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Accreditation and Scheme Update. Catherine Golds and Steve Russell. Welcome to nqa. Accreditation Review. Business Risk Business Continuity – BS 25999 Accreditation Health and Safety Forestry extension to scope Critical location in Shanghai Quality Management
Manage with Certainty Accreditation and Scheme Update Catherine Golds and Steve Russell Welcome to nqa
Manage with Certainty Accreditation Review Business Risk Business Continuity – BS 25999 Accreditation Health and Safety Forestry extension to scope Critical location in Shanghai Quality Management Critical location in Hungary Environmental Management Critical location in Hungary
Manage with Certainty Accreditation Review Audits and Findings Introduction NICEIC trading as NQA has 3 key regulators; UKAS, ANAB and SMMT. 6 Office Assessments have been undertaken by NQA’s regulators subsequent to previous EMEA conference. Overall these visits were highly successful
Manage with Certainty Accreditation Review UKAS 1 full office surveillance in the UK was conducted in the final quarter of 2008. This was the first visit undertaken following confirmation of 17021 accreditation. The audit was conducted by a team of 6 auditors over a period of 10 man days and encompassed the following schemes; QMS, EMS, NHSS, PAS 43, TickIT, ISMS, BS8555, EMAS, Aerospace and Product Certification. Only 2 minor IAR’s raised. Head Office surveillance visit from UKAS in January 09, this was the first surveillance visit in respect of OHSAS. No findings identified. Cont…
Manage with Certainty Accreditation Review UKAS • Critical location assessment for OHSAS at SNQA. • 1 minor non-conformity. • An associated witnessed audit for OHSAS conducted in Shanghai resulted in no findings being raised. Cont…
Manage with Certainty Accreditation Review ANAB • ANAB conducted office surveillance audits at both Warwick House (15th and 16th May) and SNQA (15th and 16th June). • These resulted in 2 minor non-conformities being raised in the UK and 4 in China. • The above visits resulted in a positive recommendation for continued accreditation and a further recommendation that the frequency of assessment be reduced from twice to once per year. SMMT • Rob Brown and Louise Dunk of the SMMT conducted a 4 man day upgrade assessment in May, at Warwick House, to the third edition of the TS rules. • The visit resulted in a positive recommendation with only 1 minor non-conformity and 2 ofi’s were identified.
Manage with Certainty Other Issues 17021 Part 2 WG21 last met on3-4-5 June 2009 in Geneva, at the ISO Central Secretariat The WG discussed the future of 17021-2. It was agreed that 17021 part 1 and part 2 shall be merged at a later stage after the publication of 17021-2, and a transition period will be allowed It was agreed at the meeting to progress the document to DIS status. The DIS ballot is planned mid-September for a period of 5 months. The Drafting Group will next meet on 3-4-5 March in Geneva, at the ISO Central Secretariat.
Manage with Certainty Other Issues • EC Regulation • The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have agreed a Regulation that will, for the first time, provide a legal framework for the provision of accreditation services across Europe. • The Regulation, formally adopted on 9 July, will apply from January 2010 • The adopted texts of the Regulation and Decision were published in the Official Journal of the European Union Ref L218 of the 13th July 2008 as Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 and Decision No 768/2008. • The purpose being; to improve the consistency of accreditation services across Europe, the Regulation sets common requirements for national accreditation bodies, to be monitored by Member State governments. • Under the Regulation, conformity assessment bodies will be expected to use their own national accreditation body
Manage with Certainty Market Drivers • Increasing levels of standards, regulations and safety requirements globally • A greater emphasis on the quality and performance of goods and commodities generally by consumers and governments • Increasing product variety by retailers and manufacturers to meet consumer appetite and gain market share • Decreasing product life cycles, leading to an increase in the number of new products developed, each requiring testing • Continuing migration of manufacturing operations from developed countries to less developed countries • The constant increase in global trade flows, and new and increasing inter-regional trade flows • Increasing numbers of consumers globally, particularly in emerging economies • A growing trend towards outsourcing of testing, quality and safety services
Manage with Certainty Market Drivers NQA has identified a series of risks that global businesses will be faced with over the next 5 years. These include: Greening and sustainability Regulation and compliance Reputation and risk Cost cutting Managing talent and competency
Manage with Certainty Market Drivers NQA’s services will be positioned as solutions to these risks. These solutions will include Product certification e.g. consumer products Personnel certification e.g. food safety managers Supply chain initiatives e.g. bespoke auditing, customs clearance etc New management systems standards e.g. ISO 26000 – Social Responsibility Technical services e.g. waste audits, energy audits
Manage with Certainty Summary • Increasing accreditation where markets exist • Potential products • Researched by Global marketing team • Market place, competitors, potential market share, geographic coverage, industry application • New product development • Developing procedures • Developing competency • Application for accreditation with relevant regulators