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Safe Sleep for Infants. Web Tutorial Crystal Barclay AET545 November 21 st , 2013 Dr. Sean Spear. We Safe Care for Babies!!. Instructional Goal. For all staff members in our child care center to know and understand the safe sleep standards put in place for infants.
Safe Sleep for Infants Web Tutorial Crystal Barclay AET545 November 21st, 2013 Dr. Sean Spear We Safe Care for Babies!!
Instructional Goal For all staff members in our child care center to know and understand the safe sleep standards put in place for infants.
Performance Objectives 1.The learners will know the American Academy of Pediatric recommendations for safe sleep standards for infants. 2.The learners will implement safe sleep practices for infants at all times in the center. 3.The learners will be knowledgeable of and able to communicate the standards for safe sleep to parents.
Standard 1- Babies should be placed in their cribs to sleep and on their backs. Nothing is to be in the crib expect a properly fitted sheet.
Standard 2- Babies should be placed in a wearable blankets or in a swaddle to sleep with no loose or heavy clothing.
Standard 3- Sleeping babies need to be supervised at all times in the classroom. Every 5 minutes a teacher needs to walk over an check the sleeping infant.
Standard 4- All infant Classrooms are to provide a least restrictive environment. Following Tummy Time Guidelines.
Tummy Time Guidelines For Infants Yes No Babies need to be placed on a smooth flat surface with nothing underneath them. They must be alert and supervised by an adult. Babies are not to be propped up and left unsupervised for tummy time.
Babies Face Uncovered Firm Mattress Tight Sheet No Smoking around baby Nothing in Sleep Area Babies Sleep on Back Babies Sleep in Crib Do not overheat or Overdress Image: (Michigan, 2013)
“One of the Most important ways to reduce infant deaths in child care settings is for caregivers/teachers to implement (and model for families) safe sleep standards in their programs.” (AAP 2011) American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines • Infants up to 12 months, should be placed for sleep only on their backs for every nap or sleep time. • Infants should sleep on a firm, flat surface without any soft or loose bedding. • Infants are dressed in proper-fitting clothing or sleepwear that is appropriate for the internal room temperature to keep the infants warm, without the hazard of overheating, head covering or entrapment.
Knowledge Universe states that “we need to keep in mind that you may have some families that are greatly impacted by safe sleep. They may see the thick blanket or lovey as the little piece of home that is with their infant to offer comfort and familiarity while the family is away.” (Knowledge Universe, 2012) • The safety and security of infants are our most important priorities. • We support the safe sleep standards developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and other industry experts. Our Message On Safe Sleep
Role Play • Break into groups of two each of you will practice being the parent and the teacher. • This is a way for you to practice and get feedback. • You will have 6 minutes for this activity. • How did that feel? • What questions do you have? • Any comments?
For all staff members in our child care center to know and understand the safe sleep standards put in place for infants.
References • AAP. (2011) AAP Expands Guidelines for Infant Sleep Safety and SIDS Risk Reduction Retrieved From:http://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the- aap/aap-press-room/pages/AAP-Expands-Guidelines-for-Infant-Sleep Safety-and-SIDS-Risk-Reduction.aspx#sthash.1fGpC4k9.dpuf • Department of Human Services (2013). State of Michigan. Safe Sleep. Retrieved from: http://www.michigan.gov/dhs/0,4562,7-124- 5453_7124_57836---,00.html • Knowledge Universe (2012). We Love Safe Care for Babies. Knowledge Universe Education LLC. • U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. (2010) YouTube Video: Safe Sleep for Babies. Retrieved From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNekf5P9_Yg