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Join the ACC50 Committee in celebrating 50 years of city and regional planning achievements. Explore the summary of workshops and projects, update the 'International Manual of Planning Practice,' and honor outstanding contributions with a special award. Dive into five decades of knowledge sharing and look ahead with an anniversary speech. Don't miss out on regional symposia and initiatives to promote integrated development in urban planning. Dank voor uw aandacht!
简介 Jef Van den Broeck, Chair ACC50 Martin Dubbeling, Vice Chair ACC50 DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
ACC50 Activities 2014-2015 ACC50 Committee Jef Van den Broeck (Chair), Martin Dubbeling (Vice-chair), Didier Vancutsem (SG), Khalid El Adli, Shi Nan, Ulla Hoyer ACC50 Activities • Absorbing 50 years of …CaRP (city and regional planning) • Regional or National Symposia • Update of the ‘International Manual of Planning Practice’ • Overview Young Planning Professionals workshops • Results and effects of 10 years UPATs • Five decades of knowledge creation and sharing 2015 • Special 50th anniversary award • Anniversary speech Jef Van den Broeck, Chair ACC50 Martin Dubbeling, Vice Chair ACC50 DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
ACC50 Activities 2014-2015 1 Absorbing 50 years of CaRP Initiative: Ulla Hoyer Creating a website or platform with ‘the most significant’ practices or planning highlights and projects’ over 50 years in different countries/regions. Ulla has sent out a mail to the ND’s/BM’s asking for some cases presented on a power point of 8 folios with text and illustrations. Structure Plan for Flanders Jef Van den Broeck, Chair ACC50 Martin Dubbeling, Vice Chair ACC50 DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
ACC50 Activities 2014-2015 1 Absorbing 50 years of CaRP Illustrations “Urban and regional planning in Flanders: a 10-minutes overview of 50 years of urban policy and spatial planning policies” Gewestplan 1962 Leuven • The 1962 Act and the‘Gewestplannen’ • The city rediscovered • Towards the structure plan for Flanders • From urban renewal to urban regeneration • The implementation of the structure plan • A new policy plan for Flanders Tom Coppens, University of Antwerp After Sprawl (Xaveer De Geyter Architects) Jef Van den Broeck, Chair ACC50 Martin Dubbeling, Vice Chair ACC50 DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
Structure plan Gent (2003) Structure plan Antwerpen (2006) Jef Van den Broeck, Chair ACC50 Martin Dubbeling, Vice Chair ACC50 DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
South Africa (3 of 6) Spatial planning to achieve integrated development • Spatial planning was used explicitly as a tool to achieve integration,coordination and harmonisation of spatial, social, environmental and economic planning and budgeting in flagship projects. • The best known examples are: • Cato Manor urban reconstruction in Durban • Some 120 000 residents had been removed under apartheid • Re-development of Cato Manor (1990 ) was an initiative to demonstrate how integrated urban development could be achieved • The V&A Waterfront development in Cape Town Jef Van den Broeck, Chair ACC50 Martin Dubbeling, Vice Chair ACC50 DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
The Victoria & Albert Waterfront development in Cape Town Peter Robinson BM South Africa Jef Van den Broeck, Chair ACC50 Martin Dubbeling, Vice Chair ACC50 DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
ACC50 Activities 2014-2015 • Regional or National Symposia ‘Learning from the past, lessons for the future’ Initiative: Khalid el Adli Stimulation of ND’s to organize symposia. The ND’s are invited to prepare a program. Possibly the evaluation of the most ‘significant practices’ could be the topic of such symposia. 3 Update of the ‘International Manual of Planning Practice’ Initiative: Judith Ryser, Teresa Franchini, Khalid el Adli The former manual was a huge success. But an update is necessary. For this for the cooperation of the ND’s is needed. Jef Van den Broeck, Chair ACC50 Martin Dubbeling, Vice Chair ACC50 DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
ACC50 Activities 2014-2015 • Overview Young Planning Professionals workshops Initiative: Martin Dubbeling With the help of former YPP participants, a gallery of summaries of the past YPP workshops and other projects will be posted on the (new) ISOCARP website. 5 Results and effects of 10 years UPATs Initiative: Bernd Scholl and Martin Dubbeling Symposium at the ETH Zürich and a publication with a review of past, present and future UPATs. Jef Van den Broeck, Chair ACC50 Martin Dubbeling, Vice Chair ACC50 DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
ACC50 Activities 2014-2015 • Five decades of knowledge creation and sharing • Initiative: Judith Ryser • This project is meant as a reflection on the value and the role of the organization and as a promotion for it. • 7 Special 50th anniversary award • Initiative: PietroElisei, Jef Van den Broeck, Martin Dubbeling • An award for lifetime achievement possibly for a person, a team, a city or an institute. • 8 Anniversary speech, looking back, looking forwardInitiative: Presidents • Presentation of the results of the ACC50 program in a key-note speech on the congress in 2015. Jef Van den Broeck, Chair ACC50 Martin Dubbeling, Vice Chair ACC50 DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION