/Assessment Parameters • Evaluation Team members (3): • Timeline: • Date of Assessment, • Date Artifacts sent to Assessment Leader • Date of Norming Session/Evaluation Session • Date Raw Data submitted to SLA Director • Meeting Schedule (email/phone/itv/live): include planning, follow-up analysis of Data Report, Open Forums, decision phase and report writing phase
ASSESSMENT Spring 2012 • Spring 2012 • Conduct Spring 2012 assessment of all 27 GEO Standards across the curriculum • Share with Academic Leadership Fall 2011 GEO Course Assessment Executive Report, the preliminary results; participate in Open Forums to further analyze results and submit Fall 2011 Final GEO Course Assessment Report to GEO Chair and SLA Director (DUE: March 19) • Assessment Leader submits GEO Raw Data to SLA Director • Assessment Team analyzes Data Report from IPR and assists Assessment Leader to write report; DUE: May 11
ASSESSMENT Summer 2012 • Summer Sessions I and II 2012 • Conduct Summer 2012 assessment of all 27 GEO Standards across the curriculum • CAC presents the results of four year Action Project on Assessment of Student Learning of six General Education Outcomes on June 6-8, 2012 at HLC Conference • GEO Raw Data Submissions form to SLA Director DUE: Aug. 8 • Preliminary GEO Assessment Report DUE: Aug. 15 • Spring 2012 Final GEO Course Assessment Report to GEO Chair and SLA Director (DUE: Aug. 17)
3-YEAR ASSESSMENT CYCLE 1 • Fall 2012 • Conduct Assessment per plan finalized spring 2012 • Spring 2013 • Further analysis, Open Forums, Improvement identified with sustainability plan which culminate in report and presentations • Summer 2013 through Spring 2014 • Implement improvement plan and pilot Summer with full implementation Fall semester • Ongoing assessment of student learning to evaluate improvement plan results • REPEAT for Year 2 GEOs
STUDENT ARTIFACT SELECTION • With course content experts, review the course syllabi and existing assignments. • Identify the best one which aligns with the GEO Standard that occurs near the semester end. • Slight rewording or framing questions may need to be crafted to achieve the desired essay/assignment demonstrating the skill/knowledge.
SET ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS Determine: 1. Date/week artifacts are due, taking into account modality limitations. 2. If students may use the text or other resource/reference tool such as a dictionary or if the quiz is closed book. 3. If a team of students may create/deliver the project/presentation. Common parameters include: students must independently complete the assignment/quiz/presentation during class during week 13-14. Or, students are required to complete Exam 3 in a proctored setting during week 12.
STUDENT SAMPLE • Determine total student enrollment in all course sections • If 30 students are enrolled, include all 30 in your sample. • If more than 30 students are enrolled, include 10% of total enrollment in your sample. • For example, if there are 500 students enrolled in all sections, your sample is 50 students drawn from all sections. • Based on alpha-ordered class rosters, include student 1, student 11, student 21 and 31. • NOTE: All student GEO artifacts must include CAC student identification number.
SCORING STUDENT ARTIFACTS • Use the CAC Institutional GEO Rubric to score artifacts. • Norming Session – conducted prior to Scoring • Randoming select two samples • With a team of three Evaluators, each individually reviews and scores the student work and places a score on the back of the last sheet (essay/quiz/one-minute paper) • The Evaluation team reconvenes to share scores given each sample and to provide their rationale. • If scores are very diverse, score two more and norm.
SCORING STUDENT ARTIFACTS, Part II Determine one score from 0 to 3 per student artifact, per GEO Standard. If 30 student artifacts, divide the stack into thirds so that two evaluators score each artifact by attaching a slip/sticky note to the back with a solid score from 0 to 3 and the evaluators initials. Evaluators do not look at the other evaluator’s score. After all artifacts have two scores on the back page, flip them over and determine if there are any with discrepancies, i.e. different scores from the two evaluators. If different scores, the third evaluator scores the artifact. Upon completion, team may choose to discuss or the third evaluator determines the final score. An average rounded up or down may be the artifact’s final score. For example: evaluator 1 scores it a 2, evaluator 2 scores it a 3, then evaluator 3 scores it a 2. Final score for the artifact: 2.
DATA REPORT Sample Refer to page 32 in the Guide
GEO Assessment Success TIPS • Use the Blackboard: Evidence of Student Success site for resources, meeting minutes and tools • Participate in training opportunities • GEO Course Map completion and use • CAC Institutional GEO Rubric • PowerPoint Presentations on the C&SLA site
TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES • Thursday, February 9, 10:30, 4:30 & 6 pm Course Assessment Leader Training • Friday, February 17, 10:30 am Course Assessment Leader Training • Tuesday, February 21, Superstition Mountain Campus, prior to Governing Board Meeting (noon to 1:15 pm) • Friday, February 24, Faculty Development Day – GEO Roundtable • Tuesday, March 20, Signal Peak Campus, prior to Governing Board meeting (noon to 1:15 pm) • Tuesday, April 17, Aravaipa Campus, prior to Governing Board Meeting (noon to 1:15 pm)
Coming soon: How to Analyze Data and How to Write Assessment Reports. The ongoing evaluation of General Education Student Learning contributes to the success of all our degree and AGEC certificate completers. Thank You!